Browsing Master i optometri og synsvitenskap by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 31
Assessment of Shared Decision Making in Optometry Using the 9-Item Shared Decision- Making Questionnaire
(Master thesis, 2020)Background: The perspective of both the patient and the optometrist have an enormous role to play during a clinical encounter. Nevertheless, few studies have been carried out to evaluate shared decision making in optometric ... -
Beta parapapillary atrophy : frequency and distribution of frequencies around the optic nerve head by the means of colour fundus photography and spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT)
(Master thesis, 2019)Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the prevalence and distribution of frequencies of beta parapapillary atrophy and its distal border around the optic nerve head identified by the means of colour fundus ... -
Chromatic discrimination in young carriers of red-green colour vision deficiencies
(Master thesis, 2014)Purpose: Visual discrimination skills, like discrimination of motion and colour, improve throughout adolescence in normal trichromats. Some adult carriers of red-green colour vision deficiencies exhibit reduced colour ... -
Clinical characteristics of Finnish patients with X-linked Retinoschisis
(Master thesis, 2020)Purpose: To study the clinical characteristics of the eyes including retinal morphology in patients with X-linked retinoschisis (XLRS) and to investigate genotype-phenotype correlations. Methods: Retrospective assessment ... -
Compare of performance of two brands of Lissamine green strips : the difference between two brands of Lissamine green dye to determining their staining ability in cornea, conjunctiva, Lid wiper and presenting Marx line
(Master thesis, 2020)Background Ophthalmic dyes are organic compounds widely used for diagnostic purposes. Lissamine Green (LG) is a vital dye with ability to stain ocular surface epithelial cells, unprotected by mucin or glycocalyx, also ... -
Demodex in humans and their clinical implications : an overview of current research on various aspects on human Demodex infestations
(Master thesis, 2020)Background Demodex is a common and obligatory human ecto-parasite found predominantly in the facial area where active sebum secretion creates a suitable environment and breeding conditions (Lacey et al., 2009; Zhong et ... -
Development and Maturation of Global Motion Sensitivity in Children of Kathmandu
(Master thesis, 2016)Introduction: Global motion processing is an essential part of visual perception involving higher cortical areas. The motion coherence threshold (MCT) is used to evaluate global motion processing. Previous studies have ... -
Dry eye disease and visual quality of life among adult patients seen in a Norwegian optometric practice
(Master thesis, 2019)Purpose To explore the visual quality of life (VQoL) of patients attending Norwegian optometric practice for a dry eye examination. Methods In total 49 patients underwent a thorough dry eye examination at the ... -
Dry eye disease, dry eye signs and symptoms, and vision-related quality of life in people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
(Master thesis, 2020)Purpose The aim of this study is to investigate dry eye disease (DED), dry eye signs and symptoms among people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), and the association between DED and dry eye signs and symptoms and Visual ... -
En studie på hornhinnelappens tykkelse ved bruk av Moria M2SU 90 : en avhandling innlevert til Høgskolen i Buskerud for graden Master i Synsvitenskap.
(Master thesis, 2014)Denne studien har undersøkt om hornhinnekrumning, hornhinnetykkelse, kjønn, alder, refraktiv status (sfærisk ekvivalens) og grad av hornhinneastigmatisme kan ha betydning for hvor tykk hornhinnelappen blir ved bruk av ... -
Endoftalmitt etter kataraktkirurgi: vurdering av topikal postoperativ antibiotika og førstedagskontroll
(Master thesis, 2014)Formål: Hovedmålet med studien var å undersøke om forekomsten av postoperative endoftalmitt (PE) etter kataraktkirurgi endret seg etter bortfall av topikal postoperativ antibiotika (Kloramfenikol øyedråper). Delmål ved ... -
Forekomst av synsanomalier hos barn i tidlig skolealder 6-7 år
(Master thesis, 2016)BAKGRUNN: Den eneste offentlige synsundersøkelsen av barn i Norge i dag foregår på helsestasjonen på 4-årskontrollen. Ingen barn undersøkes av autorisert øyehelsepersonell. Det finnes ikke tall på hva syn og samsynssatus ... -
Forekomst av tørre øyne hos voksne pasienter i norsk optometrisk praksis
(Master thesis, 2016)Formål: Studiens primære formål var å kartlegge forekomsten av tørre øyne hos pasienter i norsk optometrisk praksis ved hjelp av spørreskjema og kliniske tester for tørre øyne. Metode: 192 kvinner og menn i alderen 18 – ... -
Kan systematisk vurdering av serier av fundusfotoer tatt i optometrisk praksis hjelpe i identifiseringen av mistenkt glaukom? : en retrospektiv kasuskontroll studie
(Master thesis, 2018)Formål Glaukom er blant de vanligste årsakene til blindhet i verden i dag, men synstap kan unngås dersom tilstanden oppdages tidlig og behandles. Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke i hvilken grad serier av ... -
Kartlegging av synsstatus blant barn i 6 og 7-årsalderen i Bø og Seljord kommune
(Master thesis, 2016)Bakgrunn: Det mangler norske data på forekomsten av synsanomalier blant barn i tidlig skolealder i nyere tid. Formål: Hovedformålet med studien er å kartlegge synsstatus blant barn i 6-7 årsalderen. En slik informasjon ... -
Lesing og synsfunksjon hos barn 8-12 år :sammenheng mellom leseferdighet, øyemotorikk og visuell persepsjon
(Master thesis, 2016)Bakgrunn: På tross av at man stort sett er enig i at synet ikke er årsak til spesifikke lesevansker er det fortsatt uklart i hvor stor grad lesing påvirkes av synsmessige forhold. Om det er sammenheng mellom leseferdighet, ... -
Mapping the structural and functional changes in the macular area in patients with type 2 diabetes
(Master thesis, 2019)Purpose: Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes to blindness in the working population today. It can be detected, classified and followed up by optometrists through different optometric examinations. The primary ... -
Non-invasive Raman spectroscopy of Albumin in the aqueous humor of the anterior chamber of the eye : an initial in vitro validation of a novel slit lamp mounted setup for Raman spectroscopy of proteins in the aqueous humor of the living eye using a customized eye model
(Master thesis, 2020)Introduction: Aqueous humor proteins have been identified as important biomarkers for ocular diseases. The main aim of this study was to perform an initial in vitro validation of a novel patented instrumental setup for ... -
Optical coherence tomography vs fundus photography in detecting macular edema in subjects with type 2 diabetes
(Master thesis, 2020)Introduction The screening of diabetic retinopathy has been relied on fundus photography but since it is 2-dimensional, it is difficult to identify diabetic macular edema (DME), which is the most feared ocular complication ... -
Paper based DEM vs computerized DEM test : printed and computerized DEM test in Nepali adults in varying directions of reading
(Master thesis, 2020)Background: Measurement of an eye movements during reading provides an optometrist with a piece of valuable information about visual information processing. Developmental eye movement test (DEM) is a number naming paper-based ...