Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Eide, Hilde"
Now showing items 1-20 of 73
A cross-sectional study on person-centred communication in the care of older people: the COMHOME study protocol
Hafskjold, Linda; Sundler, Annelie J; Holmström, Inger K; Sundling, Vibeke; van Dulmen, Sandra; Eide, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper presents an international cross-sectional study on person-centred communication with older people receiving healthcare (COMHOME). Person-centred care relies on effective communication, but few studies have ... -
An mHealth Intervention for Persons with Diabetes Type 2 Based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Principles: Examining Treatment Fidelity
Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; van Dulmen, Sandra; Brembo, Espen Andreas; Eide, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: Web-based interventions are becoming an alternative of treatment aimed to support behavioral changes and several advantages over traditional treatments are reported. New ways of delivering an intervention may ... -
Analyzing change processes resulting from a smartphone maintenance intervention based on acceptance and commitment therapy for women with chronic widespread pain
Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; van Dulmen, Sandra; Wicksell, Rikard; Fors, Egil Andreas; Eide, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)PURPOSE: This study investigated change processes resulting from a smartphone maintenance intervention with daily electronic diaries and personalized written feedback based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy following a ... -
Attitudes toward the use of humanoid robots in healthcare—a cross‑sectional study
Andtfolk, Malin; Nyholm, Linda; Eide, Hilde; Fagerström, Lisbeth Maria (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The use of robotic technology in healthcare is increasing. The aim was to explore attitudes toward the use of humanoid robots in healthcare among patients, relatives, care professionals, school actors and other relevant ... -
Background pain in persons with chronic leg ulcers: An exploratory study of symptom characteristics and management
Leren, Lena; Eide, Hilde; Johansen, Edda Aslaug; Jelnes, Rolf; Ljoså, Tone Marte (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This exploratory descriptive study aimed to describe characteristics and management of background pain related to chronic leg ulcers. A total of 121 participants were recruited from two wound care clinics using a consecutive ... -
Building ground for didactics in a patient decision aid for hip osteoarthritis. Exploring patient-related barriers and facilitators towards shared decision-making
Brembo, Espen Andreas; Eide, Hilde; Lauritzen, Mirjam; van Dulmen, Sandra; Kasper, Jürgen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective: The aim of the present study was to explore patient-related barriers and facilitators towards shared decision-making (SDM) during routine orthopedic outpatient consultations as part of the process of developing ... -
Communication self-efficacy in optometry: the mediating role of mindfulness
Sundling, Vibeke; van Dulmen, Sandra; Eide, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between optometry students’ communication self-efficacy and their level of mindfulness and empathy. The study had a cross-sectional design. The sample included qualified ... -
Communicative challenges in the home care of older persons - a qualitative exploration
Sundler, Annelie J; Eide, Hilde; van Dulmen, Sandra; Holmström, Inger K (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Aim To explore communicative challenges in encounters between nurse assistants and older persons during home care visits. Background The older population is increasing worldwide. Currently, there is a shift in care for ... -
Configuration of Mobile Learning Tools to Support Basic Physical Assessment in Nursing Education: Longitudinal Participatory Design Approach
Egilsdottir, H. Ösp; Heyn, Lena; Brembo, Espen Andreas; Byermoen, Kirsten Røland; Moen, Anne; Eide, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: As many students in higher education are skilled users of mobile technology, mobile learning (mLearning) can be a promising educational strategy to enhance their learning experience. mLearning might also be ... -
Digital sårtjeneste. Følgeevaluering fase 1
Solli, Hilde; Leren, Lena; Irgens, Ingebjørg; Eide, Hilde; Brembo, Espen Andreas (Skriftserien fra Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;84, Report, 2022)Forskerne har følgeforsket prosjektet «Digital sårtjeneste, Fase 1» (Febr-20 - juni-21). Prosjektet var et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Vestre Viken HF sårpoliklinikk, 4 baser ved Kongsberg kommunes hjemmetjeneste, ... -
Digital self-management in support of patients living with chronic pain: Feasibility pilot study
