Browsing 1 USN ansatte by Title
Now showing items 2311-2330 of 4616
The ‘Last Ice Age’ in maritime history: An introduction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The point of departure of this Forum is an ongoing research project funded by the Norwegian Research Council: ‘The Last Ice Age: The Trade in Natural Ice as an Agent of Modernization and Economic Integration in the Nineteenth ... -
Latest results on the production of hadronic resonances in ALICE at the LHC
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Measurement of short-lived hadronic resonances are used to study different aspects of particle production and collision dynamics in pp, p–A and relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The yields of resonances are sensitive to ... -
‘The Lay Gaze’—Rural Norwegian men’s assessment of others’ health based on pictures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this article, we explore lay men's understanding of the relationship between other's bodily appearance and health— ‘the Lay Gaze’. We applied the theoreti-cal concepts of biopower, medical gaze, bodyism and healthism— ... -
Leadership Strategies in Diverse Intake Environments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The case study subjected in this paper was designed to illuminate how school leadership strategies and interventions mediate external demands, in the form of the academic press, for raised outcomes, imposed from the policy ... -
Leadership styles and safety performance in high-risk industries: a systematic review
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The importance of leadership on safety has been well acknowledged and studied for many years in various high-risk industries. This paper aims at (1) synthesising the existing safety leadership research by performing a ... -
Leaders’ Influence Tactics for Safety: An Exploratory Study in the Maritime Context
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)A growing body of research has pointed out effective leadership as an important influencing factor for safety performance in various high-risk industrial contexts. However, limited systematic knowledge is available about ... -
Lean and action learning: towards an integrated theory?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Purpose: Being acquainted with both lean and action learning in theory and in practice, this study finds that the theoretical complementarity of these two research streams has traditionally been underexploited. In this ... -
Lean Courses in Process Form - Do as We Learn, Success or Not?
(Chapter, 2021)Experience of successful improvements in organizations based on lean methods shows that participation and involvement are the keys. Based on this, a university-level continuing course has been created that focuses on quality ... -
Lean i Norge: I ferd med å gå av moten?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Siden 2010 har det vært en sterk oppmerksomhet rundt ledelseskonseptet Lean i Norge. Det har blitt etablert regionale Lean-forum over store deler av landet. En rekke konsulentselskaper har tilbudt kurs og opplæring knyttet ... -
Learning about concepts through everyday language interactions in preschools
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background. In several Nordic countries, the pedagogy in preschools has a social pedagogical ideal. The focus is on development of social competence, aiming to empower children. There is only minimal focus on teaching and ... -
Learning and usefulness stemming from collaboration in a maritime crisis management exercise in Northern Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This research investigates the perceived collaboration between public, private, and volunteer organisations during maritime crisis work, with an emphasis on learning and collaboration. The purpose of this paper is to ... -
Learning from accidents: Nontechnical skills deficiency in the European process industry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Safety-critical industries have long been subjected to extensive research and development to enhance operator performance to improve their efficiency. From a human factors perspective, much of the work in process industries ... -
Learning in Smart Environments: User-centered Design and Analytics of an Adaptive Learning System
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The complexity of today’s learning processes and practices entails various challenges. It is becoming much harder for teachers to observe, control, and adjust the learning process. Moreover, contemporary teaching is enhanced ... -
Lederes faglige legitimitet og medarbeideres lojalitet; to sider av samme sak?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2014)Doktorgraden: Nyutdannede pedagogiske lederes mestring og appropriering av barnehagens kulturelle redskaper (?degård, 2011), viser at førskolelærernes formelle faglige barnehagelærerutdanning gir lite legitimitet. Resultatet ... -
The Legality and Scope of Universal Jurisdiction in Criminal Matters: Is There Any Question to Answer?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Universal jurisdiction in criminal matters has been a hot topic for many decades already. In discussions on its legality and scope, waters are usually muddied by the inclusion of unrelated issues or by the use of inappropriate ... -
Legitimizing private school policy within a political divide: the role of international references
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Researchers are increasingly emphasizing the importance of international actors’ influence on defining education policy in different contexts. The article argues that referencing international organizations is a way of ... -
Leisure and community assessments: Emotional place relations among young teenagers in a Norwegian industrial stronghold
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The purpose of the article is to explore the role of participation in organized leisure activities in young teenagers’ emotional place relations. Data from a survey of students in lower secondary schools were analysed using ... -
Lektorens faglighet
(Chapter, 2024)Målet med profesjonsutvikling for historieundervisere er å bidra til å utdanne det vi vil kalle en «ideallektor» (Sonne & Wiklund Norli, 2023, s. 10-25). Med dette mener vi en lektor med kompetanser relatert til progresjon ... -
Lessons learned from participatory research to enhance client participation in long-term care research: A multiple case study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Although participatory research is known to have advantages, it is unclear how participatory research can best be performed. This study aims to report on lessons learned in collaboration with service users ... -
Lessons to be learned from industry/university cooperation on undergraduate project work
(Conference report, 2000)Experiments with cooperative learning started in 1976, and has since 1982 project work in groups has been the hallmark of the pedagogical approach at Hogskolen i Telemark. This paper examines some attributes of 18 senior ...