Blar i USN Open Archive på forfatter "Vestheim, Geir"
Cultural Radicalism versus Christian Conservatism: Political Controversies in Literary Nation Building in Norway, 1863-1938
Vestheim, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Contemporary cultural policy programmes in Western Europe and in the Nordic countries have their direct origin in the welfare state after World War II, and in some countries they can be traced back to the 1930s. However, ... -
KulturRikets Tilstand 2011
Løkka, Nanna; Vestheim, Geir (HiT skrift, Research report, 2012-02-10)Denne konferanserapporten inneholder innleggene fra konferansen KulturRikets tilstand 2011 som ble arrangert på Litteraturhuset i Oslo 31. oktober 2011. Dette var den tredje konferansen i en serie årlige konferanser, der ... -
UNESCO Cultural Policies 1966–1972 – the Founding Years of ‘New Cultural Policy’
Vestheim, Geir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article is a study of UNESCO cultural policies in the period 1966-1972. That period was the founding years of what was later called ‘new cultural policies’. In 1966 UNESCO adopted a declaration of international cultural ...