Smilet i stemmen
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Bakgrunn og hensikt: Studien ser på ansatte erfaringer, holdninger og opplevelser i arbeidet med brukere av NAV. Hensikten med studien er innsikt i hvordan veiledere oppfatter arbeidet.
Problemstilling: Hvordan opplever veiledere i NAV Kontaktsenter arbeidet sitt?
Metode og teori: Studien bygger på åtte kvalitative individuelle, semistrukturelle intervjuer.
Deltakerne var ansatte med brukerkontakt i et av NAVs kontaktsentre.
Empirien er analysert ved hjelp av systematisk tekstkondensering.
Teori som er lagt til grunn er emosjonelt arbeid da dette anses som en sentral del av servicearbeid. Videre er jobbkrav-ressursmodellen og det kundedrevne byråkratiet brukt som teoretisk utgangspunkt.
Resultat: Veilederne i studien opplevde at emosjonelt arbeid var et jobbkrav. Det var viktig for dem å framstå positive og hyggelige i møtet med brukerne. Videre var de opptatt av service og å være profesjonelle. Arbeidet var intensivt, og veilederne opplevde at de måtte være fullt konsentrerte i brukermøtene. Veilederne opplevde at arbeidet var meningsfullt, og at det betydde noe for dem å hjelpe folk. Det kunne imidlertid være belastende å håndtere brukerne, og høre på historiene deres. Veilederne var klare på at jobben i et kontaktsenter ikke passet for alle. Veilederne opplevde videre at arbeidet var styrt med hensyn til hvilke arbeidsoppgaver som skulle utføres når, og uttrykte ønske om mer varierte arbeidsoppgaver.
Konklusjon: For veilederne i studien var det viktig å ivareta og yte god service til brukerne. Smilet i stemmen var viktig i interaksjonen med brukerne. Arbeidet var krevende, men tilbakemeldingene fra brukerne betydde mye for arbeidet. Background and purpose: The study looks at employees' experiences, attitudes and experiences in the work with clients of NAV. The purpose of the study is insight into how employees perceive their work.
Topic question: How does employees in NAV Contact Center experience their work?
Method and theory: The study is based on eight qualitative individual, semi-structural interviews.
The participants were employees with client contact in one of NAV's contact centers.
The empirical data are analyzed using systematic text condensation.
The theory that is used as a basis is emotional work as this is considered a central part of service work. Furthermore, the job requirements resource model and the customer-driven bureaucracy are used as a theoretical starting point.
Results: The supervisors in the study experienced that emotional work was a job requirement. It was important for them to appear positive and pleasant in the interactions with the clients. Furthermore, they were concerned with service and being professional. The work was intensive, and the employees felt that they had to be fully concentrated in the client meetings. The employees viewed the job as meaningful, and it had great significance to them to help people. However, it could be stressful to deal with clients, and listen to their stories. The employees were clear that the job in a contact center was not suitable for everyone. The employees further experienced that the work was controlled with regard to which work tasks were to be performed when, and expressed a desire for more varied work tasks.
Conclusion: For the employees in the study, it was important to take care of and provide good service to the clients. To smile down the phone was important in the interaction with clients. The work was demanding, but the feedback from clients were of great importance.