Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Tien Bui, Dieu"
Now showing items 1-20 of 65
A Bayesian framework based on a Gaussian mixture model and radial-basis-function Fisher discriminant analysis (BayGmmKda V1.1) for spatial prediction of floods
Tien Bui, Dieu; Hoang, Nhat-Duc (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In this study, a probabilistic model,named as BayGmmKda, is proposed for flood susceptibility assessment in a study area in central Vietnam. The new model is a Bayesian framework constructed by a combination of a Gaussian ... -
A Hybrid GIS Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method for Flood Susceptibility Mapping at Shangyou, China
Wang, Yi; Hong, Haoyuan; Chen, Wei; Li, Shaojun; Pamučar, Dragan; Gigović, Ljubomir; Drobnjak, Siniša; Tien Bui, Dieu; Duan, Hexiang (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Soil salinity caused by climate change associated with rising sea level is considered as one of the most severe natural hazards that has a negative effect on agricultural activities in the coastal areas in most tropical ... -
A Novel Ensemble Classifier of Rotation Forest and Naïve Bayer for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment at the Luc Yen District, Yen Bai Province (Viet Nam) Using GIS
Pham, Binh Thai; Tien Bui, Dieu; Dholakia, M.B; Prakash, Indra; Pham, Viet-Ha; Mehmood, Khalid; Le, Quoc-Hung (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The objective of this study is to attempt a new soft computing approach for assessment of landslide susceptibility in the Luc Yen district, Yen Bai province (Viet Nam) using a novel classifier ensemble model of Naïve Bayes ... -
A Novel Hybrid Approach Based on Instance Based Learning Classifier and Rotation Forest Ensemble for Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using GIS
Nguyen, Quang-Khanh; Tien Bui, Dieu; Hoang, Nhat-Duc; Trinh, Phan Trong; Nguyen, Viet-Ha; Yilmaz, Isik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study proposes a novel hybrid machine learning approach for modeling of rainfall-induced shallow landslides. The proposed approach is a combination of an instance-based learning algorithm (k-NN) and Rotation Forest ... -
A Novel Intelligence Approach of a Sequential Minimal Optimization-Based Support Vector Machine for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping
Binh Thai, Pham; Prakash, Indra; Chen, Wei; Ly, Hai-Bang; Ho, Lanh Si; Omidvar, Ebrahim; Tran, Van Phong; Tien Bui, Dieu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The main objective of this study is to propose a novel hybrid model of a sequential minimal optimization and support vector machine (SMOSVM) for accurate landslide susceptibility mapping. For this task, one of the landslide ... -
A review of remote sensing approaches for monitoring blue carbon ecosystems: Mangroves, seagrasses and salt marshes during 2010 - 2018
Pham, Tien Dat; Xia, Junshi; Ha, Nam Thang; Tien Bui, Dieu; Le, Nga Nhu; Takeuchi, Wataru (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Blue carbon (BC) ecosystems are an important coastal resource, as they provide a range of goods and services to the environment. They play a vital role in the global carbon cycle by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and ... -
A Semi-empirical Approach Based on Genetic Programming for the Study of Biophysical Controls on Diameter-Growth of Fagus orientalis in Northern Iran
Bayat, Mahmoud; Noi, Phan Thanh; Zare, Rozita; Tien Bui, Dieu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper examines the possible ecological controls on the diameter increment of oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) in a high altitude forest in northern Iran. The main objectives of the study are computer-generated ... -
Analysis of Outbreak and Global Impacts of the COVID-19
Priyadarshini, Ishaani; Mohanty, Pinaki; Kumar, Raghvendra; Son, Le Hoang; Chau, Hoang Thi Minh; Nhu, Viet-Ha; Ngo, Phuong Thao Thi; Tien Bui, Dieu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Corona viruses are a large family of viruses that are not only restricted to causing illness inhumans but also affect animals such as camels, cattle, cats, and bats, thus affecting a large group ofliving species. The ... -
Application of Three Metaheuristic Techniques in Simulation of Concrete Slump
Moayedi, Hossein; Kalantar, Bahareh; Foong, Loke Kok; Tien Bui, Dieu; Motevalli, Alireza (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Slump is a workability-related characteristic of concrete mixture. This paper investigates the efficiency of a novel optimizer, namely ant lion optimization (ALO), for fine-tuning of a neural network (NN) in the field of ... -
Coastal Wetland Classification with Deep U-Net Convolutional Networks and Sentinel-2 Imagery: A Case Study at the Tien Yen Estuary of Vietnam
Dang, Kinh Bac; Nguyen, Manh Ha; Nguyen Duc, Anh; Phan, Thi Thanh Hai; Giang, Tuan Linh; Pham, Hoang Hai; Nguyen, Thu Nhung; Tran, Thi Thuy Van; Tien Bui, Dieu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The natural wetland areas in Vietnam, which are transition areas from inland and ocean, play a crucial role in minimizing coastal hazards; however, during the last two decades, about 64% of these areas have been converted ... -
Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning and Swarm-Optimized Random Forest for Groundwater Spring Potential Identification in Tropical Regions
Nhu, Viet-Ha; Hoa, Pham Viet; Melgar-García, Laura; Tien Bui, Dieu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Identifying areas with high groundwater spring potential is crucial as it enables better decision-making concerning water supply, sustainable development, and the protection of sensitive ecosystems; therefore, it is necessary ... -
A Comparative Study of Kernel Logistic Regression, Radial Basis Function Classifier, Multinomial Naïve Bayes, and Logistic Model Tree for Flash Flood Susceptibility Mapping
Pham, Binh Thai; Phong, Tran Van; Nguyen, Huu Duy; Qi, Chongchong; Al-Ansari, Nadhir; Amini, Ata; Ho, Lanh Si; Tuyen, Tran Thi; Yen, Hoang Phan Hai; Ly, Hai-Bang; Prakash, Indra; Tien Bui, Dieu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Risk of flash floods is currently an important problem in many parts of Vietnam. In this study, we used four machine-learning methods, namely Kernel Logistic Regression (KLR), Radial Basis Function Classifier (RBFC), ... -
Comparison of Four Kernel Functions Used in Support Vector Machines for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study at Suichuan area (China)
Hong, Haoyuan; Pradhan, Biswajeet; Tien Bui, Dieu; Xu, Chong; Youssef, Ahmed M.; Chen, Wei (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Suichuan is a mountainous area at the Jiangxi province in Central China, where rainfall-induced landslides occur frequently. The purpose of this study is to assess landslide susceptibility of this region using support ... -
Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Condition Assessment of Sewer Network
Van Nguyen, Lam; Tien Bui, Dieu; Seidu, Razak (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Assessment of sewer condition is one of the critical steps in asset management and support investment decisions; therefore, condition assessment models with high accuracy are important that can help utility managers and ... -
Development of a Novel Hybrid Intelligence Approach for Landslide Spatial Prediction
Nguyen, Phong Tung; Tuyen, Tran Thi; Shirzadi, Ataollah; Pham, Binh Thai; Shahabi, Himan; Omidvar, Ebrahim; Amini, Ata; Entezami, Heresh; Prakash, Indra; Phong, Tran Van; Vu, Thao Ba; Thanh, Tran; Saro, Lee; Tien Bui, Dieu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)We proposed an innovative hybrid intelligent approach, namely, the multiboost based naïve bayes trees (MBNBT) method for the spatial prediction of landslides in the Mu Cang Chai District of Yen Bai Province, Vietnam. The ... -
Development of an Artificial Intelligence Approach for Prediction of Consolidation Coefficient of Soft Soil: A Sensitivity Analysis
Nguyen, Manh Duc; Pham, Binh Thai; Tuyen, Tran Thi; Yen, Hoang Phan Hai; Prakash, Indra; Vu, Thanh Tien; Chapi, Kamran; Shirzadi, Ataollah; Dou, Jie; Shahabi, Himan; Quoc, Nguyen Kim; Tien Bui, Dieu (Journal article, 2019)Background: Consolidation coefficient (Cv) is a key parameter to forecast consolidation settlement of soft soil foundation as well as in treatment design of soft soil foundation, especially when drainage consolidation ... -
Development of novel hybridized models for urban flood susceptibility mapping
Omid, Rahmati; Hamid, Darabi; Mahdi, Panahi; Zahra, Kalantari; Seyed Amir, Naghibi; Carla Sofia Santos, Ferreira; Aiding, Kornejady; Zahra, Karimidastenaei; Farnoush, Mohammadi; Stefanos, Stefanidis; Tien Bui, Dieu; Ali Torabi, Haghighi (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Floods in urban environments often result in loss of life and destruction of property, with many negative socio-economic effects. However, the application of most flood prediction models still remains challenging due to ... -
Development of Two Novel Hybrid Prediction Models Estimating Ultimate Bearing Capacity of the Shallow Circular Footing
Moayedi, Hossein; Kalantar, Bahareh; Dounis, Anastasios; Tien Bui, Dieu; Foong, Loke Kok (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In the present work, we employed artificial neural network (ANN) that is optimized with two hybrid models, namely imperialist competition algorithm (ICA) as well as particle swarm optimization (PSO) in the case of the ... -
Dronevideo registreringer i Bøelva høst/vinter 2019/2020: fysisk tilstand, gytegroper og substratforhold
Heggenes, Jan; Tien Bui, Dieu; Ahrabi, Shayan; Aune, Tora Camilla Eng; Sørvik, Hanne Elise Gjelsten (Skriftserien fra Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;69, Report, 2021-04-21)Lakseførende strekning i Bøelva fra Gvarv (oppstrøms jernbanebru) til Folkestad bru, ca. 13 km, ble vinter 2019/2020 videofotografert med drone (DJI Phantom 3 professional med standard kamera Sony EXMOR 12.4 mega pixel) ... -
Enhancing Prediction Performance of Landslide Susceptibility Model Using Hybrid Machine Learning Approach of Bagging Ensemble and Logistic Model Tree
Truong, Xuan-Luan; Mitamura, Muneki; Kono, Yasuyki; Raghavan, Venkatesh; Yonezawa, Go; Truong, Xuan-Quang; Do, Hang Thi; Tien Bui, Dieu; Lee, Saro (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The objective of this research is introduce a new machine learning ensemble approach that is a hybridization of Bagging ensemble (BE) and Logistic Model Trees (LMTree), named as BE-LMtree, for improving performance of ...