Browsing Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 634-653 of 1017
Nyttige og mindre nyttige lærerkommentarer - slik elevene ser det
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Sammendrag Til tross for en etablert oppfatning av tilbakemeldingers betydning for læring, er elevenes oppfatning og vurdering av tilbakemelding et lite utforsket område. Hvilke tilbakemeldinger synes elevene er nyttige? ... -
Nyutdannede pedagogiske lederes mestring og appropriering av barnehagens kulturelle redskaper En kvalitativ studie av nyutdannede førskolelæreres kompetansebygging det første året i yrket
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-17)The topic of this doctoral thesis is to study newly qualified pedagogical leaders` competence building. To frame the concept competence, I have been inspired by sociocultural theory (Bakhtin, 2005; Säljö, 2001, 2006; ... -
Nærmiljø som læringsarena i undervisning for bærekraftig utvikling. En analyse av læreres erfaringer og refleksjoner
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Despite an increased focus on education for sustainable development (ESD), many teachers still report insecurity in how to implement ESD in their practice. This study examined teachers’ reflections from using the local ... -
Objectively Assessed Daily Steps—Not Light Intensity Physical Activity, Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity and Sedentary Time—Is Associated With Cardiorespiratory Fitness in Patients With Schizophrenia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)People with schizophrenia often have an unhealthy sedentary lifestyle with low level of physical activity and poor cardiorespiratory fitness—an important predictor of cardiovascular disease. We investigated the relations ... -
Objectively measured physical activity level and sedentary behavior in Norwegian children during a week in preschool
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Although many studies have reported on physical activity (PA) levels using accelerometers, a thorough description of the PA pattern in preschool children during their stay in the preschool, is lacking in the current ... -
Oi! Sjå på den! – Funn av naturelement som utgangspunkt for utforskande naturfaglege samtalar mellom barn (5-6 år) og pedagogar
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The study examines what characterizes situations that facilitate young children´s participation in exploratory scientific dialogues in outdoor education. By using action cameras mounted to the chest of three children (5-6 ... -
Olav Haraldssons bilde i den moderne verden Gustav Vigeland's image of St Olaf
(Chapter, 2019)Arven etter Gustav Vigeland er mangfoldig og betydningsfull i både en nasjonal og internasjonal sammenheng. Men blant de mindre kjente elementene i produksjonen hans er arbeidene han utførte mens han var tilknyttet ... -
Olavian Traces in Post-Medieval England
(Chapter, 2020)In 1918 Sir James Bird, clerk to the London County Council, mournfully noted that if the church of St Olave, Southwark, was destroyed and its parish abolished, it would mark the end of an almost nine-hundred-year-long ... -
Om Askeladdens metode. Essayet som erkjennelsesvei og visdomsdannende skrivepraksis.
(Chapter, 2019)Dette essayet kretser rundt ideen om at essaysjangeren er særlig egnet til å skape erkjennelse og forberede for refleksiv og etisk praksis. Det åpner in medias res. På dialektisk vis veksles det mellom filosofiske og ... -
Om det fysiske utgangspunktet for intonasjon på fele
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artikkelen fokuserer på relasjonen mellom spilleteknikk på fele og hardingfele i folkemusikken og intonasjon. Det argumenteres for at det fysiske rammeverket, inkludert anatomien i hånd og fingre, påvirker intonasjonspraksisen. ... -
Om fornying av demonstrativer i norsk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Formålet med studien som presenteres i denne artikkelen, er å kartlegge bruksområdene og funksjonene til norske demonstrativkonstruksjoner som er bygd opp av et “grunndemonstrativ”, f.eks. den, denne, hun og han, og en ... -
Om kadensformlene i springar og pols
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)This article focuses on the variety concerning the “cadenza formula” in the springar- and pols-types in the older Norwegian fiddle-music repertoire. For scholars, in transcribing the variety of local types of springar- ... -
Om pedagogisk forskning ved norske lærerutdanninger. Pedagogikkutdanneres oppfatninger av pedagogisk forskning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The topic of this study is pedagogical research at Norwegian teacher education schools. The research question we ask is: How should, according to educationists, pedagogical research in teacher education be perceived? The ... -
On dragons and elephants: Religion in domestic and international tourism in China and India
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This introductory essay explores some of the commonalities and differences that emerge from reading this thematic issue on religion and tourism in China and India. Economic growth has led to an explosion in domestic tourism ... -
On equivalence and cores for incomplete databases in open and closed worlds
(Chapter, 2020)Data exchange heavily relies on the notion of incomplete database instances. Several semantics for such instances have been proposed and include open (OWA), closed (CWA), and open-closed (OCWA) world. For all these semantics ... -
On investigating phenomena without losing sight of them: The dialectics of observation and the phenomenological gaze in a kindergarten setting
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this article, the authors address some of the scientific challenges associated with using observation as a research method. The authors ask how researchers contextualise and understand observation in terms of its ... -
On the Coattails of Empire: Norway and Imperial Internationalism in the Time of the League of Nations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The popular perception concerning Norway's particular commitment to peace and impartiality in international politics has from time to time been bracketed by the fact that the country has no colonial past. Such an understanding ... -
On the urgent need for philosophical practices in mainstream education today
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This essay is written based in a concern of ours that the dominant forms of teaching and learning in education today seem to be more in line with what Aristotle called techné and poiesis than with phronesis and praxis. The ... -
On Uncertainty Analysis of the Rate Controlled Production (RCP) Model
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Rate controlled production (RCP) model is used to simulate and investigate the performance of the oil wells which are completed by autonomous inflow control devices. In order to quantify the performance of the RCP model, ... -
Online teaching in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Because of COVID-19, online teaching has become a necessity for most educators in higher education. Before the pandemic, the technology was merely accepted and adopted by a few educators, hence only being used to a small ...