Multiple Spaces, Multiple Selves? The Case of King Sverrir of Norway
Original version
Bandlien, B. (2020). Multiple spaces, multiple selves? The case of king Sverrir of Norway. I S. G. Eriksen, K. L. Holmqvist & B. Bandlien (Red.), Approaches to the Medieval Self: Representations and Conceptualizations of the Self in the Textual and Material Culture of Western Scandinavia, c. 800-1500 (s. 81-100). De Gruyter.
This article discusses the ways King Sverrir Sigurðarson of Norway (r. 1177–1202) perceived and represented himself. It seeks to move beyond the debate on whether he was mainly a leader of warriors who sought recognition for martial honor and success at the battlefield, or whether he consciously used Biblical and hagiographic references to imitate King David and St. Óláfr, the patron saint of Norway. Instead, by taking departure from the concepts of social spaces (Bourdieu) and cultural hybridity (Bakhtin and Young), it is argued that King Sverrir moved between various discourses of the self. This is mostly based on the main sources to Sverrir’s life, Sverris saga, but also the seal of Sverrir is analysed. The seal is seen as a multivocal expression of the royal self, speaking to several audiences.