Browsing Institutt for sykepleie- og helsevitenskap by Author "Jacobsen, Turid Iren"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
«Å snakke med andre om sykepleie gjør at det sitter bedre». Medstudentsamarbeid som motivasjon til å lære mer i sykepleiestudiet
Onshuus, Kirstin; Jacobsen, Turid Iren (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Motivation can be created through student participation, where experiences and learning are shared with fellow students. We want nursing students to experience cooperation with other students for inspiration ... -
Nursing students’ experiences with clinical placement in a marginal Norwegian nursing home learning environment
Jacobsen, Turid Iren; Onshuus, Kirstin; Frisnes, Hjørdis; Gonzalez, Marianne Thorsen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Nursing homes are core clinical placement arenas in nursing education. For a range of reasons, however, they are marginally staffed and face recruiting challenges. These issues threaten the educational quality ... -
Practice education facilitators perceptions and experiences of their role in the clinical learning environment for nursing students: a qualitative study
Mathisen, Cathrine; Bjørk, Ida Torunn; Heyn, Lena Günterberg; Jacobsen, Turid Iren; Hansen, Elisabeth Holm (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Clinical placement is recognised as essential for nursing students’ development of clinical competence. However, difficulties in providing supportive clinical learning environments are a well-known challenge ... -
Studentassistenters trygghet i sykepleierutdanningen.
Jacobsen, Turid Iren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Artikkelen er basert på en studie gjennomført ved en norsk høgskole. Studien undersøkte studentassistentenes trygghet og mulige påvirkende faktorer i veiledning av sykepleierstudenter. Artikkelen konsentreres omkring ... -
«Sykepleier er hva jeg vil bli – dere hjelper meg på veien!» Hvordan kan læreren påvirke sykepleierstudentens tro på seg selv i studiet?
Jacobsen, Turid Iren; Onshuus, Kirstin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article focuses on nursing students’ needs for teachers to listen to them, give them feedback and have faith in them while on campus. With good self-confidence, students’ motivation and academic performance may ... -
Sykepleierstudenters samarbeid med medstudenter på campus - til inspirasjon eller til besvær?
Jacobsen, Turid Iren (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Bakgrunn: Sykepleierstudenter samarbeider på campus i ulike læringssituasjoner. Gruppesamarbeid vektlegges for å løse faglige spørsmål og styrke samhandlingskompetanse hos fremtidige sykepleiere. Det er ønskelig at ...