Blar i USN Open Archive på forfatter "Sivalingam, Vasan"
Ammonium as a Carbon-Free Electron and Proton Source in Microbial Electrosynthesis Processes
Sivalingam, Vasan; Dinamarca, Carlos; Arachchige, Gamunu L. Samarakoon; Winkler, Dietmar; Bakke, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Biogas upgrading to biomethane with microbial electrosynthesis (MES) is receiving much attention due to increasing biomethane demands and surplus renewable energy. Research has demonstrated the feasibility of MES to increase ... -
Biofilm in Moving Bed Biofilm Process for Wastewater Treatment
Wang, Shuai; Parajuli, Sudeep; Sivalingam, Vasan; Bakke, Rune (Chapter, 2019)A brief introduction of the long history of biofilm-based wastewater treatment is given together with basics of biofilm behavior and mechanisms in removal and transformation of pollutants. Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) ... -
Chemical equilibrium model to investigate scaling in moving bed biofilm reactors (MBBR)
Sivalingam, Vasan; Ibrahim, Osama M.; Kukankov, Sergey; Omodara, Babafemi; Janka, Eshetu; Wang, Shuai; Dinamarca, Carlos; Haugen, Hildegunn Hegna; Bakke, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is a robust, flexible and compact technology for treatment of medium to high strength wastewater. However, while treating with high concentration of ammonium, phosphorus and metal ions, ... -
Effect of Elevated Hydrogen Partial Pressure on Mixed Culture Homoacetogenesis
Sivalingam, Vasan; Haugen, Tone; Wentzel, Alexander; Dinamarca, Carlos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study aimed to systematically investigate the effect of elevated hydrogen partial pressure on mixed culture homoacetogenesis in the range of 1–25 bar. Seven batch experiments were performed at different initial headspace ... -
Effect of Intermittent Aeration in a Hybrid Vertical Anaerobic Biofilm Reactor (HyVAB) for Reject Water Treatment
Sivalingam, Vasan; Dinamarca, Carlos; Wakjera, Eshetu Janka; Kukankov, Sergey; Wang, Shuai; Bakke, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Water from anaerobic sludge dewatering (reject water that is recycled to the inlet main process treatment) from the Knarrdalstrand municipal wastewater treatment plant in Porsgrunn, Norway, contains 2.4 g/L of total chemical ... -
High Pressure Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor for Syngas Fermentation
Sivalingam, Vasan; Dinamarca, Carlos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Two well-studied strategies to enhance syngas fermentation are elevated headspace pressure, increasing gas-liquid (GL) mass transfer, and moving bed biofilms (MBB) to overcome kinetic growth limitation. A combination of ... -
Integrating Syngas Fermentation into a Single-Cell Microbial Electrosynthesis (MES) Reactor
Sivalingam, Vasan; Ahmadi, Vafa; Babafemi, Omodara; Dinamarca, Carlos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study presents a series of experiments to test the integration of syngas fermentation into a single-cell microbial electrosynthesis (MES) process. Minimal gas–liquid mass transfer is the primary bottleneck in such ... -
Life Cycle Assessment of Biogas Upgradation Using Microbial Electrosynthesis
Aryal, Ashim (Master thesis, 2022)This thesis evaluates a life cycle assessment (LCA) framework for biogas upgradation. A study and evaluation were conducted by comparing high-pressure water scrubbing (HPWS) for biogas upgrading and integration of the ... -
Modelling and Simulation of an Electrochemically Mediated Biofilm Reactor Biogas Upgrading
Neupane, Saroj (Master thesis, 2022)Marzieh Domirani et al. (2021) had developed the mechanistic model with the implementation of integration of microbial electrosynthesis (MES) with anaerobic digestion (AD) technology for biogas upgrading. The model's ... -
Moving Bed Biofilm Process in Activated Sludge Model 1 for Reject Water Treatment
Sivalingam, Vasan; Arachchige, Gamunu L. Samarakoon; Dinamarca, Carlos (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)A moving bed biofilm (MBB) process was modelled in AQUASIM using the standard activated sludge model 1 (ASM1) as a baseline. The model was controlled against experimental data from a pilot Hybrid Vertical Anaerobic Biofilm ... -
The sampling interface—A critical Theory of Sampling success factor in process sampling and PAT
Esbensen, Kim; Sivalingam, Vasan (Journal article, 2022)In the process industry arena, analytical endeavors are today well served by the Process Analytical Technology (PAT) framework, offering a plentitude of on-line analytics, mostly spectroscopic: UV-VIS, NIR, RAMAN, NMR, ... -
Simple modelling approach using Modelica for microbial electrosynthesis
Arachchige, Gamunu L. Samarakoon; Winkler, Dietmar; Sivalingam, Vasan; Dinamarca, Carlos; Bakke, Rune (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study intends to develop a simple mathematical model that contributes to the integration of Microbial Electrosynthesis (MES) in AD to reduce CO2 to CH4. Open-source modelling language Modelica was used to build the ... -
Syngas Fermentation and Microbial Electrosynthesis Process Integration to Advance Biogas Production
Sivalingam, Vasan (Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;131, Doctoral thesis, 2022-09-09)Norway is implementing several CO2 emissions control measures to become a low-emission society by 2050. As a part of this great vision, it strives to be the first nation to end the sales of fossil-fuelled vehicles by 2025. ...