Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 2469-2488 of 3752
Opposing forces of business model innovation in the renewable energy sector: Alternative patterns and strategies
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)An increased focus on renewable energy use and the liberalisation and digitalisation of the energy market has led to the adoption of innovative business models by energy businesses. This paper explores business model ... -
Optical performance of piezoelectrically actuated MEMS tunable lenses with various pupil geometries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Abstract. A square geometry for the diaphragm of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) tunable lenses with circular pupils is often used. This square diaphragm introduces aberrations that would not be present for a circular ... -
Optically induced refractive errors reduces fixation stability but saccade latency remains stable
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of optically induced refractive errors on saccade latency and fixation stability. Sixteen healthy, young adults (two males), with normal visual acuity and normal ... -
Optimal foraging by a large ungulate in an extreme environment: Wild mountain reindeer select snow-free feeding habitats in winter
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Optimal foraging models predict that individual animals will optimize net energy gain by intensifying forage activity and/or reducing forage energy cost. Then, the free distribution model predicts an animal's distribution ... -
Optimal Frequency Support of Variable-Speed Hydropower Plants at Telemark and Vestfold, Norway: Future Scenarios of Nordic Power System
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The integration of renewable resources is quickly growing in the Nordic power system (NPS), and it has led to increasing challenges for the operation and control of the NPS. Nordic countries require that the first-generation ... -
An Optimal Method for Speech Recognition Based on Neural Network
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Natural language processing technologies have become more widely available in recent years, making them more useful in everyday situations. Machine learning systems that employ accessible datasets and corporate work to ... -
Optimal Operation of Stand-Alone Microgrid Considering Emission Issues and Demand Response Program Using Whale Optimization Algorithm
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Microgrids are new technologies for integrating renewable energies into power systems. Optimal operation of renewable energy sources in standalone micro-grids is an intensive task due to the continuous variation of their ... -
Optimal Settings of Fast Active Power Controller: Nordic Case
(Chapter, 2020)The Nordic power system is continuously changing, and it has been experiencing a growing replacing of conventional power plants with renewable power plants, this together with other factors are causing reduction of the ... -
Optimal Tuning of Active Power Gradient Control for Frequency Support in Multi-Energy Systems
(Chapter, 2020)Coping with severe active power imbalances constitutes a challenging task in low inertia multi-energy systems. The phase out of the majority of conventional power plants with large size synchronous generators entails that ... -
Optimal UFLS Settings: An Assessment of Frequency System Response Indicators
(Chapter, 2020)This paper investigates the positive changes in the system frequency response indicators caused by the implementation of a set of optimal settings of an under-frequency load shedding (UFLS) scheme. The optimal UFLS scheme ... -
Optimal under-frequency load shedding setting at Altai-Uliastai regional power system, Mongolia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The Altai-Uliastai regional power system (AURPS) is a regional power system radially interconnected to the power system of Mongolia. The 110 kV interconnection is exceptionally long and susceptible to frequent trips because ... -
Optimism and alienation – colour schemes and soundscapes as means for the social construction of risk in climate education videos
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)While the field of climate change communication has become increasingly interested in visual representations, there has been a lack of research that attempts to capture the breadth and variety of semiotic resources being ... -
Optimization of gas velocity and pressure drop in CO2 absorption column
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)For a traditional amine-based CO2 capture system, the absorber column accounts for a significant part of the overall capital- and operating cost. One important design factor of absorber columns is the gas velocity through ... -
An Optimization-Linked Intelligent Security Algorithm for Smart Healthcare Organizations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)IoT-enabled healthcare apps are providing significant value to society by offering cost-effective patient monitoring solutions in IoT-enabled buildings. However, with a large number of users and sensitive personal information ... -
Optometriske berømtheter i Krona (3) : Kjell Inge Daae
(Others, 2017)Hvem skjuler seg bak romnavn i optikerutdanningens nye lokaler? Alle norske optikere vet hvem Kjell Inge Daae er. Men for noen få som har fullført sin utdanning de siste årene, og unge studenter som fortsatt er under ... -
Oral skills and learner agency in the foreign language classroom: Reflections on self-regulated learning and feedback in a Nordic perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Learner agency is frequently advocated as a basic principle of contemporary language education, involving learner engagement and autonomy. This principle is supported by research in the fields of Self-Regulated Learning ... -
Orf virus infection in Alaskan mountain goats, Dall’s sheep, muskoxen, caribou and Sitka black-tailed deer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background: The zoonotic Orf virus (ORFV; genus Parapoxvirus, Poxviridae family) occurs worldwide and is transmitted between sheep and goats, wildlife and man. Archived tissue samples from 16 Alaskan wildlife cases, ... -
Organisasjoners tilpasning til radikale reformer
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Artikkelen beskriver hvordan to norske energiverk tilpasser seg den radikale og liberale markedsreformen som ble implementert i elforsyningen som en følge av ny energilov i 1990. Jeg argumenterer for at viljen og evnen til ... -
Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries: a cross-sectional survey
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Recovery colleges were developed in England to support the recovery of individuals who have mental health symptoms or mental illness. They have been founded in many countries but there has been little international ... -
Organising family and business: Affective value prioritisation amongst older entrepreneurs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper explores the entrepreneurial motivations of older entrepreneurs, specifically the importance of affective motivations and the influence of family and personal wellbeing on older entrepreneurs’ decisions to ...