• The mojo of microadventures 

      Meusburger, Anna (Master thesis, 2023)
      Overnight microadventure! Sounds exciting? Tiny? Fun? Wild? What are the mental images popping up in your mind? Microadventure is a new term for a phenomenon that has existed for a long time but has gained momentum again ...
    • The sublime, ecocentrism & friluftsliv 

      Brady, Ryan (Master thesis, 2024)
      The anthropogenic effects of climate change and environmental degradation are well-known, and the trajectory of ways of living responsible for this decline must evolve to avoid destruction of the hapless – human and non-human ...
    • The Young Explorer experiment 

      Bjornsdottir, Eyrun (Master thesis, 2022)
      The importance of nature connection for children should not be disregarded. With industrialization and urbanization, people of modern societies worldwide are becoming disconnected from nature, influencing both their mental ...
    • Understanding Contemporary Pilgrimage as a Social Practice: A Camino de Santiago Case Study 

      Kop, Peter (Master thesis, 2024)
      This paper examines the increasingly popular pilgrimage, Camino de Santiago de Compostela, through a social practice theoretical lens. The surging popularity has changed what it means to do the Camino and the way people ...
    • Why hiking solo? 

      Erlingson, Sven Anders Henrik (Master thesis, 2022)
      This master´s thesis explores the rationales of why people hike solo, why it gives meaning to practitioners, and which key drivers there are for solo hiking? Previous finding suggests categories of meaning constructions ...