Browsing 3 Masteroppgaver by Title
Now showing items 525-544 of 4480
Consultants in the public sector - do we need them?
(Master thesis, 2021)Offentlig sektors bruk av eksterne konsulenttjenester har vært gjenstand for debatt i Norge over lengre tid. Vi har gjennom dette forskningsprosjektet forsøkt å bidra til en nyansering av debatten ved å undersøke en spesifikk ... -
Consumer Flexibility as a Resource for Efficient Utilization of Existing Power Grids
(Master thesis, 2021)With the aid of demand response, this paper examines the impact of heating, cooling, ventilation, electrical vehicles and solar panels/photovoltaic (PVs) of a commercial building on the distribution grid. It also categorizes ... -
Control Relevant Model of Synchronous Generator Attached to Turbine and Grid
(Master thesis, 2021)A synchronous generator is one of the important units in the hydropower plant that plays a key role in the production of electricity. Much effort has been done for designing more accurate models of synchronous machines ... -
Control system for mass flow rate of solids in pneumatic conveying
(Master thesis, 2008-06-06)The aim of the thesis is to make a model of the mass flow rate of solids in the pneumatic conveying systems situated at the POSTEC/Tel-Tek research facility to be used for the testing of model predictive control of these ... -
Core Benefits of Network Participation
(Master thesis, 2015)This study deals with the core benefits of network participation from the maritime companies’ perspective. It mainly focuses on the area of innovation, network qualities and absorptive capacities. A single case study has ... -
Corporate governance, regnskapskvalitet og earnings management : hvordan påvirker styrets og revisjonsutvalgets egenskaper regnskapskvalitet og earnings management?
(Master thesis, 2011)De siste tjue års regnskapsskandaler har ført til et økt fokus på ledelsens manipulering av regnskapene. Dette har blant annet ført til lovreguleringer og anbefalinger rundt styrets og revisorutvalgets uavhengighet og ... -
Corporate governance, revisjonskvalitet og verdirelevans
(Master thesis, 2014)De siste årenes regnskapsskandaler har ført til et økt fokus på ledelsens manipulering av regnskapene. Dette har blant annet ført til lovreguleringer og anbefalinger rundt styrets og revisorutvalgets uavhengighet og ... -
Cost estimation of CO2 removal in HYSYS
(Master thesis, 2010-10-18)A Hysys simulation of a CO2 capture process by absorption in a monoethanol amine (MEA) solution from the flue gas from a 500 MW natural gas power plant has been developed as a verification of earlier simulations at TUC. ... -
Cost-effective and safe oil production from existing and near-future oil fields
(Master thesis, 2020)Despite the rapid progress in the area of renewable energy, fossil fuels will remain the world’s most important energy source for the foreseeable future. Therefore, in order to meet future energy demands, increasing the ... -
Cost-effective integration of LNG medium and small-scale bunkering facilities within marine bunker fuel markets
(Master thesis, 2014)This research explores the deployment of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as marine fuel infrastructure. In the context of the sulphur limit imposed by the International Maritime Organization from January, 2015, LNG represents ... -
COVID-19’s Impact on Cash Holdings and Managers’ Risk Tolerance in Norwegian Industrial Firms
(Master thesis, 2024)In this master’s thesis we study the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on cash holdings and managers’ risk tolerance in Norwegian industrial firms. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis through a ... -
CO₂ dehydration after CO₂ capture
(Master thesis, 2016)The presence of free water is considered as one of the major impurities for the pipeline transportation of gas. Corrosion and hydrate formation in the process plant equipment are common problems associated with the free ... -
CPFD simulation of fluidized bed-based gas cooler
(Master thesis, 2024)Fluidization technology is extensively used in numerous industries for various processes including waste-to-energy conversion, chemical synthesis, granulation, drying etc. Fluidized bed systems are used for these applications, ... -
Crafting the Craft Tutorial
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgåva, Crafting the craft tutorial, undersøkjer korleis opplæringsvideoar på YouTube presenterer handlingsboren kunnskap gjennom digitale media. Michael Polanyi sine teoriar om Taus Kunnskap er nytta for å ... -
Creation of Versions for a Pre-composed Tune Utilizing Procedures of Folk Music
(Master thesis, 2013)When I was studying composition we had many subjects and techniques to learn about, and we needed to apply them under different circumstances to create music. At that point, I was always wondering, how was I supposed to ... -
Critical Success Factors in Public Tender Processes: A qualitative analysis from the view of a consulting engineering firm
(Master thesis, 2022)Norconsult is a leading consulting engineering firm in Norway, with a strong position in the public infrastructure sector. However, preparing to bid on a tender can be a challenging task with many variables to take into ... -
Critical success factors of the Norwegian offshore support vessel industry
(Master thesis, 2024)Since the middle of the 1960s, the Norwegian oil industry has been a major source of investments, earnings, and value creation for the whole country. Operating in the upstream logistics of the sector, offshore support ... -
Cufftrykkhåndtering hos pasienter i generell anestesi
(Master thesis, 2021)Introduksjon: Feil cufftrykk i endotrakealtuber fører til både milde og alvorlige komplikasjoner for pasienter som har vært intubert. Cufftrykket anbefales å være mellom 20 og 30 cmH2O. Likevel er det erfart og bevist at ... -
Cultural factors that limit the sexual and reproductive rights of adolescent girls: individual, social, and structural barriers
(Master thesis, 2021)Researching in what ways cultural factors limit adolescent girls' enjoyment of SRHR. -
«Cura te ipsum» Ta vare på deg selv : en kvalitativ studie om medisin- og psykologistudenters stresshåndtering og selvmedfølelse.
(Master thesis, 2015)Bakgrunn: Helsefremmende arbeid bygger på et salutogent syn på helse. Salutogenese anses som et stressorientert konsept med fokus på ressurser. I følge Antonovsky innebærer spenningshåndtering både problemløsing og ...