Institutt for økonomi, historie og samfunnsvitenskap
Recent Submissions
Impacts on and damage to European forests from the 2018–2022 heat and drought events
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)Drought and heat events in Europe are becoming increasingly frequent due to human-induced climate change, impacting both human well-being and ecosystem functioning. The intensity and effects of these events vary across the ... -
Engaging SMEs and Public Institutions in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency - A Case Study from Sibiu County, Romania
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The paper presents a collaborative project on renewable energy and energy efficiency in Sibiu County, Romania. Through interactive stakeholder workshops, several strengths and weaknesses were identified. Through an extensive ... -
Creating Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Awareness
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper presents the outcomes of the collaborative project "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Development in Sibiu County," conducted jointly by Sibiu County, Romania, Lucian Blaga University of ... -
The Intended Pariahs: Norway's Legal Settlement with Passive Nasjonal Samling Members after 1945
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the wake of World War II, all previously German-occupied countries in Western Europe carried out legal settlements with those citizens suspected of treasonous collaboration with the occupier. Of these, Norway's treason ... -
Why Teach History for Adults? Trends in history teacher education from a national discipline to diversity, cross-cutting themes and learning outcomes with an emphasis on Europe and Norway
(Chapter, 2023)In this chapter I argue that history is not static, and that it does not finish; when society changes, history changes with it. As a result, teaching history needs ongoing revision. By exploring research and policy-documents ... -
Nye perspektiv på Hans Nielsen Hauge
(Chapter, 2023)The chapter provides an overview of the anthology, and of the historiography related to the research which is presented. It argues that the movement led by Hans Nielsen Hauge (1771–1824) must be understood as a changing ... -
Trust in Automation (TiA): Simulation Model, and Empirical Findings in Supervisory Control of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Over the past three decades, Trust in Automation (TiA) has been the subject of extensive research. However, a large portion of the research takes a “static” approach to modeling trust and views trust as a linear unidirectional ... -
Architecting Analytics Across Multiple E-learning Systems to Enhance Learning Design
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)With the wide expansion of distributed learning environments the way we learn became more diverse than ever. This poses an opportunity to incorporate different data sources of learning traces that can offer broader insights ... -
Entrepreneurial networks in localized embedding practices: a case study from the Norwegian micro wool industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper expands and contextualizes relational perspectives on entrepreneurial practice by considering local embeddedness in networks, a hitherto under-investigated area in entrepreneurship research. Local embeddedness ... -
Mellom økonomi og historie: Wilhelm Christian Keilhau
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Artikkelen undersøker hvordan økonomen Wilhelm Keilhau i løpet av mellomkrigstiden oppnådde professorkompetanse i økonomisk historie, tilkjent av økonomer – og argumenterer for at Keilhau var en mer betydelig historiker ... -
Can digital platforms support moralized markets? An analysis of affordances that matter to moralization
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The affordances offered by digital platforms may support the formation and maintenance of moralized markets – defined as markets that are undergirded with explicit moral principles that guide the interactions between market ... -
Fra handlingsrom til forhandlingsrom. Nav-veilederes samarbeid med arbeidsgivere om oppfølging av sykmeldte arbeidstakere
(Chapter, 2023)From the standpoint of frontline workers in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (Nav), this chapter investigates their collaboration with employers in return-to-work processes for employees on sick leave. The ... -
Adult Learning in a Master's Program in Accounting and Auditing - key challenges and employer-university cooperation to enhance learning
(Chapter, 2023)The purpose of this paper is to conduct an analysis of the newly started Master’s program in accounting and auditing (NMRR) at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) to identify challenges to students’ learning, ... -
Fascinasjonen for komplikasjonen: Om forskning på forskningskommunikasjon
(Chapter, 2023)Dette kapittelet introduserer boken Formidlende omstendigheter og gir en overordnet beskrivelse av bokens formål og innretning. Kapittelet setter spørsmålstegn ved en utbredt oppfatning om at forskningskommunikasjon først ... -
Medical imaging consultation practices and challenges at public hospitals in the Amhara regional state, Northwest Ethiopia: a descriptive phenomenological study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Medical imaging plays a vital role in the accurate diagnosis, treatment and outcome prediction of many diseases and injuries. However, in many African countries, deserving populations do not have access to the ... -
Forskningskommunikasjon som kur for forskningens legitimitetskrise?
(Chapter, 2023)Dette kapittelet tar utgangspunkt i en utbredt fortelling om forholdet mellom forskning og samfunn, der det heter at vitenskapen er i krise, og at forskere derfor må «kommunisere mer», for på den måten å sikre forskningens ... -
Teachers as national curriculum makers: does involvement equal influence?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Against the backdrop of curriculum reform in Norway, this article presents a study of teacher involvement and influence in national curriculum making through participation in official commentary processes. Education policy ... -
The effect of capacity building evidence-based medicine training on its implementation among healthcare professionals in Southwest Ethiopia: a controlled quasi-experimental outcome evaluation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) bridges research and clinical practice to enhance medical knowledge and improve patient care. However, clinical decisions in many African countries don’t base on the best available ... -
eHealth policy framework in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries; a PRISMA systematic review and analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Low and lower middle-income countries suffer lack of healthcare providers and proper workforce education programs, a greater spread of illnesses, poor surveillance, efficient management, etc., which are addressable ... -
Historieundervisning om kontinuitet og brudd. Kompetansemål i historie med det nordiske økonomiske samarbeidet som eksempel
(Chapter, 2024)Begreper som kontinuitet og brudd står sentralt i historiefaget. I læreplanen er kompetansemålet relatert til kontinuitet og brudd etter vg3 i historiefaget formulert på følgende måte: Mål for opplæringen er at eleven ...