Development of Prototype for Registration of Road Data
The main goal of this project is to develop a prototype to register data to the National Road Data Bank, NRDB (In Norwegian: NVDB). The NRDB is a database consisting of information about the road network. The data connected to the road network is road objects such as road signs, railing, tunnels, etc., events along the roads such as traffic accidents, avalanches, etc., and road statistics such as amount of traffic in areas, traffic noise etc. Norwegian roads are under constant development, regarding both maintenance and expansion. During road development, entrepreneurs are responsible for taking road object measurements. The measurement data are mapped by surveyors or collected from the entrepreneurs’ project-or building tools. The road object geometry and relevant information is handed over by the entrepreneurs for registration.
Under some circumstances there is still a necessity for the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (N1: Vegvesenet) to travel to the designated road to control and register the data. Employees that specialize in registration and measurements of road objects are responsible for this work. The equipment and software used in this registration process are complex due to the wide amount of road objects.
Based on this, there is an interest and need for a simplified registration application which is narrowed down to certain areas. Ideally, a simple and efficient application that employees, who do not work directly with registration, will be able to operate. In cooperation with the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, the decided road object for registration in the prototype is culverts. The focus of this work is to analyze, design and develop a registration application for culverts, aiming to make it user-friendly and efficient to operate. This report consist of two main parts, the first part presenting the background and research phase and the second part, the application development.