Håndsydd ullapplikasjon : gammel teknikk i nye uttrykk
Original version
Larsen, H. C. Håndsydd ullapplikasjon - gammel teknikk i nye uttrykk. Master thesis, University College of Southeast Norway, 2016Abstract
This master thesis is based upon Norwegian traditional objects decorated with handmade wool applique. These objects are mainly personal accessories to clothing, as small garments. In addition to this; an abundantly embroidered tablecloth. Research question: Handmade wool applique is used as a decorative expression in traditional arts. The different qualities of this material; how is it possible to pass on, develop and renew this decorative expression through my own process of ideas and design? My aim is to put the spotlight on this small part of our common textile heritage, by using the traditional handmade wool applique (with sewing techniques by hand) and motifs into contemporary clothing-accessories. In this way, I will pass on the traditional way of making applique, and I will make use of the motifs and qualities in a way that will give more debt and perspective into the motifs of applique. Furthermore I will also try to give an illusion of letting the elements of pattern being the constructive elements of my products. The practical part has been developed through analysis of historical objects from what I consider to be folk art. Structural elements, the configuration of patterns and aesthetic values will give direction to my own design. Hopefully, I will manage to pass on and develop some small part of our common textile heritage through my five different products in handmade wool applique.