Bostrøm, Katrine; Børøsund, Elin; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Nordang, Elise Flakk; Schreurs, Karlein; Waxenberg, Lori B.; Weiss, Karen E.; Morrison, Eleshia J.; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Stubhaug, Audun; Solberg Nes, Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Chronic pain can be complex and taxing to live with, and treatment and support require a multicomponent approach, which may not always be offered or available. Smartphones, tablets, and personal computers are ... -
Digitalt tilsyn – en reise i samhandling og samskaping. Rapport fra forskningsprosjektet "Implementation of welfare technology. Digital surveillance in municipalities and its impact on innovation of services and organization"
Nilsen, Etty; Dugstad, Janne H.; Eide, Hilde; Eide, Tom; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Gullslett, Monika Knudsen; Meum, Torbjørg Træland; Moe, Carl Erik; Stendal, Karen (Skriftserien fra Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge;16, Research report, 2017-10-30)Det overordnede formålet med forskningsprosjektet «Digitalt tilsyn» har vært å finne ut hva som skal til for å lykkes med implementering av velferdsteknologi i de kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Tjenestene er svært ... -
Educating nursing students for sustainable future rural health care services: An umbrella review
Rusaanes, Veronica; Eide, Hilde; Brembo, Espen Andreas; Gladhus, Lise; Oswald, Birte Marten; Heyn, Lena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Rural nursing education stands as a way to contribute to a sustainable nurse workforce in rural areas. Different approaches to organizing rural nursing education are described in the existing literature. Objective: ... -
Effects of Physicians' Information Giving on Patient Outcomes: a Systematic Review
Lie, Hanne Cathrine; Juvet, Lene Kristine; Street, Jr, Richard L.; Gulbrandsen, Pål; Mellblom, Anneli; Brembo, Espen Andreas; Eide, Hilde; Heyn, Lena; Saltveit, Kristina Hopen; Strømme, Hilde; Sundling, Vibeke; Turk, Eva; Menichetti, Julia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: Providing diagnostic and treatment information to patients is a core clinical skill, but evidence for the effectiveness of different information-giving strategies is inconsistent. This systematic review aimed ... -
Emotional communication in home care: A comparison between Norway and Sweden
Sundling, Vibeke; Hafskjold, Linda; Eklund, Jakob Håkansson; Holmström, Inger K.; Höglander, Jessica; Sundler, Annelie J.; van Dulmen, Sandra; Eide, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective: Given the free movement of workers across countries, knowledge regarding communication differences between countries is imperative. In this study, we explored and compared the supportive responses of nursing ... -
Emotional communication with older people: A cross-sectional study of home care
Höglander, Jessica; Sundler, Annelie J; Spreeuwenberg, Peter; Holmström, Inger K; Eide, Hilde; van Dulmen, Sandra; Eklund, Jakob Håkansson (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aim of this study was to explore the influence of characteristics of nurses andolder people on emotional communication in home care settings. A generalized, lin-ear, mixed model was used to analyze 188 audio-recorded ... -
Engaging with EPIO, a digital pain self-management program: a qualitative study
Bostrøm, Katrine; Varsi, Cecilie; Eide, Hilde; Børøsund, Elin; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna; Schreurs, Karlein M. G.; Waxenberg, Lori B.; Weiss, Karen E.; Morrison, Eleshia J.; Nordang, Elise Flakk; Stubhaug, Audun; Solberg Nes, Lise (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Chronic pain conditions entail significant personal and societal burdens and improved outreach of evidence-based pain self-management programs are needed. Digital cognitive-behavioral self-management interventions ... -
Evaluating Welfare Technology Implementation in Municipal Care Services Contextual Adaptation of the Measurement Instrument for Determinants of Innovation
Dugstad, Janne H.; Sundling, Vibeke; Nilsen, Etty; Eide, Hilde (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The Measurement Instrument for Determinants of Innovations (MIDI) was developed to identify facilitators and barriers during implementation processes in healthcare. Thereby the implementation strategies can be better ... -
Examining Fidelity of Web-based Acceptance and Commitment Interventions for Women with Chronic Widespread Pain
Nes, Andrea Aparecida Gonçalves; Brembo, Espen Andreas; van Dulmen, Sandra; Kristjansdottir, Olöf Birna; Wicksell, Rikard; Eide, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Objectives. To examine the protocol adherence to the theoretical background of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in a RCT of a web-based intervention including e-diaries and written personalized feedback delivered ... -
Experiences from Decentralised Radiological Services in Norway- a rural case study
Myklebust, Aud Mette; Eide, Hilde; Ellis, Brian; Beattie, Rona (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background:Implementation of the Norwegian government’s Coordination Reform (2012) aims to decentralisehealth care services from centralised hospitals to local communities. Radiological services in Norway are mainlyorganised ...