Master of Human Rights and Multiculturalism
Nye registreringer
Navigating Prejudice, Stigma and Human Dignity: The Experiences of Norwegian Men in Relationships with Southeast Asian Women
(Master thesis, 2024)Shifting the focus from existing research which largely centres on Southeast Asian women in interracial marriages, this thesis examines the experiences of Norwegian men in relationships with Southeast Asian women. It ... -
A Different Ithaca: Portrayed, Perceived, Protected? Representations and Identities of Unaccompanied Children as Constructed by Humanitarian Organisations in Greece
(Master thesis, 2024)Following the economic crisis in 2011 and since 2015, Europe, specifically Greece, has faced a significant ‘refugee crisis.’ This situation has not only altered the socio-political landscape, but also has reshaped the roles ... -
Framing Statelessness and Repatriation: A Discourse Analysis of Rohingya Refugees in Newspaper Media
(Master thesis, 2024)The Rohingya crisis is a complex and ongoing humanitarian issue primarily centred in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. The Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority, have faced decades of systemic discrimination, violence, and statelessness, ... -
Decision-making autonomy in intimate relationships and well-being What are Iranian di aspora women's perceptions of decision making autonomy and couples' cooperation regarding contraceptive rights, and how can these perceptions contribute to their well being?
(Master thesis, 2024)OHCHR, UNFPA, and the Danish Institute for Human Rights jointly published a handbook recognizing women s rights, particularly concerning contraceptive and decision making autonomy in reproductive health, as fundamental ... -
Defeated Identity and Socio-Emotional Reconciliation: An Inquiry into the Sri Lankan Post-war Context
(Master thesis, 2024)In 2009, the Sri Lankan state armed forces triumphed in a 26-year-long civil war over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), leading to annual war victory celebrations on 19th May that impede ethnic harmony. This ... -
Fast Fashion, Performativity, & Corporate Social Responsibility: Analyzing SHEIN’s Statements on Initiatives against Labour Exploitation in their Supply Chains
(Master thesis, 2024)In recent years, there has been an increased amount of attention to issues related to the garment sector along with the rise of fast fashion. With an increased demand for clothes, it begs the question: how is this impacting ... -
Tying the Knot, Crossing Boundaries: A Discourse Analysis of Norwegian Marriage Immigration Documents
(Master thesis, 2024)More than one million people with immigrant backgrounds live in Norway, and family immigration has made up about 36 percent of all immigration the last 30 years. The high flow of family immigrants is in public debates ... -
Human Rights and Community-based Approaches to Understanding the Disaster Risk Reduction Framework in Georgia: A Case Study of the 2023 Shovi Landslide
(Master thesis, 2024)This research focuses on the importance of governments developing stronger and more integrated disaster risk reduction strategies as climate-related disasters become more frequent and damaging for our societies. To make ... -
The Universal Periodic Review at the Nexus of Human Rights and Peace: A Critical Analysis of UPR’s Representation of Human Rights and its Potential in Identifying and Preventing Conflicts
(Master thesis, 2024)Amid growing global instability, escalating conflicts, and rampant human rights violations, the legitimacy and effectiveness of multilateral institutions in managing these crises are increasingly called into question. In ... -
Rights Across Borders? The Nordic Saami Convention in Finland and Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)The purpose of this study is to explore if the Nordic Saami Convention will improve the rights of the Sámi people across borders, especially in terms of self-determination, land rights and recognition of Sámi. Being the ... -
The Practice of Multicultural Education. Qualitative Research on Exploring Multicultural Education in an IB School and a Public School in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)Like numerous other Western nations, Norway has a diverse population with individuals from different racial, ethnic, cultural, sexual, and religious backgrounds. One may not be cognizant of how difficult it is to be ... -
Indigenous Immobilities as Coloniality: Indigenous Struggles in the Artic and the Representations of Climate Change Displacement in State and Federal Policies in The United States
(Master thesis, 2024)In the face of a warming Arctic climate, Indigenous communities in the state of Alaska have been faced with a difficult choice: to remain in place or to relocate. Remaining in place means villages will have to withstand ... -
The Norwegian Pentecostal Mission and the Indigenous Guaraní in the Eastern Border Regions of Paraguay
(Master thesis, 2024)This study examines the discourse of the Norwegian Pentecostal mission regarding Indigenous peoples in Paraguay through a period ranging from 1952 to 2015. It looks at how Indigenous groups were represented through the ... -
Survival at Stake: Unraveling the Challenges of Climate Change to the Right to Life in Bangladesh
(Master thesis, 2024)Climate change is causing enormous changes to Bangladesh's environment and ways of living, which is deepening the complex connection between environmental problems and the fundamental human rights to life. This thesis ... -
A discourse on the balance of culture and LGBTQ rights in Ghana
(Master thesis, 2024)On 24th February 2021, a newly established LGBTQ community centre in Accra, the capital city of Ghana was raided and shut down by the Ghana police. This amassed a huge concern from the general public, various media platforms, ... -
Power relations and its ripple effects in humanitarian aid: A study in the post-years of the aftermath of hurricane María in Puerto Rico
(Master thesis, 2024)In 2017, a major hurricane had its landfall in Puerto Rico, a territory of United States of America. My topic is centered in hurricane María and the subsequent years of this hurricane (2017-2022). The reference is María, ... -
Gender based exclusion of Bangladeshi transgender “Hijra” community from job sector
(Master thesis, 2024)In Bangladesh, the Hijra is a large community of third gender people, mostly consisting of male-to-female transgender persons as well as eunuchs or men who had their genitals removed. These Hijras are often a time excluded ... -
Quiet Past, Loud Present: Japan’s Unacknowledged Colonial History and its Reflection in Everyday Racism Against Koreans in Japan
(Master thesis, 2024)Racism and racial discriminations in Japan have been widely studied and, as a result, various explications as to what dynamics and power relations have been suggested. However, while racism is intricately tightly linked ... -
Societal Polarization and its Harmonization: A systematic review of same~sex marriages and Human Rights in Kenya
(Master thesis, 2024)Background: In the contemporary world, marriage and culture are intertwined. Traditional African marriage practices reflect a rich cultural diversity but may propagate inequalities against the existing human rights. In ... -
Identity, Belonging and Political Activism: A Study on Young Adults Among the Kurdish Diaspora in Norway
(Master thesis, 2023)Since the mid-20th century, Kurdish people have emigrated to the west due to political issues, oppression and wars which led to the development of a strong diasporic community outside of their native Kurdistan. This included ...