Modelling and Control of Two Degrees of Freedom Helicopter Model
USN has built multiple two degrees of freedom helicopters models that are to be used in various courses at USN to expand the knowledge of modeling and control. The helicopter model is a highly unstable system, making it a challenging control object to be used in the various courses at USN.
A mathematical model is to be developed for simulation and controller development. Parameters for the model shall be found by conduction experiments on the real system. PID and MPC controllers are to be designed based on the mathematical model.
The mathematical model developed using the parameters found by conducting experiments on the real system fits the real system well, and was successfully used to develop PID controllers for the system. The developed PID controller was able to control the real helicopter model to setpoint within reasonable time and kept the pitch angle at setpoint with intermittent movement about 3° off setpoint because of random disturbances.
The model was linearized and a Kalman filter was tuned for the MPC controller, but, due to unforeseen problems with Simulink and lack of time, no MPC controller was developed.