Privatpraktiserende psykomotoriske fysioterapeuters erfaringer med henvisningsdiagnoser
Aim: This study aim to explore Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapist in private practice experience with the diagnosis written on their patients referrals. Background: It is the diagnosis on the referral from the doctor, chiropractor or manual therapist, which is registrated at HELFO, the Healhteconomy Administration, when psychomotor physiotherapists claim Gouverment Welfare for their patient threatments. The psychomotor therapists own examination or opinion about the patient is not registred. The fact is HELFO make healthstatistics of the psychomotor physiotherapists work using the diagnosis written on the referrals and not by the examination made by the psyckomotor physioterapist. My opinion is that it is a discrepancy between the psykomotor physiotherapist excamination of the patient versus the diagnosis written by the person who made the referral. This phenomenon will be further explored in this study. Research question: Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapist in private practice experience with the diagnosis written on their patients referrals. 1) How do a selection of Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapist describe their rewiews of the needs of their patients treated by them? 2) How does the psychomotor physiotherapists examination fit compared to the diagnosis on the referrals and the statistics from HELFO? Theoretical frame: This study is based on a phenomenological scientific theory. It is also based on theory about Norwegian psychomotor physiotherapy, HELFO (the Healhteconomy Administration), understanding of illness, profession theories and power theories. Method and design: This study is a qualitative study with an explorative and descriptive design. Four psychomotor physiotherapist has been interviewed using a halfstructured interviewguide and the datamaterial has been constructed by transcription and analysed by using the ”Systematic Textcondensation” by Malterud 2003. Main results and Conclusion: The experience of the needs of their patients, the psychomotor physiotherapist interviewed had, was that it is mainly patients with ”mixt problems” and a wish for a better life. They do not want life to be like it is now, but they do not know how to manage to change it. Sometimes they even do not know what to expect or what to ask for. The body is also important in the psychomotor physiotherapists examination of the patients as well as time. It occured that there were hidden psychiatric illness. This study pinpoint the fact that it is a discrepansy in the psychomotor physiotherapists excamination and the diagnosis on the patients referral and this may lead to a misleading statistics from HELFO. It seems like the referrals are based on coincidences and ignorance. An explanation why it is like this may be different view of health understanding or ignorance of the way the referrals are handled. This may cause a wrong picture of the work done by the sychomotor physiotherapists in health care and give a incomplete basis for healthpolitical priorities