Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Landmark, Bjørg Th."
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Ansvarlig og avhengig – Pårørendes erfaringer med forestående død i hjemmet : Responsible and dependent – Relatives’ experience with expected death at home
Sørhus, Grete Skeie; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Grov, Ellen Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background: Research and white papers highlight the possibility for patients in the palliative phase to stay at home despite a high level of symptom burden. Purpose: This study describes the experiences in relatives when ... -
Control as a core component of user involvement in reablement: A qualitative study
Jokstad, Kari; Hauge, Solveig; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Skovdahl, Kirsti (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Reablement, also known as restorative care, supports older adults in regaining or maintaining their independence in daily life through the optimization of functional ability. Users’ goals and healthcare ... -
Flexible borders–Co-creation in an interprofessional team: Caring for patients with ALS in a palliative context
Kilde, Berit; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Grov, Ellen Karine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Introduction: The municipal health services have been given greater responsibility for an increasing number of younger patients with neurological diseases. This has created new challenges regarding the use of resources and ... -
Kan smertekartlegging ved bruk av ESAS (Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale) bidra til å lindre smerte hos eldre på sykehjem?
Gran, Siv Venke; Landmark, Bjørg Th. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Systematisk smertekartlegging er en forutsetning for å lindre pasientens smerte. Resultater av smertekartleggingen må dokumenteres i pasientens tiltaksplan og følges opp i form av en individuell tilrettelagt behandling. ... -
Participation in physical and social activities among home-dwelling persons with dementia - experiences of next of kin
Söderhamn, Ulrika; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Eriksen, Sissel; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Introduction: To be next of kin to a home-dwelling person with dementia is known to be a heavy burden, especially early in the process. Studies have revealed a need for information and support during the disease process. ... -
Patient classification systems used to classify nursing intensity and assess nursing staffing resources in home health care: A scoping review
Flo, Jill; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Tønnessen, Siri; Fagerström, Lisbeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Objectives To identify the patient classification systems used to classify nursing intensity in the assessment of nursing staffing resources currently used in home health care, with a special emphasis on validity, reliability ... -
Person-centred research practice: the user involvement in research of older adults with first-hand experience of reablement
Jokstad, Kari; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Skovdahl, Kirsti (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)User involvement is increasingly common in health-care research, and the ideal is user participation and influence during all research stages. Here we describe and reflect on the processes and outcomes associated with ... -
Smertekartlegging og medikamentell smertebehandling av eldre pasienter i sykehjem
Gran, Siv Venke; Grov, Ellen Karine; Landmark, Bjørg Th. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Bakgrunn: Internasjonale og nasjonale studier viser at forekomsten av smerter hos eldre ved sykehjem varierer mellom 20 prosent og 80 prosent. Smerter hos eldre blir ofte underrapportert og underbehandlet og assosieres med ... -
Using a new interrater reliability method to test the modified Oulu Patient Classification instrument in home health care
Flo, Jill; Landmark, Bjørg Th.; Hatlevik, Ove Edvard; Fagerström, Lisbeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Aim: To test the interrater reliability of the modified Oulu Patient Classification instrument, using a multiple parallel classification method based on oral case presentations in home health care in Norway. Design: ... -
Velferdsteknologi som kommunal tjeneste til personer med kognitiv svikt/demens
Holthe, Torhild; Lund, Anne; Landmark, Bjørg Th. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)SAMMENDRAG Et pilotprosjekt i Drammen kommune i 2014−2015 undersøkte hvorvidt velferdsteknologi kunne støtte opp om mestring og selvstendighet og trygge omgivelsene slik at personer med kognitiv svikt/tidlig fase av demens ...