Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 2429-2448 of 3759
Older Persons’ Experiences of Depressive Ill-Health and Family Support
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)The aim of this study was to explore experiences of the meaning of family support among older persons with depressive ill-health. Data were collected from twenty-nine participants through semistructured interviews and ... -
Older persons’ expressed worries during nursing care at home: Do health complexity and nature of nursing care in the visit matter?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective: Older persons receiving home care express more cues and concerns compared to other clinical contexts. Increased health condition complexity requires a corresponding increase in nursing competence. The aim of ... -
Older Persons’ Lived Experiences of Depression and Self-Management
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Mental ill-health, such as depression in the elderly, is a complex issue that is influenced by the life-world perspective of older persons. Their self-management ability should be strengthened based on an understanding of ... -
Older persons’ worries expressed during home care visits: Exploring the content of cues and concerns identified by the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Objective Little is known about how older persons in home care express their concerns. Emotional cues and concerns can be identified by the Verona coding definitions of emotional sequences (VR-CoDES), but the method gives ... -
Older Users’ Perspectives on the Benefits of Preventive Home Visits
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)In this article we explore older people’s perspectives on the benefits of preventive home visits (PHVs), after long-term follow-up. PHVs are health services intended to promote older people’s health and independence, prevent ... -
Om Askeladdens metode. Essayet som erkjennelsesvei og visdomsdannende skrivepraksis.
(Chapter, 2019)Dette essayet kretser rundt ideen om at essaysjangeren er særlig egnet til å skape erkjennelse og forberede for refleksiv og etisk praksis. Det åpner in medias res. På dialektisk vis veksles det mellom filosofiske og ... -
Om behovet for en historielektorprofesjon med spesiale i voksnes læring
(Chapter, 2024)Undervisning for voksne har i mange år vært et stort område i Skandinavia. Voksenopplæringssentre er aktive i kommunene rundt om i de ulike landene, og i tillegg finnes det folkehøgskoler som spesialiserer seg på tilbud ... -
Om det fysiske utgangspunktet for intonasjon på fele
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Artikkelen fokuserer på relasjonen mellom spilleteknikk på fele og hardingfele i folkemusikken og intonasjon. Det argumenteres for at det fysiske rammeverket, inkludert anatomien i hånd og fingre, påvirker intonasjonspraksisen. ... -
Om fornying av demonstrativer i norsk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Formålet med studien som presenteres i denne artikkelen, er å kartlegge bruksområdene og funksjonene til norske demonstrativkonstruksjoner som er bygd opp av et “grunndemonstrativ”, f.eks. den, denne, hun og han, og en ... -
Om forskerroller og metodevalg i oppdragsforskningen
(Chapter, 2024)Commissioned research is a valuable source of research-based knowledge in the central administration. However, commissioned research differs from other research in that commissioners can add detailed guidelines for what ... -
Om hjemlighet og komparasjon i antropologiske studier i Norge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen tar opp enkelte sentrale sider ved å gjøre feltarbeid «hjemme». Antropologers konstruksjoner av et kultu-relt «hjem» korresponderer ofte med deres «egen» nasjon. Dette innebærer selvsagt noen fallgruver, og jeg ... -
Om Klapper-Slanger og statsborgerlige Skrighalse: Embetsmennene og den nye politiske offentligheten etter 1814
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Peder Soelvold, the editor of the radical journal Statsborgeren (The Citizen), became widely unpopular during his four years as the head of the most controversial political paper of the time. Fighting to establish a stronger ... -
Om pedagogisk forskning ved norske lærerutdanninger. Pedagogikkutdanneres oppfatninger av pedagogisk forskning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The topic of this study is pedagogical research at Norwegian teacher education schools. The research question we ask is: How should, according to educationists, pedagogical research in teacher education be perceived? The ... -
OMJulia: An OpenModelica API for Julia-Modelica Interaction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Modelica is an object oriented, acausal equation-based language for describing complex, hybrid dynamic models. About ten Modelica implementations exist, of which most are commercial and two are open source; the implementations ... -
On closed loop transient response system identification
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Some methods for transient closed loop step response system identification presented in the literature are reviewed. Interestingly some errors in a method published in the early 80’s where propagated into a recently published ... -
On Detection of Yaw and Roll Angle Information for Vehicle Oblique Crash using Hough Transform
(Chapter, 2014)When performing vehicle crash tests, it is common to capture high frame rate video (HFR) to observe the vehicle motion during the impact. Such videos contain a lot of information, especially when it comes to geometric data. ... -
On dragons and elephants: Religion in domestic and international tourism in China and India
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This introductory essay explores some of the commonalities and differences that emerge from reading this thematic issue on religion and tourism in China and India. Economic growth has led to an explosion in domestic tourism ... -
On equivalence and cores for incomplete databases in open and closed worlds
(Chapter, 2020)Data exchange heavily relies on the notion of incomplete database instances. Several semantics for such instances have been proposed and include open (OWA), closed (CWA), and open-closed (OCWA) world. For all these semantics ... -
On Supporting Multi-Services in UAV-Enabled Aerial Communication for the Internet of Things
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Multi-services are of fundamental importance in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-enabled aerial communications for the Internet of Things (IoT). However, the multi-services are challenging in terms of requirements and use of ... -
On the adoption of static analysis for software security assessment–A case study of an open-source e-government project
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is a popular quality assurance technique in software engineering. However, integrating SAST tools into industry-level product development for security assessment poses various ...