Design Considerations for Auditory Alarms in the Process Industry: A Systematic Literature Review
This study focuses on the research of design methodologies on the topic of auditory alarms in the context of the process industry. The overall goal of this research is to provide input for both process companies and auditory alarm designers for future development. Specifically, this study uses a systematic literature review on previous peer-reviewed papers on the design and characteristics of auditory alarms in the process industry. The background chapter will provide basic understanding of different factors to consider when designing auditory alarms.
Results identified in from the SLR are that there is little research done in this area. Eight papers was included, and these provided insight from on how the design methodology should be handled in accordance to industry standards, specified characteristics of auditory alarms and human factors considerations. By design, the standards have more of a focus on what to do rather than how to do it, where it can become a challenge for auditory alarm designers. The provided results from the systematic literature review and standards can be used as a simplified guidance on the design of auditory alarms intended for both the use in the process industry, but also for other control room applications.
Further research on this topic would be on the improvement effects of implementing new/redesigned auditory alarm systems, in relation to the standards set by the industry today. Further design and experimental testing of auditory alarms should be considered from human factors point of view, where both the standards and literature suggests this to be the most effective design for operators.