PFGE og spatyping av meticillin resistente Staphylococcus aureus
Pulsfeltgelelektroforese (PFGE) er den mest vanlige typingsmetoden ved epidemiologiske undersøkelser av meticillin resistente Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Pulsfelttyping er også benyttet i denne studien som innbefattet 251 isolater fra syv fylker i Norge fra perioden juli 2000 til juli 2005. Metoden i denne studien er videreutviklet fra en nordisk protokoll, som tidligere ble benyttet ved as Telelab. Analysetiden er redusert med en dag og bruken av et helseskadelig kjemikalie, phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF) er fjernet. I denne studien lot 234 av disse 251 isolatene seg type, og de fordelte seg på 25 pulsfelttyper. Åtte av pulsfelttypene som ble detektert i dette materialet, var identiske eller hadde likheter til åtte internasjonale epidemiske stammer. Disse stammene ble også påvist i en norsk studie fra 94-98. I denne studien var det dominans av en, og denne stammen var identisk til en europeisk klon som i Norden har fått betegnelsen DK E97-1. Det er en community stamme med SCCmec type IV, og som er resistent bare mot meticillin. Andelen av MRSA infeksjoner som har oppstått utenfor sykehus, såkalte community stammer har vært økende etter år 2000. Dette tyder på at MRSA populasjonen i Norge er blitt mer homogen sammenlignet med situasjonen før 2000 da det ikke var noen dominante kloner i Norge. Et utvalg av MRSA stammer som var blitt pulsfelttypet, ble også spatypet. Den repeterende regionen i protein A (spa) genet i hver av disse stammene ble sekvensert. Den diskriminerende styrken til spatyping ble lavere enn den diskriminerende styrken til pulsfelttyping i denne studien. Spatyping differensierte ikke mellom isolater som var nært beslektet med hverandre med en eller to bånds forskjell innen pulsfelttype T1. De ulike isolatene ble spatypet til å være identiske spatyper. Det er usikkert om den diskriminerende styrken til spatyping også er lavere enn pulsfelttyping for de resterende pulsfelttypene i denne studien.||Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is the most common genotypic method used for epidemiologic studies of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This method was used in this work for typing a selection of 251 MRSA strains isolated in seven counties in Norway throughout the period July 2000–July 2005. The employed method is based on a Nordic protocol utilized earlier at as Telelab, but further improved for use in this work. In this study it has been shown that phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF) can be eliminated from the procedure, and that sample preparation can be reduced to four days without loss of data quality. 234 of the 251 MRSA isolates included in this study could be typed. These 234 isolates were classified into 25 different PFGE classes. Eight of the pulsed field types detected in this material were identical or similar to eight international epidemic strains. These strains were also detected in a Norwegian study from 94-98. One of them has been dominating in this study, and this strain was identical to a European clone. In the north countries in Europe it is given the name DK E97-1. It is a community strain with SCCmec type IV, which codes only for methicillin resistance. These results indicate that the MRSA population in Norway has become more homogeneous compared to MRSA population before the year of 2000 at which time there war no dominant clone in Norway. One result from this study also indicates that the proportion of community MRSA infections has been increasing in the period after the year of 2000 in Norway. A selection of the MRSA strains that were pulsed-field typed, was also spa typed. The repeat region of the S. aureus protein A (spa) gene in each of these strains was sequenced. The discriminatory power of the spa typing was less than the discriminatory power of the pulsed-field typing. The method of spa typing did not differentiate between isolates belonging to the pulsed-field type T1 that was closely related with one or two fragments difference in the pulsed-field pattern. These different strains were spa typed to be identical spa types. It is uncertain if the discriminatory power of spa typing is law for the remaining pulsed-field types in this study. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is the most common genotypic method used for epidemiologic studies of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This method was used in this work for typing a selection of 251 MRSA strains isolated in seven counties in Norway throughout the period July 2000??uly 2005. The employed method is based on a Nordic protocol utilized earlier at as Telelab, but further improved for use in this work. In this study it has been shown that phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride (PMSF) can be eliminated from the procedure, and that sample preparation can be reduced to four days without loss of data quality. 234 of the 251 MRSA isolates included in this study could be typed. These 234 isolates were classified into 25 different PFGE classes. Eight of the pulsed field types detected in this material were identical or similar to eight international epidemic strains. These strains were also detected in a Norwegian study from 94-98. One of them has been dominating in this study, and this strain was identical to a European clone. In the north countries in Europe it is given the name DK E97-1. It is a community strain with SCCmec type IV, which codes only for methicillin resistance. These results indicate that the MRSA population in Norway has become more homogeneous compared to MRSA population before the year of 2000 at which time there war no dominant clone in Norway. One result from this study also indicates that the proportion of community MRSA infections has been increasing in the period after the year of 2000 in Norway. A selection of the MRSA strains that were pulsed-field typed, was also spa typed. The repeat region of the S. aureus protein A (spa) gene in each of these strains was sequenced. The discriminatory power of the spa typing was less than the discriminatory power of the pulsed-field typing. The method of spa typing did not differentiate between isolates belonging to the pulsed-field type T1 that was closely related with one or two fragments difference in the pulsed-field pattern. These different strains were spa typed to be identical spa types. It is uncertain if the discriminatory power of spa typing is law for the remaining pulsed-field types in this study.