Browsing Institutt for språk og litteratur by Title
Now showing items 36-55 of 163
«Eg meiner bokleg opplysning, denne ‘daude bokstavlære’» - Vinje om boklærdommen
(Chapter, 2021)Hva mener Vinje når han i det ene øyeblikket snakker i favør av opplysning og kunnskap, og i det andre kommer med ironiske og satiriske utfall mot lærdommen som han betegner som «altfor bokleg og lekamlaus og for lite vend ... -
El uso de narraciones para estudiar la influencia interlingüística en la producción de aprendices noruegos de español como L3.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)La influencia interlingüística (IIL) en la mente de los hablantes es una de las piezas fundamentales para comprender los procesos cognitivos de aprendizaje y producción de una segunda o sucesiva lengua. En este artículo ... -
Elevperspektiv på eksamensoppgavene i norsk skriftlig
(Peer reviewed; Others, 2019)Med fagfornyelsen som skal gjelde fra 2020, diskuteres eksamensordningen. En ekspertgruppe som har fått i oppgave å se på eksamensordningene i skolen, har pekt på at det er gjort lite forskning på eksamen, og at vi har få ... -
En bluespreken: Om Son House og «Preachin’ the Blues»
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Eddie “Son” House Junior (1902-1988) was a blues musician from Mississippi, especially known for his recordings from 1930, among which we find “Preachin’ the Blues”, one of his greatest achievements. It deals with the ... -
En nivådelt modell for multimodal komposisjonsanalyse av digitalt medierte sakprosatekster
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I denne artikkelen presenterer jeg en nivådelt modell for analyse av teksters komposisjon av flere meningsbærende uttrykksformer. Materialet er to norskfaglige sakprosatekster, i analysen benevnt som bloggutsnitt, produsert ... -
«En Ridder saa bold og en Frøken saa grand» – spøkelsesdikting i vers og på prosa
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The publication of Thomas Percy’s anthology Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1765) not only marked a new interest in the old medieval ballads themselves, but provided contemporary writers with dramatic literary motifs. ... -
Erotismo, militarismo y mujeres en la carnavalización de la tragedia colombiana en El Toque de Diana de R.H. Moreno-Durán
(Journal article, 2006)La literatura carnavalizada debe caracterizarse por una intención política transgresora, que asuma todos los lenguajes canónicos y elitistas, con sus variantes internas, para parodiarlos y ridiculizarlos al máximo. ... -
"Et språk som alle andre". Om norsk romani i samfunn og utdanning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Norsk romani og andre nasjonale minoritetsspråk representerer en historisk norsk flerspråklighet, en form for flerspråklighet som er mindre synlig i norsk offentlighet og i norske lærerutdanninger enn annen simultan bruk ... -
Ethical dimensions when intervening in classroom research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)There is an increasing amount of educational research that aims at intervening in classroom teaching and learning practices, partly as a response to “what works” in education. However, few researchers ask the fundamental ... -
Ethos i skrift, sak og sjel - tanker om skriving som karakterskaping
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Lange, drøye skriveprosesser åpner ikke bare en mulighet for å forme og finpusse etos med tanke på et endelig mål om å vinne frem med et budskap, prosessene gir også anledning til å utvikle karakteren til forfatteren. ... -
Evaluating Perceptions towards the Consequential Validity of Integrated Language Proficiency Assessment
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)This research study explores teacher and student perceptions to verify consequential validity and the potential washback effect of a locally developed university-level English language proficiency test which consists of ... -
Evaluative conduct in teacher–student supervision: When students assess their own performance
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The practice of evaluating one’s own performance or that of another is ubiquitous across workplaceand institutional settings and is foundational to the educational endeavour. In contrast to the tradi-tional dynamic of ... -
Exploring Communication Strategy Use and Metacognitive Awareness in the EFL Classroom
(Chapter, 2018)This study explores the impact of communication strategy (CS) teaching on students' qualitative and quantitative use of such strategies in the context of learning English as a foreign language in Norway. In addition, it ... -
Exploring plurilingualism, ethnicity, and intercultural effectiveness: Insights from university students
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The study reported in this article examined the dynamics of plurilingualism, ethnicity, and effectiveness in intercultural encounters among a sample of 221 participants from Chinese universities via an online questionnaire ... -
Exploring the Practical Impacts of Research Engagement on English Language Teaching: Insights from an Online Community of Practice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Practitioner research has been gaining prominence as a means for professional development (PD) since it provides teachers with opportunities to reflect on, comprehend, and transform their practices. However, there is a ... -
Exploring the relationship between extramural English, self-efficacy, gender, and learning outcomes: A mixed-methods study in a Norwegian upper-secondary school
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article reports on a mixed-methods study regarding the extent to which the extramural English (EE), external attributions, self-efficacy (concerning EFL reading, speaking, writing, and listening skills), and gender ... -
Face-to-face promotive interaction leading to successful cooperative learning: A review study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The article presents a review of 34 studies conducted from 1995 to 2017 focusing on face-to-face promotive interaction (FtFPI) factors that may lead to successful cooperative learning (CL) in small groups, as guided by the ... -
Face-to-face promotive interaction leading to successful cooperative learning:Review study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The article presents a review of 34 studies conducted from 1995 to 2017 focusing on face-to-face promotive interaction (FtFPI) factors that may lead to successful cooperative learning (CL) in small groups, as guided by the ... -
Facebook as an arena for professional cooperation: English language teachers’ work with educational resources
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Digitalization has led to an enormous increase in the teaching and learning materials that teachers have at their disposal. This article aims to shed light on the ways in which teachers make use of a professional online ... -
Fagsamtalen under muntlig eksamen og hvilke krav den stiller til elevenes muntlige kompetanse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I snart 150 år har muntlig eksamen vært en del av det norske skolesystemet. Likevel finnes det lite forskning på denne eksamensformen, og vi vet lite om hvordan eksaminators handlinger under muntlig eksamen påvirker elevens ...