Browsing 1 USN ansatte by Title
Now showing items 850-869 of 4649
Deep transfer learning for fine-grained maize leaf disease classification
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Machine learning (ML) can enhance agricultural yields by combating plant diseases and climate change. However, traditional image processing techniques for disease detection have limitations in robustness and generalizability. ... -
Deep-learning models for image-based gynecological cancer diagnosis: a systematic review and meta- analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Introduction: Gynecological cancers pose a significant threat to women worldwide, especially those in resource-limited settings. Human analysis of images remains the primary method of diagnosis, but it can be inconsistent ... -
Deepfakes: current and future trends
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Advances in Deep Learning (DL), Big Data and image processing have facilitated online disinformation spreading through Deepfakes. This entails severe threats including public opinion manipulation, geopolitical tensions, ... -
Defining compulsive exercise in eatingdisorders: acknowledging the exerciseparadox and exercise obsessions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Recently Dittmer et al. (JED 6:1–9, 2018). suggested a transdiagnostic definition and a clinical assessment for compulsive exercise in adolescents and adults with eating disorders. In this letter to the editor, we extend ... -
Deformations of rational surface singularities and reflexive modules with an application to flops
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Blowing up a rational surface singularity in a reflexive module gives a (any) partial resolution dominated by the minimal resolution. The main theorem shows how deformations of the pair (singularity, module) relates to ... -
"Dei skar so månge skøre i ein kjeppe [...]" : om pinner med innskårne hakk funnet under kirkegulv
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)Archaeological research under churches has unearthed a substantial and varied range of finds. Among the numerous types of objects found are sticks with carved notches. The function these sticks have had, and the reason why ... -
Delayed density-dependent onset of spring reproduction in a fluctuating population of field voles
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Delayed density-dependent demographic processes are thought to be the basis for multi-annual cyclic fluctuations in small rodent populations, but evidence for delayed density dependence of a particular demographic trait ... -
Delegitimizing multicultural education: populist politicians in Norway and the weaponizing of the autobiographical genre
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The rise of populism in Norway has witnessed sustained efforts at undermining multicultural education. Given their distrust of established and mediated channels of public communication, several populist politicians seem ... -
Delirium, neurofilament light chain, and progressive cognitive impairment: analysis of a prospective Norwegian population-based cohort
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Previous population-based, longitudinal studies have shown that delirium is associated with an increased risk of dementia and cognitive decline. However, the underlying biological mechanisms are largely unknown. ... -
Dementia and patient safety in the community: a qualitative study of family carers’ protective practices and implications for services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Background Dementia is a cause of disability and dependency associated with high demands for health services and expected to have a significant impact on resources. Care policies worldwide increasingly rely on family ... -
Democracy and science: two sides of the same coin?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Democracy and science, according to a number of researchers, share several basic characteristics like critical thinking, public discourse, open debate, free flow of information, mutual respect, and the critical role of ... -
Demokratisk dialog i kulturminneforvaltningen. Et slag om fortiden?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article discusses which consequences the political aims about increased use of dialogue and democracy in Norwegian heritage management can have for the sector. Today all levels of public management in Norway are ... -
Demokratisk industriarv? Kulturarvifisering og identitet i øvre Telemarks verdensarvområde
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Industrial heritage supposedly offers workers a right to a past and has therefore been celebrated as democratic. Authorities continue to applaud democratization, supporting and encouraging heritage for all, in an open and ... -
Demonstration of CO2 Capture Process Monitoring and Solvent Degradation Detection by Chemometrics at the Technology Centre Mongstad CO2 Capture Plant
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Solvent management is one of the important current challenges in post combustion carbon capture (PCC) technology development. Using large-scale 1960 h test campaign data (Technology Centre Mongstad, Norway, 2015 MEA Test), ... -
Den analytiske etikk og taylorismens ånd? HR-analyse som ledelseskonsept
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen diskuterer hovedelementer i ledelseskonseptet HR-analyse (HR-A). Vi undersøker hvordan HR-A kan forstås som en faglig diskurs, og hvordan denne er relatert til allerede etablerte diskurser i HRM-feltet. ... -
Den livskraftige barnehagen: En økofilosofisk-pedagogisk tilnærming
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen utvikler en økopedagogisk-filosofisk tilnærming til den livskraftige barnehagen som en framtidens barnehage for en naturvennlig og bærekraftig utvikling. Empirien bygger på et aksjonsforskningsprosjekt i ... -
Den moderne vestlige idrett: Noen samfunnsvitenskapelige betraktninger om et sosialt fenomens kulturelle forløp
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1984) -
Den norske idrettsmodellen - i utakt med tiden?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I artikkelen drøftes spørsmålet om den norske idrettsmodellen er i utakt med tiden. Vi svarer ja på spørsmålet. Dette skyldes en utdatert måte å tenke idrett og politikk på. Det foreligger en kulturell fortelling – den ... -
"Den solberske parlamentarisme": Ny og særegen i norsk politikk?
(Research report, 2018)Ved stortingsvalget 11. september 2017 fikk Høyre, Fremskrittspartiet (FrP), Venstre og Kristelig Folkeparti (KrF) samlet flertall i Stortinget, og statsminister Erna Solbergs regjering fra 2013 kunne fortsette. Etter ...