A study on Masterbulk's four P-class vessels : how does eco-assistant affect fuel consumption and CO₂ emission?
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This is a research study, conducted to investigate how optimal trim affects the Singapore-based company Masterbulk’s four P-class vessels. The software implemented on the four vessels is ECO-Assistant, provided by Germanischer Lloyds sub-company, FutureShip. The research is conducted by collecting data from a selected period, before and after the implementation of the software. The collected data was restructured in a calculation model to be able to see a difference in fuel consumption and CO2 emission. The restructuring and analysis was done for all four vessels in the P-class, with the exact same limitation parameters. Masterbulk’s four vessels were operating at different loading conditions. If the vessels were fully loaded, there was no possibility to adjust the trim due to various safety issues. Therefore, the analysis done in this paper has therefore been conducted on the sailing days where the vessels were partially loaded and able to use ECO-Assistant.
This paper found that there was a positive affect from the ECO-Assistant on fuel consumption and CO2 emission. Based on the same parameters, all four vessels were able to see a fuel reduction. The amount of reduced fuel and CO2 emission varied for each vessel. This paper concludes that an overall saving across the P-class vessel was seen as a result of the implement of ECO-Assistant. The exact reduced amount was difficult to establish, as this paper operated with different limitations and parameters.
Future research should go in the direction of considering more factors affecting the end result and this should be done by reducing the amount of limitations and predetermined parameters. As this paper only highlights one method to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emission, future study should look at other methods. This should be done individually but also together with trim optimization and ECOAssistant.
The ECO-Assistant affect on Masterbulk´s P-class vessel has contributed to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emission. Although this paper concludes that there has been a reduction, future research should be conducted to measure a more exact amount of actual saving.