Servicekvalitet i banknæring : modererende effekt av kriterier ved valg av bank på forholdet mellom oppfattet servicekvalitet og totaltilfredshet
High quality service is believed to has influence on customer overall satisfaction, and furthermore customer overall satisfaction will affect customer behavioral intentions directly.
The objective of this study is to investigate whether the perceived attributes of service quality in banking sector significantly drive overall customer satisfaction and customer behavioral intentions.
Paper attempts to model the moderating effect that consumers' perception of choice criteria used to determine their selection of bank has on the levels of perceived satisfaction with a preferred bank.
The research involved a survey of 200 bank customers and findings show that the perceived attributes of service quality were significantly related to overall satisfaction and customer behavioral intentions. Firstly and foremost, the thing customers care about is reliability. Next up is assurance, followed by empathy, which is significantly less predictive.
Findings also indicate that customers’ bank selecetion criteria do not significantly affect the relationship between percieved service quality and overall satisfaction.