Blar i USN Open Archive på forfatter "Sørensen, Jarle Løwe"
Brannalarmen har gått i barnevernet! Casestudie om risikostyring innenfor brannforebygging i institusjonsbarnevernet
Fossbakk, Gaute Ingeson (Master thesis, 2023)Temaet for denne kvalitative studien har vært «Brannalarmen har gått i barnevernet» et casestudie om risikostyring innenfor brannforebygging i institusjonsbarnevernet. Bakgrunnen for studien er at det er en pågående krise, ... -
Collaboration Exercises: Demographics and Their impact on Perceived Learning and utility
Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Carlström, Eric; Magnussen, Leif Inge (Chapter, 2019)This paper examines a crisis collaboration exercise and tests whether there is a relationship between participants’ past exercise and professional experiences and their perceived levels of collaboration, learning, and ... -
Collaboraton Exercises in Emergency Work: Outcomes in Terms of Learning and Usefulness
Carlström, Eric; Berlin, Johan; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Magnussen, Leif Inge (Chapter, 2019)n this study we reviewed scientific papers which measured the effect of collaboration exercises in terms of learning and usefulness. The question to be answered was: Do collaboration exercises contribute to learning that ... -
Creativity draining: Abuse of Scripts in Maritime Collaboration Exercises
Magnussen, Leif Inge; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Carlström, Eric (Chapter, 2019)This paper focuses on the relationships between exercise scripts and the need to improvise in emergency preparedness exercises. Two relatively large emergency preparedness collaboration exercises are examined (Øvelse Nord ... -
Current Perspectives and Concerns Facing Hospital Evacuation: The Results of a Pilot Study and Literature Review
Khorram-Manesh, Amir; Phattharapornjaroen, Phatthranit; Mortelmans, Luc J.; Goniewicz, Krzysztof; Verheul, Marlous; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Pereira, Irene; Ricklin, Meret E.; Faccincani, Roberto; Dark, Paul M.; Carlström, Eric; Marzaleh, Milad Ahmadi; Peyravi, Mahmoud Reza; Al Sultan, Mohammed; Santamaria, Emelia; Comandante, John David; Burkle, Frederick (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective: To analyze the evacuation preparedness of hospitals within the European Union (EU). Method: This study consisted of 2 steps. In the first step, a systematic review of the subject matter, according to the PRISMA ... -
Digital transformasjon i offentlig sektor - En undersøkelse av Bamble kommune
Tøndel, Lene Kristin; Velle, Karl-Fredrik Sandelin (Master thesis, 2021)Digital transformasjon er en nødvendighet både for private og offentlige organisasjoner for å henge med i den raske digitale utviklingen. Når vi har belyst dette temaet har vi sett sterke sammenhenger mellom det å gjennomføre ... -
Disaster Collaborative Exercises for Healthcare Teamwork in a Saudi Context
Sultan, Mohammed Ali; Khorram-Manesh, Amir; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Berlin, Johan Daniel; Carlström, Eric (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study aimed to evaluate the development of healthcare teamwork during and after the collaboration tabletop exercises, through observation and interview methods. Integration and maturity theoretical models were employed ... -
Emergency Healthcare Providers’ Perceptions of Preparedness and Willingness to Work during Disasters and Public Health Emergencies
Sultan, Mohammed Ali Salem; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Carlström, Eric; Mortelmans, Luc; Khorram-Manesh, Amir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study evaluates the perceptions of preparedness and willingness to work during disasters and public health emergencies among 213 healthcare workers at hospitals in the southern region of Saudi Arabia by using a ... -
Employees Perception of Organizational Crises and Their Reactions to Them – A Norwegian Organizational Case Study
Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Ranse, Jamie; Gray, Lesley J.; Khorram-Manesh, Amir; Goniewicz, Krzysztof; Hertelendy, Attila J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Organizational sensemaking is crucial for resource planning and crisis management since facing complex strategic problems that exceed their capacity and ability, such as crises, forces organizations to engage in ... -
Etterforskningsløftet - en kvalitativ studie av samhandling og etterforskningsledelse
Hongslo, Ingrid Margrethe Svorkmo (Master thesis, 2024)Denne mastergradsavhandlingen undersøker samhandling og etterforskningsledelse mellom politiet og påtalemyndigheten. Studien er avsluttende for masterprogrammet i innovasjon og ledelse ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, USN ... -
