Browsing Publikasjoner fra CRIStin by Title
Now showing items 1302-1321 of 3889
Factors influencing the intention to purchase health insurance: a study of Indian tobacco and alcohol consumers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: This study empirically investigates the attitude of tobacco and alcohol consumers towards health insurance purchase in India. The study aims to determine the factors which plays a significant role in determining ... -
Factors influencing the performance of technology transfer offices: The case of the european consortium of innovative universities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Technology transfer offices (TTOs) play an important role in innovation ecosystems. There is a global strive to make these offices more efficient and improve their performance. This study aims to reason the key factors ... -
Factors that influence social dignity in persons with aphasia in their contact with healthcare professionals: a systematic literature review of qualitative studies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Persons living with aphasia have unique needs and challenges that would benefit from greater understanding among all health professionals. Aim: To explore which factors influence social dignity in persons with ... -
Factors that influence the Health of older widows and widowers-A systematic review of quantitative research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Abstract Aim: To examine factors that influence the health of older widows and widowers. The review question was: What is the evidence of the relationship between widowhood and health in older adults? Design: Systematic ... -
Faecal spectroscopy: a practical tool to assess diet quality in an opportunistic omnivore
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Faecal indices of dietary quality can provide useful knowledge about the general ecology of a species, but only if the measurements are accurate and the results are interpreted with caution. In this article, we evaluated ... -
Fagsamtalen under muntlig eksamen og hvilke krav den stiller til elevenes muntlige kompetanse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)I snart 150 år har muntlig eksamen vært en del av det norske skolesystemet. Likevel finnes det lite forskning på denne eksamensformen, og vi vet lite om hvordan eksaminators handlinger under muntlig eksamen påvirker elevens ... -
Fagsamtaler i barnehagen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The intention with this article is to develop knowledge about the potential in conversations about different subjects in early childhood education (ECE). The Research question is ”How can ECE teachers engage children to ... -
Faktuell: Youths as journalists in online newspapers and magazines in Norway
(Chapter, 2018)Ongoing digitalization has fundamentally transformed the entire media landscape, not least the domain of news. The blurring of previously sharp distinctions between production, distribution and consumption have challenged ... -
"Faldende og festlig sne" - snømotivets funksjon i Olaf Bulls dikt "Sneen"
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Olaf Bulls langdikt Sneen er blitt tolket flere ganger, men uten at noen har fokusert på selve tittelen. Denne artikkelen tar sitt utgangspunkt i tittelordet og spør etter snøens funksjon i teksten. Den består i å åpne opp ... -
Fallforebygging i samhandlingsreformen
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Et hovedmål i samhandlingsreformen er å styrke det forebyggende helsearbeidet i kommunehelsetjenesten, blant annet fordi dagens helsetjeneste kritiseres for å prioritere ressurskrevende og spesialisert behandling fremfor ... -
Falske nyheter, alternative fakta og sleipe knep. Politiske folkemøter fra 1870-tallet til ca. 1900
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)From ca. 1870 to ca. 1900 mass meetings constituted a primary political arena in Norway, a place where political careers could be made and destroyed. National politics was exceedingly polarized during this period. In the ... -
Familiarity with digital twin totality: Exploring the relation and perception of affordances through a Heideggerian perspective
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The concept of affordances has become central in information systems literature. However, existing perspectives fall short in providing details on the relational aspect of affordances, which can influence actors' perception ... -
Family as text: Gendered parenthood and family display through home-school-correspondence in Norway.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This article examines how different Norwegian families display family and parenthood ideals in one of the most gender-equal countries in the world. Empirically, the article is based on an ethnographic material in the shape ... -
Family carers' experiences of attending a multicomponent psychosocial intervention program for carers and persons with dementia
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Background: Psychosocial interventions for persons with dementia and their primary family carers are promising approaches to reducing the challenges associated with care, but, obtaining significant outcomes may be difficult. ... -
Family carers’ involvement strategies in response to sub-optimal health services to older adults living with dementia – a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: While dementia policy strategies emphasize the importance of partnerships between families and formal carers to provide tailored care and effectively allocate community resources, family carers often feel left ... -
Family language policy: The impact of multilingual experiences at university and language practices at home
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article presents the findings from a study that explored how the language practices and management to which 156 students from universities in China reported being exposed at home, alongside their language beliefs, use ... -
Family’ members experiences of their older relative’s alcohol and substance misuse
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Background: Alcohol consumption in Norway and much of the western world has increased during the past decades, in particular among older adults (> 65 years). Although living with a family member’s alcohol misuse has been ... -
FAPI Controller for Frequency Support in Low-Inertia Power Systems
(Journal article, 2020)This paper presents different forms of Fast Active Power Injection (FAPI) control schemes for the analysis and development of different mitigation measures to address the frequency stability problem due to the growth of ... -
Fascinasjonen for komplikasjonen: Om forskning på forskningskommunikasjon
(Chapter, 2023)Dette kapittelet introduserer boken Formidlende omstendigheter og gir en overordnet beskrivelse av bokens formål og innretning. Kapittelet setter spørsmålstegn ved en utbredt oppfatning om at forskningskommunikasjon først ... -
Faser under sykehusoppholdet - sykepleieres erfaringer med delirium blant gamle med brudd
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Bakgrunn: Hensikten med studien var å undersøke sykepleieres erfaringer med identifisering, forebygging og behandling av delirium blant gamle som innlegges for ortopedisk kirurgi i ulike faser i et sykehusopphold. Studien ...