Blar i USN Open Archive på dokumenttype "Conference report"
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Assessment of mercury emission at Norcem's cement kiln by use of 203 Hg tracer
(Conference report, 2005)In manufacture of cement clinker, mercury (Hg) is introduced in the cement kiln system via the fuels and as constituents in the raw materials, i.e. limestone, iron ore, etc. The permissible emission of Hg to air is very ... -
Assessment of sulphur emission at Norcem's cement kiln by use of 35S-tracer
(Conference report, 2001)Although sulphur is not a major reacting species in making cement clinker, it is introduced as a pollutant in both the energy carrier (oil, coke, coal, household waste) and in the reactants (chalk, silica). Due to the ... -
At skabe sig selv : om friluftsliv som rum for unges identitetsdannelse og kompetenceudvikling
(Conference report, 2000) -
Burning chamber installation for increased use of alternative fuels at Norcem Brevik, Norway
(Conference report, 2006) -
Can beaver Castor fiber be selectively harvested by sex and age during spring hunting?
(Conference report, 2000)In Norway, Sweden and Finland hunting Eurasian beaver Castor fiber Linnaeus, 1758 with firearms is presently the main harvest form and most are shot in late April and early May. As beaver cannot be sexed from external ... -
Carbon dioxide emission reduction by increased utilization of waste-derived fuels in the cement industry
(Conference report, 2007)Considerable reductions in Norway's emissions of greenhouse gases like CO2 are required to meet the commitments of the Kyoto Protocol. CO2 emissions from cement clinker production originate from decarbonation of limestone ... -
Current distribution, status and patterns of spread of the Eurasian beaver Castor fiber, and the implications for management
(Conference report, 2000)Reduced to 1200 animals in 8 small refugia by the end of the 19th century, natural spread and reintroductions have led to a powerful recovery in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber L. 1758) range and populations. The minimum ... -
Effect of alternative fuel properties on NOx reduction
(Conference report, 2002)Today we see a substantial increase in the use of alternative fuels in the cement industry. The prospect of reduction in fuel costs and the environmental benefits of waste to energy conversion are the driving forces. For ... -
Endringer og stabilitet i norsk ungdoms friluftslivsutøvelse 1970-2004
(Conference report, 2005) -
Energy recovery from wastes : experience with solid alternative fuels combustion in a precalciner cement kiln
(Conference report, 2001)Today virtually all cement clinker burning processes take place in rotary kilns. A mixture of calcareous and argilaceous materials is heated to a temperature of about 1450 °C. In this process decarbonation followed by ... -
Estimation, system identification and chemometrics
(Conference report, 2000)In our master degree program in process automation, traditional modeling and control courses are supplemented by courses in experimental design and chemometrics. A corresponding inter-disciplinary research program supports ... -
Excellence through internationalization : turning "losers" into "winners"
(Conference report, 1994) -
Fornemmelse for stien
(Conference report, 2005) -
Frikjøring i Norge : en studie av aktivitetens mønster og omfang, samt utøvernes bakgrunn og motiver for friluftslivsutøvelse
(Conference report, 2002)Frikjøring ved alpinanlegg eller i fjellet er en aktivitet med stadig økende omfang. Samtidig har også utøverne av denne aktiviteten begynt å gjøre seg gjeldene i statistikken over snøskredulykker. Siden aktiviteten fortsatt ... -
Friluftsliv og psykisk helse : en konferansekommentar
(Conference report, 2007) -
Friluftsliv og ungdom : tradisjon og trender
(Conference report, 2004)Dette innlegget vil inneholde en del dårlig nytt for alle som er opptatt av norsk friluftsliv. Vi har lenge vært bortskjemt med høg deltakelse og god nyrekruttering, men nå er det mye som tyder på at dette er i ferd med å ... -
Friluftsliv, natur- og kulturveiledning : en pedagogisk utfordring
(Conference report, 2000) -
Friluftsliv, sikkerhet og ansvar. Rapport fra seminar om sikkerhet i utdannelse og opplæring 2-4 november 1998
(Conference report, 1999) -
From the industrial to the post-industrial society in 25 years - as seen by an engineering educator
(Conference report, 1998)Dieses Papier beschreibt und diskutiert kurz die Veränderung der Rahmen des Ingenieurpädagogens über dieletzten 25 Jahre. In 1973 hatten die Pädagogen eine stabile, doch vom Ministerium abhengige Arbeitssituation.Trotz ... -
Hvorfor blir ikke flere norske frikjørere drept i snøskred?
(Conference report, 2005)