Effectiveness of Crankcase-Oil Mist Detectors
Oil mist detection system is one of commonly used safety aids to monitor and detect
engine’s critical conditions in early stages, to protect engines from serious damages and to
prevent catastrophic consequence like crankcase explosions. Therefore, this research attempt
to assess the effectiveness of this system to measure if it is serving the aim that it is designed
for or not and to assess the effect of the different measuring techniques used on the
performance. Moreover, this research investigates whether the effectiveness is positively
affecting the market share among other systems, and if the action taken by the system to protect
the engines posing no other risks on the ship.
A questionnaire based study to investigate the research question is conducted where a
sample of 126 ships had participated, the sample included mix of different types of ships with
different types of engine sizes and different oil mist detector makers using different measuring
technique. Collected data from the sample are analyzed according to quantitative data analysis
approaches. The main findings shows that oil mist detector is an effective aid in alerting engine
operators about abnormal conditions and therefore i t is used on 94% of the sample, it is also
found that performance of the device is affected by the measuring technique.
The research concluded that scatter light technique significantly improved the
performance of oil mist detectors. But, linking the system to the engine shut down system pose
another risk to the ship operation, therefore, the study proposed a future research on dynamic
system for inerting engine crankcase to overcome this risk.