Browsing 1 USN ansatte by Title
Now showing items 2214-2233 of 4771
Investigation of small rodents as reservoirs hosts of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in Lithuania and Norway
(Conference object, 2006) -
Investigation of the p–Σ0 interaction via femtoscopy in pp collisions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This Letter presents the first direct investigation of the p–Σ0 interaction, using the femtoscopy technique in high-multiplicity pp collisions at s=13 TeV measured by the ALICE detector. The Σ0 is reconstructed via the ... -
Investigation of the segregation and mixing behavior of biomass in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor using a CPFD model
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Segregation of biomass in a gasification reactor is an inevitable problem that can jeopardize the advantages such as uniform temperature control and proper mass circulation, and good solid-gas contacting area of the fluidized ... -
Investigation of the shifting-parameter as a function of density in the fluidization of a packed bed
(Conference report, 2010)Accurate predictions of pressure drops in fluidized beds are of great importance in the industry. Up to date no satisfactory correlation exists to predict the pressure drop in a fluidized bed as the bed is traversing from ... -
Investigation of the shifting-parameter as a function of particle size distribution in a fluidized bed traversing from a fixed to fluidized bed
(Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2010)The particles in a biomass gasifier are mainly a mixture of wood chips, char particles and bed material. The charwood particles have a significant lower density than the bed material, and also a wider range of particle ... -
Investigations of anisotropic collectivity using multi-particle correlations in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Two- and multi-particle azimuthal correlations have proven to be an excellent tool to probe the properties of the strongly interacting matter created in heavy-ion collisions. Recently, the results obtained for multi-particle ... -
Investigations of anisotropic flow using multiparticle azimuthal correlations in pp, p−Pb, Xe-Xe, and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Measurements of anisotropic flow coefficients (vn) and their cross-correlations using two- and multiparticle cumulant methods are reported in collisions of pp at √s=13 TeV, p−Pb at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair ... -
Investigations of waterborne pathogens in Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) from Telemark county, Southeast Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)The presence of pathogenic bacteria and parasites in drinking water is a well-known cause of human disease outbreaks. There is however, a lack of knowledge of the contamination routes to water. In Norway, the supply of ... -
Investigative modes in research on data use in education.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article reports on the findings from a literature review of research on data use in education published in English, German and Scandinavian languages. The review is inspired by methods for systematic mapping. The ... -
Investment cost estimates and investment decisions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)When evaluating new investment projects, oil companies traditionally use the discounted cashflow method. This method requires expected cashflows in the numerator and a risk-adjusted required rate of return in the denominator ... -
“Invisible” visual impairments. A qualitative study of stroke survivors` experience of vision symptoms, health services and impact of visual impairments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: Visual impairments (VIs) have a negative impact on life and affect up to 60% of stroke survivors. Despite this, VIs are often overlooked. This paper explores how persons with VIs experience vision care within ... -
Involuntary backsourcing in the public sector: From conflict to collaboration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The aim of this study is to contribute to the literature on how involuntary backsourcing in public organizations is performed in practice and how it affects the relationship between principal and agent. The study focuses ... -
IQ and mental health are vital predictors of work drop out and early mortality. Multi-state analyses of Norwegian male conscripts
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Disability benefits and sick leave benefits represents huge costs in western countries. The pathways and prognostic factors for receiving these benefits seen in recent years are complex and manifold. We postulate ... -
Is engineering mathematics really an engineering tool?
(Conference report, 1999)A set of final exams at Telemark State University has been studied to check if there is a symbiotic relationship between the mathematical tool and some technical courses offered at the Electrical Engineering Department. ... -
Is Having Hearing Loss Fundamentally Different? Multigroup Structural Equation Modeling of the Effect of Cognitive Functioning on Speech Identification
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Objectives: Previous research suggests that there is a robust relationship between cognitive functioning and speech-in-noise performance for older adults with age-related hearing loss. For normal-hearing adults, on the ... -
Is health literacy of family carers associated with carer burden, quality of life, and time spent on informal care for older persons living with dementia?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Introduction: Family carers are cornerstones in the care of older people living with dementia. Family carers report extensive carer burden, reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and extensive time spent on informal ... -
Is more always better? On the relevance of decreasing returns to scale on innovation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)We contribute to the literature on the assessment of innovation systems by relating the amount of inputs available to the system and its performance through the concept of returns to scale (increasing, constant or decreasing). ... -
Is physical exercise and dietary therapy a feasible alternative to cognitive behavior therapy in treatment of eating disorders? A randomized controlled trial of two group therapies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective: To compare effects of physical exercise and dietary therapy (PED‐t) to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in treatment of bulimia nervosa (BN) and binge‐eating disorder (BED). Method: The active sample (18–40 years ... -
Is Sport Sustainable?—It Depends!
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Is sport sustainable? Could sport be sustainable? Is there hope? The short answer is: it depends. This article discusses the six most essential issues on which answers to the questions above depend. First, it depends on ... -
Is the established role of the public librarianship still valid, or will it have to be fundamentally revised due to the digital revolution?
(Conference report, 1998)The last nearly two years I have had the opportunity of being president of the Norwegian library association. This has given me an opportunity to study to some extent present EU developments and policies. This definitely ...