Blar i Institutt for pedagogikk på dokumenttype "Journal article"
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25+ years of ICT in policy documents for teacher education in Norway and Denmark (1992 to 2020): a study of how digital technology is integrated into policy documents
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper examines the role of digital technology in national guidelines and regulations in Norwegian and Danish teacher education over the course of 28 years (1992–2020). These policy documents are used to examine policy ... -
ABC og lesebok : noen sentrale trekk ved utviklingen av innholdet
(Journal article, 1992)Når vi betrakter historien og abc-er og lesebøker fra omkring 1780 og fram til omtrent 1980, kan vi grovt skille mellom tre faser i utviklingen. Pietisme og opplysning, 1870-1880. Lesestoff om Norge og arbeidsskolepedagogikk, ... -
Absenteeism and the new 10% ruling in Norway: A case study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This study considers the issue of absenteeism in Norwegian high schools with a particular focus on the new controversial 10% ceiling, which began in August 2016. Data was obtained through documentary sources and participant ... -
Agon—Are Military Officers Educated for Modern Society?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The research question in this article concerns how a competitive environment affects the learner’s (officer cadet’s) personal leadership development and their relationship to their team and with future civilian foundations. ... -
Alle må med: Styreres erfaringer med å etablere og utvikle profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i barnehagen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Denne artikkelen undersøker barnehagestyreres erfaringer med etablering og utvikling av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i egne barnehager. Studien springer ut av et større utviklingsarbeid gjennom Regional ordning for ... -
Analysing students’ experience of bodily learning – an autoethnographic study of the challenges and opportunities in researching bodily learning in own teaching practice
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article explores the challenges and opportunities in trying to capture students’ experience of bodily learning based on own teaching practice in teacher education. Applying a sensory autoethnographic approach, I study ... -
Arts-based teaching and learning in teacher education: “Crystallising” student teachers' learning outcomes through a systematic literature review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This systematic literature review describes and discusses the characteristics of student teachers' learning outcomes in various courses that emphasise arts-based teaching and learning. A systematic search was conducted in ... -
Assessing language comprehension in motor impaired children needing AAC: validity and reliability of the Norwegian version of the receptive language test C-BiLLT
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Children with severe motor impairments who need augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) comprise a heterogeneous group with wide variability in cognitive functioning. Assessment of language comprehension will help ... -
Assessment in practice: achieving joint decisions in oral examination grading conversations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)How do examiners reach joint decisions when they grade oral examinations? While government and policymakers provide general frameworks about grading decisions, we know little about how they are actually accomplished in ... -
The association between parental internalizing disorders and child school performance
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Parents play a crucial role in children’s lives. Despite high prevalences of anxiety and depression, we do not know how these disorders among parents associate with child school performance in Norway. We use regression ... -
«Å være pålogget og aktivt til stede». Hvordan fremstiller framtidige barnehagelærere omsorg i barnehagen?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan studenter beskriver omsorg i slutten av barnehagelærerutdanningen sin. Omsorg er et sentralt begrep i barnehageloven og representerer et vesentlig kunnskapsgrunnlag for ... -
A balancing Act – Perceptions of how Teachers in Norwegian and Mathematics combine Digital and Analogue Devices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Focusing on the teacher perspective, this article explores how teachers perceive their use of analogue and digital devices (Chromebooks) in classrooms with one-to-one coverage of digital devices for students. We study the ... -
Barnehageansattes språkpraksis med flerspråklige 1–3-åringer
(Journal article, 2018)De fleste barn begynner i norske barnehager så snart de har fylt ett år. Dette gjelder også for barn med flerspråklig familiebakgrunn. Det finnes lite empirisk forskning om språkbruk i sammenhenger om de yngste flerspråklige ... -
Barnehagelærere med masterutdanning - potensial for å styrke profesjonen og ivareta barnehagens samfunnsmandat?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Stadig flere barnehagelærere i Norge har masterutdanning, til tross for at det ikke stilles krav om slik kompetanse og det heller ikke er gitt at kompetansen verdsettes. Det finnes liten, eller ingen, systematisk kunnskap ... -
Barnehagelæreres arbeid med barns språklæring
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Forskning viser at språktilegnelse i barnehagealderen er avgjørende for sosiale interaksjoner og lek, samtidig legger språk grunnlag for lesing og skriving. I artikkelen presenteres data fra en spørreundersøkelse til ... -
Barnehagens rom og materiell : jenter og gutters preferanser
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)I denne artikkelen tematiserer jeg barns preferanser når det gjelder rom og materiell i barnehagen. Funnene jeg presenterer, bygger på en kvalitativ intervjustudie om hvordan barn opplever og vurderer rom og steder i ... -
Barriers and facilitators for partnerships between parents with immigrant backgrounds and professionals in ECEC: a review based on empirical research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Partnerships between parents and professionals in early childhood education and care (ECEC) are widely acknowledged as important for children’s well-being and learning. For children with immigrant backgrounds, bridges ... -
Becoming a Socially Responsive Co-Learner: Primary School Pupils’ Practices of Face-to-Face Promotive Interaction in Cooperative Learning Groups
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Promoting pupils’ face-to-face promotive interaction (FtFPI) is crucial for effective cooperative learning (CL) in group work. This article provides insight into interpersonal behaviour and supportive communication as two ... -
Bodily Learning Through Creating Dance: Student Teachers' Experiences From Norwegian Physical Education Teacher Education
(Journal article, 2021)Creating dance in physical education teacher education (PETE) is described as a way of expressing subjective experiences based on movements that the students have already mastered or as a way of composing dance with set ... -
Bruk av nettverk i kvinners karriereutvikling mot professor- og dosentstillinger i akademia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I akademia har det vært tradisjon for å assosiere karriere og avansement med personlig talent og særlige kompetanser, og noe som gjerne har blitt forstått som den enkeltes ansvar. Karriereutvikling i Norge blir imidlertid, ...