Impact of Virtual Disaster Collaboration Exercises on Disaster Leadership at Hospitals in Saudi Arabia
Sultan, Mohammed Ali Salem; Khorram-Manesh, Amir; Carlström, Eric; Berlin, Johan; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This study measured the impact of virtual three-level collaboration (3LC) exercises on participants’ perceived levels of collaboration, learning, and utility (CLU) at hospitals in the southern region of Saudi Arabia. Our ... -
Importance of Immediate Electronic-Based Feedback to Enhance Feedback for First-Time CPR Trainees
Misztal-Okońska, Patrycja; Goniewicz, Krzysztof; Goniewicz, Mariusz; Ranse, Jamie; Hertelendy, Attila J.; Gray, Lesley J.; Carlström, Eric; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Khorram-Manesh, Amir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Sudden cardiac arrest is one of the leading causes of death globally. The recommended clinical management in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases is the immediate initiation of high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation ... -
Incorporating simulation exercises using collaborative tools into disaster and emergency medicine curriculum—A pilot survey among Saudi Arabian professionals
Sultan, Mohammed Ali Salem; Carlström, Eric; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Alruwaili, Abdullah Saleh; Khorram-Manesh, Amir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study evaluates the need for changes in Saudi Arabia's current disaster and emergency management curriculum, incorporating disaster exercises and using the collaborative tool of CSCATTT (Command and Control, Safety, ... -
Inter-Organisational Exercises in Dry and Wet Context—Why Do Maritime Response Organisations Gain More Knowledge from Exercises at Sea Than Those on Shore?
Carlström, Eric; Magnussen, Leif Inge; Kristiansen, Elsa; Berlin, Johan; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This is a study of inter-organisational exercises arranged by on-shore organisations (ONSOs) and off-shore organisations (OFFSOs). The aim was to compare findings from trained emergency staffs’ perceptions of the impact ... -
Internal crisis communication: Case of The Norwegian Sea Rescue Society
Fagerland, Oda Maria Brendeland (Master thesis, 2020)This quantitative non-experimental survey-based study was a part of a large research project at the University of South-Eastern Norway “Evaluating the Covid-19 pandemic”. The purpose of the study was to investigate how The ... -
It All Comes Down to Preparation – A study of the Perceived Outcomes of Norwegian Police Tactics and Maintenance Training
Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Torgersen, Glenn-Egil; Grove, Martin; Ellingsen, Lene-Merethe; Boe, Ole (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This qualitative study focuses on the participant’s perception of Norwegian police tactics and maintenance training (IP4 training). The aim was to investigate to what extent there was a relationship between training ... -
Learning and usefulness stemming from collaboration in a maritime crisis management exercise in Northern Norway
Magnussen, Leif Inge; Carlström, Eric; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Torgersen, Glenn-Egil; Hagenes, Erlend Frithjof; Kristiansen, Elsa (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)This research investigates the perceived collaboration between public, private, and volunteer organisations during maritime crisis work, with an emphasis on learning and collaboration. The purpose of this paper is to ... -
Morgendagens beredskap et ledelsesansvar
Berger, Stine (Master thesis, 2021)Temaet for denne studien har vært «Morgendagens beredskap – et ledelsesansvar». Bakgrunnen for studien har vært at sikkerheten i norske fengsel stadig blir utsatt for intenderte og villede hendelser, som krever stor ... -
Negative konsekvenser av ekstrarolleadferd
Kvamme, Siw Randi; Lundkvist, Gry Anita (Master thesis, 2022)Ekstrarolleadferd er ansett å være positivt for organisasjoner. Det kan være ulike årsaker til at ansatte utøver ekstrarolleadferd, og hvilke konsekvenser det kan føre til. Adferden er ansett å være gjeldende under endringer ... -
Nurses’ Readiness for Emergencies and Public Health Challenges—The Case of Saudi Arabia
Sultan, Mohammed Ali Salem; Khorram-Manesh, Amir; Carlström, Eric; Sørensen, Jarle Løwe; Al Sulayyim, Hadi Jaber; Taube, Fabian (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study was aimed at assessing the readiness of 200 emergency nurses in the southern part of Saudi Arabia in the management of public health emergencies, major incidents, and disasters by using quantitative research ...