Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Hauge, Solveig"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Active Care In Practice: Long-Term Experiences From An Education Programme
Ververda, Janet; Hauge, Solveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Purpose: To explore whether the Active Care education programme has influenced the participants in practice over time and if so how. Method and material: A hermeneutic explorative approach. Semi-structured focus group ... -
Balancing the use of language to enable care: a qualitative study of oral and written language used in assessments and allocations of community healthcare services for persons with dementia
Hansen, Anette; Hauge, Solveig; Bergland, Ådel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Although a large number of people are diagnosed with dementia each year, the syndrome is still perceived as a sensitive and tabooed topic. Communication about dementia to those living with the syndrome and their ... -
Control as a core component of user involvement in reablement: A qualitative study
Jokstad, Kari; Hauge, Solveig; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Skovdahl, Kirsti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Reablement, also known as restorative care, supports older adults in regaining or maintaining their independence in daily life through the optimization of functional ability. Users’ goals and healthcare ... -
Family carers' experiences of attending a multicomponent psychosocial intervention program for carers and persons with dementia
Johannessen, Aud; Bruvik, Frøydis Kristine; Hauge, Solveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Background: Psychosocial interventions for persons with dementia and their primary family carers are promising approaches to reducing the challenges associated with care, but, obtaining significant outcomes may be difficult. ... -
God omsorg for urolige personer med demens
Thorvik, Karin Elisabeth; Helleberg, Kristin Mjelde; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Bakgrunn: Hovedideen i dette prosjektet er å utforske og beskrive god omsorg. Teoretiske beskrivelser av god omsorg er vanskelig å anvende i en konkret klinisk situasjon. Det er derfor viktig å få fram mer konkrete ... -
Grindagutar på sjukeheim: Tilsette sin erfaring med kulturprosjekt
Fossøy, Aud Berit; Hauge, Solveig; Grov, Ellen Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Grindagutar at nursing home: Employees experience with cultural project. Background: Culture activity contributes to holistic care for nursing home residents, and the employees are key personnel for success. Aim: Explore ... -
Hvordan dementia care mapping kan påvirke pleiekulturen i en sykehjemsavdeling
Jøranson, Nina; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
Implementing active care through (cultural) activities of daily living: A person-centred approach to achieve flourishing
Ververda, Janet; Hauge, Solveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Aim: To investigate how participants in the Active Care education programme expe‐ rienced using their obtained knowledge in practice. Design: A narrative inquiry as described by Clandinin and Connelly. Method: A thematic ... -
Interview of 15 Norwegian patients informed that there is no curative treatment for their cancer finds oscillation between feelings of suffering and striving for health
Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Commentary on: Saeteren B, Lindström UÅ, Nåden D. Latching onto life: living in the area of tension between the possibility of life and the necessity of death. J Clin Nurs 2011;20:811–18. -
Jo mere vi er sammen, jo gladere vi blir? – ein feltmetodisk studie av sjukeheimen som heim
Hauge, Solveig (Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo;208, Doctoral thesis, 2004)Bakgrunn: Bakgrunnen for avhandlinga er den klårt uttalte fagpolitiske viljen om å gjere sjukeheimen meir heimleg. Formål: Formålet med avhandlinga er å avdekke korleis ideen om sjukeheimen som heim er realisert. Design: ... -
Kampen for pasientens beste - sykepleiers opplevelse av å delta i bruk av tvang overfor personer med demens
Garden, May-Hilde; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The aim of this study was to explore how nurses experience the use of coercion towards persons with dementia in everyday situations -
‘‘Like a Dance’’: Performing Good Care for Persons with Dementia Living in Institutions
Helleberg, Kristin Mjelde; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Dementia care is demanding, and health care workers can become emotionally exhausted and frustrated. Particularly, demanding aspects of dementia care include patient agitation and care-resistant behaviour. The aim of this ... -
Loneliness, loss, and social support among cognitively intact older people with cancer, living in nursing homes ??a mixed-methods study
Drageset, Jorunn; Eide, Geir Egil; Dysvik, Elin; Furnes, Bodil; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Background: Loneliness is a significant psychosocial effect following a cancer diagnosis and may prevent people from engaging in social activities, thus creating difficulties in interpersonal relationships. This study ... -
Meeting psychosocial needs for persons with dementia in home care services – a qualitative study of different perceptions and practices among health care providers
Hansen, Anette; Hauge, Solveig; Bergland, Ådel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background The majority of persons with dementia are home-dwelling. To enable these persons to stay in their own homes as long as possible, a holistic, individual and flexible care is recommended. Despite a requirement for ... -
Milieu therapy for hospitalized patients with late-life anxiety and depression: a qualitative study
Nåvik, Marit; Hauge, Solveig; Sagen, Ulrike (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Milieu therapy (MT) is an important interprofessional part of therapy for persons with late-life anxiety and depression in psychogeriatric inpatient units. Research on how this is conducted is scarce. Aim: To ... -
New quality regulations versus established nursing home practice: a qualitative study
Sandvoll, Anne Marie; Kristoffersen, Kjell; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background: Western governments have initiated reforms to improve the quality of care for nursing home residents. Most of these reforms encompass the use of regulations and national quality indicators. In the Norwegian ... -
Nurses ’ and care workers ’ experiences of spiritual needs in residents with dementia in nursing homes: a qualitative study
Ødbehr, Liv Skomakerstuen; Kvigne, Kari; Hauge, Solveig; Danbolt, Lars Johan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: The aim of the study was to investigate nurses ’ and care workers ’ experiences of spiritual needs among residents with dementia in nursing homes. Nurses claim to practice holistic nursing. Nevertheless, ... -
Omsorg - handling eller føleri ? En kritisk analyse av Kari Martinsens omsorgsteori
Lyngfoss, Solveig; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Within the nursing profession, it has been argued that care is a vague, affective and a poorly defined concept, whose content has become synonymous to an emotional practice at the expense of knowledge and skills. In this ... -
Purchasers’ deliberations on psychosocial needs within the process of allocating healthcare services for older home-dwelling persons with dementia: a qualitative study
Hansen, Anette; Hauge, Solveig; Hellesø, Ragnhild; Bergland, Ådel (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Meeting psychosocial needs is a significant component of quality dementia care. To enable persons with dementia to live at home for as long as possible, a community healthcare service offering care where ... -
Seniorkor - helsefremjande aktivitet i stødig ramme
Fossøy, Aud Berit; Hauge, Solveig (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Sentrale føringar motiverer til satsing på kultur som verkemiddel i helsefremjande arbeid. Forskning viser betre livskvalitet og sjølopplevd helse for den enkelte ved kulturell deltaking. I tillegg er det sosiale fellesskap ...