Blar i 2 Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge på tittel
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Identification of signals describing pairwise interaction in plankton, bacteria and bacteriophage : a study of model, microcosm and lake
(Doctoral theses at NTNU;2003:54, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2003)This study concerns interaction between organisms. Such interactions are often studied through organism abundances over periods of time (time-series). Time-series reflect both internal (biological) and external (environmental) ... -
An Image Processing Framework for High Speed Videos from Combustion and Gas Explosion Experiments
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;83, Doctoral thesis, 2020-12-18)The method of high speed photography is used to visualize those phenomena which occur so fast that it is impossible to visualize by the normal human eyes. One of those phenomena is a shock wave propagation during gas ... -
Image-based sizing techniques for fire water droplets
(Doctoral dissertations at TUC;2015:5, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2015-11-12)The Norwegian petroleum industry has developed a standard for the technical safety of offshore installations (NORSOK S-001, 2008). When dimensioning accidental load with this standard, the deluge or fire water spray may ... -
Impact erosion by solid particles in gas-particle flows
(Doctoral thesis, 2021-06-18)Mass loss of inner wall surface due to particle impact, also referred as erosive wear, is a common challenge encountered in industrial pneumatic conveying systems. Previous studies have shown that erosion is a process ... -
Impact of climate change and habitat degradation on two endangered reptiles: the Guatemalan beaded lizard and the Olive Ridley sea turtle
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;165, Doctoral thesis, 2023-06-15)Climate change and habitat degradation are the main threats to non-avian reptiles. Non-avian reptiles are a clade of ectothermic vertebrates that include turtles, alligators, lizards, amphisbaenians, and snakes. As ectotherms, ... -
Impact of single crystal properties on underwater transducer designs
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;154, Doctoral thesis, 2023)The ongoing robotic revolution in oceanic science puts new requirements on underwater transducers. Small platforms require compact multi-purpose transducers, and there is limited space available for the electronics. ... -
Implementing structured vision assessment in stroke care services: The KROSS knowledge translation project
(Doctoral thesis, 2022)Background Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in Norway and internationally. Many functions can be affected by stroke and vision is one of them. Visual impairments (VIs) affect 60% of all stroke survivors, ... -
Importance of air and soil temperatures for bioclimatic delimitations in Norwegian mountains
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;4, Doctoral thesis, 2018-06-18)Distribution limits of plants in relation to climatic variables have long interested ecologists. High latitudes and altitudes house distribution limits of forests, treelines, treeline ecotones and vascular plants in alpine ... -
Improved Multiphase Flow Performance Using AICV and its Potential Impact on Reservoir Recovery
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;198, Doctoral thesis, 2024-06-14)The global energy demand is growing, and oil and gas supply and consumption will evolve in the coming years. It is important to maintain the current oil production to meet the global energy demand. A major challenge in oil ... -
Improved packaging techniques for LWIR microbolometers
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;164, Doctoral thesis, 2023)A new generation of Infrared (IR) camera sensors, based on MicroBolometer Arrays (MBA) has been developed. This technology is lower cost and has no need for active cooling, unlike the previous generation. It, therefore, ... -
Improvement in refractive precision for intraocular lens power calculations in patients with a history of laser vision correction for myopia
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;99, Doctoral thesis, 2021-05-28)In Cataract surgery and refractive lens exchange (RLE) planning, calculations of intraocular lens (IOL) power depend on, at a minimum, the measurement of corneal curvature and the axial length of the eye. In patients without ... -
Inductive impedance matching network for Magnetic Resonant Wireless Power Transmission
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;152, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Inductive wireless power transfer is getting more and more attention as the demand for mobile electronic devices grows. There are already well-functioning wireless charging systems for smartphones, tablets, and electric ... -
Integratable opto-microfluidic devices for sensitive detection of bio-analytes
(Doctoral Theses at Buskerud and Vestfold University College;3, Doctoral thesis, 2014)The expensive fabrication of current optical microfluidic devices is a barrier to the successful implementation of these devices in low-cost, high-sensitivity biosensing systems. Organic photodiodes (OPDs) have great ... -
Intelligent frequency control for the secure operation of modern power system
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;103, Doctoral thesis, 2021-09-23)The modern power system is experiencing several changes to meet the objective to become in a zero CO2 emissions industry. The principal changes are the high penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) into the power ... -
Interdigital-Electrode Thin-Film Piezoelectric Microactuators
(Doctoral dissertations at the University College of Southeast Norway;29, Doctoral thesis, 2018-01)Along with microsensors, microactuators are the most important components of microelectromechanical systems. Many microactuators use piezoelectric coupling mechanisms because they allow these actuators to generate high ... -
”It’s like dancing with the Devil.” Exploring perspectives on risk, pleasure and overdose among people who inject drugs
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;192, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Drug use is a significant health problem worldwide, and people who use drugs often suffer from impairments in daily life in terms of loss of healthy years, and premature deaths. This also affects the person’s family, as ... -
Kampen om trykkefriheten. Karl Johan og den norske presse 1814-1844
(Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;78, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10-27)I paragraf 100 i Grunnloven av 1814 ble det fastslått at «Trykkefrihed bør finde Sted». Til tross for at den nye trykkefriheten hadde flere begrensninger, fikk trykte ytringer et sterkt vern i Norge sammenlignet med store ... -
Kinetic Awareness som transformativ danse- og bevegelsesdidaktikk - Fra instrumentell til eksistensiell kropp
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;3, Doctoral thesis, 2018-06-12)Avhandlingen bygger på et pedagogisk aksjonsforskningsprosjekt utført i samarbeid med studenter i klassisk ballett på Kunsthøyskolen i Oslo studieåret 2013-2014. Målet for avhandlingen har vært å videreutvikle didaktikken ... -
Kompetanse for bedre tjenester: En kvalitativ studie av betydningen av kompetansetiltak og verktøy rettet mot ansatte i psykisk helsetjenester som samarbeider med brukere som kan være truende og/eller voldelige
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;144, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Personer med psykiske helse- og/eller rusproblemer er oftere ofre enn utvøvere av trusler og vold. Likevel kan psykisk helsearbeidere i kommunale psykisk helsetjenester møte brukere som truer eller er voldelige mot dem. ... -
Kontekst for læring. Nærmiljø som læringsarena i utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling
(Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;23, Doctoral thesis, 2019-02-04)Verden i dag står overfor store miljømessige og sosiale utfordringer som får konsekvenser for framtidas samfunn, lokalt og globalt. Derfor vil det være av stor betydning å utdanne elever som både får nødvendige kompetanser ...