Browsing Institutt for språk og litteratur by Title
Now showing items 54-73 of 163
Facebook as an arena for professional cooperation: English language teachers’ work with educational resources
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Digitalization has led to an enormous increase in the teaching and learning materials that teachers have at their disposal. This article aims to shed light on the ways in which teachers make use of a professional online ... -
Fagsamtalen under muntlig eksamen og hvilke krav den stiller til elevenes muntlige kompetanse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I snart 150 år har muntlig eksamen vært en del av det norske skolesystemet. Likevel finnes det lite forskning på denne eksamensformen, og vi vet lite om hvordan eksaminators handlinger under muntlig eksamen påvirker elevens ... -
"Faldende og festlig sne" - snømotivets funksjon i Olaf Bulls dikt "Sneen"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Olaf Bulls langdikt Sneen er blitt tolket flere ganger, men uten at noen har fokusert på selve tittelen. Denne artikkelen tar sitt utgangspunkt i tittelordet og spør etter snøens funksjon i teksten. Den består i å åpne opp ... -
Family language policy: The impact of multilingual experiences at university and language practices at home
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents the findings from a study that explored how the language practices and management to which 156 students from universities in China reported being exposed at home, alongside their language beliefs, use ... -
Fidelity to participants when researching multilingual language teachers: A systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The research field of multilingualism in education has grown exponentially over the last two decades, with more and more studies published every year on the need for teachers to validate the whole linguistic repertoire of ... -
Fire personar søkjer ein lesar: Performative, sanselege og tematiske aspekt ved Tarjei Vesaas' roman Sandeltreet (1933)
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)Korleis syner den litterære teksten seg for lesaren? Kva skjer dersom ein les teksten som overflateregistreringar der ein ikkje let dei språklege fenomena representere noko anna, men berre seg sjølve? Ein vel altså bort ... -
“For a few minutes I could pretend I was someone else” – a study of multiple approaches to fiction reading activities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This empirical study researches a literary reading process. 8th grade pupils participate in a close reading of a short story, Magrete Kind (Zwilgmeyer, 1895), in which they engage with different types of fiction reading ... -
Formative Assessment of Writing (FAoW): A Confirmatory Factor Structure Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This validation study was undertaken to evaluate the construct of Formative Assessment of Writing (FAoW) operationalized by an instrument with 50 Likert scale items. To identify the EFL learners’ experiences of FAoW ... -
Fra effektiv til affektiv læring? Skjønnlitteratur og interkulturell kompetanse i fremmedspråksundervisningen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Den tiltakende globaliseringen vi har vært vitne til i de seneste tiårene, har økt behovet for interkulturell kompetanse i den norske skolen. Mens kulturdidaktikken tradisjonelt har satt andre kulturer som objekt for ens ... -
From digital competence to Professional Digital Competence: Student teachers’ experiences of and reflections on how teacher education prepares them for working life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The authors of this article have collaborated as part of a steering group for Norwegian state-funded research and development project designed to enhance the professional digital competence (PDC) of both teacher educators, ... -
Gender shift in a Norwegian diminutive construction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this article, we discuss the ei litta construction in Norwegian, a construction that involves the use of feminine morphology combined with non-feminine nouns, and expresses evaluation. Through corpus analyses and an ... -
Hacia la síntesis del voseo tuteante. Notas sobre su historia y su variación
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Voseo tuteante is a most relevant isogloss of Spanish, and the culmination of a long historical process. As a form of address, it requires the analysis of the address system for a proper contextualization. As historical ... -
«Han har da ei Lærebygning» Aasmund Olavsson Vinje sitt syn på Knud Knudsen i Dølen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Knud Knudsen (1812–1895) and Aasmund O. Vinje (1818–1870) were two prominent Norwegian figures in the nineteenth century. Although they are both frequently mentioned in various books and texts about Norwegian language ... -
Historien, estetikken og etikken. Tre lesninger av Sara Stridsbergs Happy Sally
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)I artikkelen diskuteres Sara Stridsbergs debutroman Happy Sally (2004) med utgangspunkt i de tre begrepene historie, estetikk og etikk. Teoretisk fundert i narrativ psykologi og estetisk teori viser artikkelens to første ... -
How police investigators seek to secure that suspects speaking a second language understand their rights in investigative interviews
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study presents an empirical investigation of 54 police interviews in Norway conducted with suspects speaking Norwegian as a second language. Using Conversation Analysis as our method, we examine how investigators seek ... -
How teachers use prosody to guide students towards an adequate answer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)This paper focuses on the role prosodic features play in displaying evaluative stance in desk talks and oral exams in Norwegian secondary schools. We explore the extent to which teachers make available, to students, their ... -
Hvordan lages barn? Bildebøker for barn om hvordan barn blir til
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)I denne artikkelen analyseres fire bildebøker for barn der temaet er hvordan barn blir til. Målet er å undersøke hvordan voksensamfunnet formidler dette tilsynelatende tabubelagte og sensitive emnet til små barn gjennom ... -
The impact of multilingualism and learning patterns on student achievement in English and other subjects in higher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Students’ mindsets, multilingualism, learning styles and self-regulation strategies, which represent parts of their learning patterns, can affect their academic achievement in various ways. This article presents the results ... -
Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of spoken, written and material narratives
(Chapter, 2022)The chapter presents the historical and theoretical foundation that unite the volume chapters. It briefly describes the historical backdrop that has motivated the volume and the research project from which it has emanated, ... -
Intonational production as a window into children’s early pragmatic competence: The case of the Norwegian polarity focus and two jo particles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The use of the Norwegian intonation pattern Polarity Focus highlights the polarity of a contextually given thought and enables the speaker to signal whether she believes it to be a true or false description of some state ...