Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Thorud, Hanne Mari Schiøtz"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
A 2018 update on computer glasses for use at work in Norway
Helland, Magne; Thorud, Hanne Mari Schiøtz; Haugo, Hans Torvald (Chapter, 2018)On a more or less biannual basis, for thirteen years, The Norwegian Association of Optometry has performed consumer surveys in Norway. Typically, approximately 1300 randomly selected Norwegians, at the age of 15 years ... -
Brytningsfeil, hodepine og livskvalitet hos barn - er det en sammenheng?
Marashi, Safiyeh (Master thesis, 2022)Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke om det er en sammenheng mellom ukorrigerte brytningsfeil, hodepine og livskvalitet hos barn i alderen 0-18 år. Metode: Studien er en systematisk litteraturgjennomgang som ble ... -
Design for et inkluderende miljø: En systematisk review om effekten av belysning og farger på barn og voksne med autismespekterforstyrrelser
Rustad, Susanne Færdi (Master thesis, 2023)Introduksjon: Barn og voksne med autismespekterforstyrrelser kan ha en hypersensitivitet overfor ulike sensoriske stimuli, slik som lys, på den måten at det kan påvirke atferd og hverdagslige aktiviteter. Hvordan man ... -
Discomfort glare and psychological stress during computer work: subjective responses and associations between neck pain and trapezius muscle blood flow
Mork, Randi; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine; Fostervold, Knut Inge; Thorud, Hanne Mari Schiøtz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Purpose Exposure to additional environmental stress during computer work, such as visual and psychological demands, is associated with increased eye and neck discomfort, altered moods, and reduced well-being. The aim of ... -
Headache and musculoskeletal pain in school children are associated with uncorrected vision problems and need for glasses: a case–control study
Thorud, Hanne Mari Schiøtz; Aurjord, Rakel; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Musculoskeletal pain and headache are leading causes of years lived with disability, and an escalating problem in school children. Children spend increasingly more time reading and using digital screens, and increased near ... -
Headache, eyestrain, and musculoskeletal symptoms in relation to smartphone and tablet use in healthy adolescents.
Falkenberg, Helle Kristine; Johansen, Tina Regine; Thorud, Hanne Mari Schiøtz (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Neck pain and headache are leading causes of years lived with disability globally, and the prevalence is gradually increasing from school age to early adulthood. These symptoms have been linked to the use of digital devices. ... -
Non-cycloplegic refraction cannot replace cycloplegic refraction when screening for refractive errors in children
Bjørset, Cecilie Onshuus; Pedersen, Hilde Røgeberg; Synstelien, Gro O.; Gilson, Stuart; Hagen, Lene Aarvelta; Langaas, Trine; Thorud, Hanne Mari Schiøtz; Vikesdal, Gro Horgen; Baraas, Rigmor C.; Svarverud, Ellen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)The purpose was to assess the differences in spherical equivalent refractive error (SER) between cycloplegic autorefraction (1% cyclopentolate), non-cycloplegic autorefraction, and non-cycloplegic retinoscopy measured by ... -
Sammenheng mellom visuelle anomalier og hodepinelidelser: En litteraturstudie
Naumenok, Diana (Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Synsforstyrrelser som ukorrigerte brytningsfeil, samsynsproblemer, og skjermtrøtte øyne (computer vision syndrome), er vanlige i den generelle befolkningen, og tilstander som nærsynthet (myopi) og skjermtrøtte ... -
Visual and psychological stress during computer work in healthy, young females' physiological responses
Mork, Randi; Falkenberg, Helle Kristine; Fostervold, Knut Inge; Thorud, Hanne Mari Schiøtz (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose Among computer workers, visual complaints, and neck pain are highly prevalent. This study explores how occupational simulated stressors during computer work, like glare and psychosocial stress, affect physiological ...