• Innledning 

      Gezelius, Stig Strandli; Veggeland, Frode (Chapter, 2022)
      Formålet med denne boka er å gi kunnskap om den offentlige forvaltningen av dyrevelferd, og om forvaltningens forutsetninger for å lykkes. Samtidig har boka et allment formål: å gi generell kunnskap om hvordan lovverk kan ...
    • Innleiing 

      Hyvik, Jens Johan; Hoel, Oddmund L.; Krøvel, Harald (Chapter, 2014)
      Målet med denne boka har vore å dyrke perspektivet nedanfrå, i sosial og geografisk forstand. I kva grad deltok allmugen i 1814? Var folket aktive aktørar i 1814, eller bidrog dei med «påhalden penn», som er omgrepet ...
    • Innovation as if people mattered: The ethics of innovation for sustainable development 

      Bryden, John Marshall; Gezelius, Stig Strandli (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Innovation policies’ normative foundations have been little discussed in the academic literature, despite these foundations’ impact on the priorities and consequences of innovation. Especially, the aim of sustainable ...
    • Innovation in Living Labs: A Quantum Approach 

      Leminen, Seppo; Rajahonka, Mervi; Westerlund, Mika (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Living lab research is a well-accepted stream of innovation management literature. Although previous research has documented living labs from a variety of perspectives, the core of living labs and their principles remain ...
    • Innovation intensity and skills in firms across five European countries 

      Falk, Martin Thomas; Hagsten, Eva (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      This study attempts to establish the importance of specific formally achieved higher skills for the innovation intensity in firms across a group of European countries. Innovation expenditures are calculated as the ratio ...
    • Innovation Management Practices in Production-Intensive Service Firms 

      Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hydle, Katja Maria; Pedersen, Per Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This paper posits that innovation management practices are contingent upon the type of industry, and examines the innovation management practices in a distinctive set of service firms: production-intensive service firms. ...
    • Innovation, uncertainty, and inter-firm shortcut ties in a tourism destination context 

      Aarstad, Jarle; Ness, Håvard; Haugland, Sven Arne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Efficient inter-firm coproduction in the tourism industry can bear a resemblance to the concept of small-worlds, typically characterized by pockets of local clusters and shortcut ties that connect and decrease path-length ...
    • Innvandrerarbeidskraftens innvirkning på produktivitet, lønnsnivå og lønnsomhet 

      Iversen, Endre Kildal; Aalen, Peter; Jakobsen, Erik W. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Artikkelen viser at bruk av innvandrerarbeidskraft i bedrifter innen overnattingsbransjen henger sammen med redusert lønnsutvikling og økt lønnsomhet. Resultatet tyder på at bedriftene subsituterer arbeidsstyrken i retning ...
    • Institutions, uncertainty, and entrepreneurial judgment 

      Frølund, Claus Wiemann (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Entrepreneurial action takes place in a context of Knightian uncertainty. In order to overcome this uncertainty, entrepreneurs engage in a process of judgment resulting in a decision about the course of action. Institutions ...
    • Intangible heritage of Icelandic equestrianism: the experience of domestic horse tourists 

      Helgadóttir, Guðrún; Sigurðardóttir, Ingibjörg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Les chevaux étaient auparavant connus pour être les serviteurs les plus nécessaires à la société agricole en Islande. Le cheval islandais, seule race de chevaux du pays, faisait partie du quotidien des habitants, servant ...
    • Intelligent techniques in e-learning: a literature review 

      Ilić, Miloš; Mikić, Vladimir; Kopanja, Lazar; Vesin, Boban (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Online learning has become increasingly important, having in mind the latest events, imposed isolation measures and closed schools and campuses. Consequently, teachers and students need to embrace digital tools and platforms, ...
    • Intention to use electronic medical record and its predictors among health care providers at referral hospitals, north-West Ethiopia, 2019: using unified theory of acceptance and use technology 2(UTAUT2) model 

      Ahmed, Mohammedjud Hassen; Bogale, Adina Demissie; Tilahun, Binyam; Kalayou, Mulugeta Hayelom; Klein, Jörn; Mengiste, Shegaw Anagaw; Endehabtu, Berhanu Fikadie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Background: Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) are systems to store patient information like medical histories, test results, and medications electronically. It helps to give quality service by improving data handling and ...
    • Inter-Organisational Exercises in Dry and Wet Context—Why Do Maritime Response Organisations Gain More Knowledge from Exercises at Sea Than Those on Shore? 

      Carlström, Eric; Magnussen, Leif Inge; Kristiansen, Elsa; Berlin, Johan; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This is a study of inter-organisational exercises arranged by on-shore organisations (ONSOs) and off-shore organisations (OFFSOs). The aim was to compare findings from trained emergency staffs’ perceptions of the impact ...
    • Interfirm resource integration in destination contexts 

      Ness, Håvard; Haugland, Sven Arne; Aarstad, Jarle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      In a co-producing tourism destination context, interdependent firms providing the destination product need to coordinate their relationships to achieve resource integration. We focus on two key dimensions of esource ...
    • International Organizations, Technical Assistance, and Domestic Investment Laws 

      Berge, Tarald Gulseth; Fauchald, Ole Kristian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Can supranational actors influence domestic policy? In this article, we study how international organizations have sought to shape the contents of domestic laws aimed at protecting foreign investment. Traditionally, the ...
    • Internship i historie som transformerende utdanningsvitenskap 

      Sonne, Lasse (Chapter, 2024)
      Et internship i historie handler om å kombinere faget historie med en praksisnær tilnærming til historie der man setter søkelyset på kompetanser som ansees som viktige for å få en relevant jobb etter endt studietid. Et ...
    • Internship i tverrfeltet mellom historie og eventledelse: Midgardsblotfestivalen som eksempel på en faglig utviklingsarena 

      Kristiansen, Elsa; Sonne, Lasse (Chapter, 2024)
      I denne artikkelen vil vi vise hvordan internship kan tilrettelegges som kompetanseutvikling i et tverrfaglig rom mellom historie, kulturarv, eventledelse og stedsutvikling. En internship i historie vil kunne bidra til ...
    • Interpretation and use of the Balanced Scorecard in Denmark: Evidence from suppliers and users of the concept 

      Madsen, Dag Øivind (Journal article, 2014)
      This paper examines how the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) has been interpreted and used in Denmark. Drawing on interviews with suppliers and users of the BSC, the paper shows how these diff erent actors have interpreted and ...
    • Introduction: Social Democracy in the 21st Century 

      Thorsen, Dag Einar (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Since the end of the Cold War in 1989, Social Democrats around the world have been the victims of drastically changing fortunes. After 2015, these mixed fortunes took in several instances, in Greece, France and the Netherlands ...
    • Involuntary backsourcing in the public sector: From conflict to collaboration 

      Berlin, Johan; Jansson, Magnus; Karlsson, David; Carlström, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature on how involuntary backsourcing in public organizations is performed in practice and how it affects the relationship between principal and agent. The study focuses ...