Browsing 1 USN ansatte by Title
Now showing items 4442-4461 of 4614
Video-based mind maps in higher education: A design-based research study of pre-service teachers' co-construction of shared knowledge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this design-based study first-year pre-service teachers co-constructed video-based mind maps as part of a pedagogy course. The students produced self-made group videos and uploaded them to a joint platform before working ... -
Videolekser som ressurs for lesing og undervisning i lærerutdanning – En studie av hvordan samarbeid og partnerskap kan utvikles rundt lærerstudenters videoinnspilte leserefleksjoner
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen rapporterer fra et pågående designeksperiment der et konsept kalt «videolekser» ble introdusert for å få innsikt i lærerstudenters lese- og læringsprosess. Konseptet ble laget i samarbeid mellom underviserne ... -
Viking Ships with Angular Stems: Did the Old Norse term beit refer to early sailing ships?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article discusses a certain type of ship known from Scandinavian Viking Age and Merovingian Period iconography. This type of ship has a vertical stem and stern that meet the keel at right angles, sometimes with an ... -
Vikingtiden på museum og kulturarvspolitikken(e)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)I denne artikkelen ser jeg nærmere på hvordan vikingtiden formidles på norske museer. I Norge har vikingtiden tradisjonelt blitt forvaltet og formidlet av universitetsmuseene, men de siste 20 årene har disse fått selskap ... -
De viktige bildebokvalgene – lesing av bildebøker som estetisk aktivitet i 38 barnehager
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Denne artikkelen omhandler et utviklingsarbeid som involverte 38 barnehager. Et av målene med arbeidet var at barnehagene skulle få økt kompetanse om nye bildebøker. Et annet var at de skulle få økt kunnskap, og forståelse ... -
Vil et europeisk arbeidslivsbyrå styrke EUs indre marked?
(Research report, 2019)Presidenten for EU-kommisjonen, Jean-Claude Juncker, la i sin årlige tale om unionens tilstand 3. september 2017 frem et forslag om å etablere et europeisk arbeidslivsbyrå, European Labour Agency (ELA). Begrunnelsen var ... -
Vinjes Ferdaminni i opplysningsdialektisk perspektiv
(Chapter, 2021)Ferdaminni handler om Aasmund Olavsson Vinjes reise sommeren 1860. Karl XV skulle krones i Trondheims domkirke, og Vinje dro som journalist for Dølen. Men ønsket om å bli bedre kjent med Norge var nok minst like viktig som ... -
The viral trajectory of a management idea: A longitudinal case study of the Balanced Scorecard in a Norwegian bank
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In this paper the virus theory is applied to gain insight into the intra-organizational diffusion and evolution of the Balanced Scorecard. The study draws on longitudinal data about the use of the Balanced Scorecard in a ... -
Virkelig verdi - et utfordrende måleattributt
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)I internasjonal regnskapsrett er virkelig verdi innført i et omfang som er uten sidestykke i regnskapsfagets historie. Virkelig verdi kan nå brukes som måleattributt på mange områder hvor tradisjonen har vært historisk ... -
Virtual Creativity–Bibliometric Literature Review on Measurements and Factors That Influence Creative Virtual Teamwork
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Creative virtual teamwork (CVT) has become relevant for many domains of our daily lives: during the pandemic, school classes, business collaborations, and even private personal interactions took place online. However, ... -
Virtual Reality Simulators in the Process Industry A Review of Existing Systems and the Way Towards ETS
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)Simulator training with Virtual Reality Simulators deeply engages the operators and improves the learning outcome. The available commercial 3D and Virtual Reality Simulator products range from generic models for laptops ... -
Vision status of children aged 7–15 years referred from school vision screening in Norway during 2003–2013: a retrospective study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background: Undetected vision problems is an important cause of reduced academic achievement, performance in everyday life and self-esteem. This receives little attention in national health care services in Norway even ... -
Visitor flows to World Heritage Sites in the era of Instagram
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The aim of this study is to investigate the extent of visitors to World Heritage Sites in Europe and North America, given their specific location and characteristics. Visitor flows are approximated by 680 million Instagram ... -
Visual acuity in children : the development of crowded and single letter acuities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)Previous research has explored the development of visual acuity in babies and children, and it has been established that the measured visual acuity is dependent on the method used. In the present study developmental trends ... -
Visual and psychological stress during computer work in healthy, young females' physiological responses
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose Among computer workers, visual complaints, and neck pain are highly prevalent. This study explores how occupational simulated stressors during computer work, like glare and psychosocial stress, affect physiological ... -
Visual ethnography as a tool in exploring children?s embodied making processes in pre-primary education
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This article presentsand discussesvisual ethnography as a methodological approach to research on embodied making and learning in pre-primary education. The article reflectsonhowvisual ethnography (Pink, 2007) contributes ... -
Visual function in Norwegian children aged 5–13 years with prenatal exposure to opioid maintenance therapy: A case–control study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose: To assess various aspects of visual function in school children prenatally exposed to opioid maintenance therapy (OMT) and to explore possible outcome differences between prenatal methadone and buprenorphine ... -
Visual impairments amongst preschool and school attendees: A scoping review of vision school screening in Nigeria and Kenya
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasises the importance of quality education and good health. Vision problems affect the academic performance of schoolchildren in developing and ... -
Vitenskapelig praksis, opplysningsstrategier og sykdomsforståelse i Christen Smiths samtid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Christen Smith (1785–1816) hadde utdanning i medisin fra Københavns universitet, men praktiserte knapt som lege. At han ble tildelt et professorat i botanikk og statsøkonomi i 1814, kan fortone seg fremmedartet. I tiårene ... -
Vitenskapsteoretiske posisjoner innen norsk friluftslivsforskning
(Others, 2001)Friluftsliv som eget forskningsfelt har et relativt begrenset omfang, men har nær tilknytning til andre og større forskningsfelt som fritid, turisme, kultur og naturforvaltning. Sentrale tema for den norske forskningen har ...