Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Klevan, Trude Gøril"
Now showing items 1-20 of 29
Ambulante akutteam i psykisk helsevern: Praksis og erfaringer
Ruud, Torleif; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Hasselberg, Nina (SFPR-forskningsrapport; 17-2015, Research report, 2015)m prosjektet Målet for prosjektet har vært å kartlegge praksis og erfaringer med ambulante akutteam (AAT) i psykisk helsevern for å bidra til å identifisere viktige elementer og muligheter til forbedringer. Prosjektet ... -
Big Words and Small Things: The Contradictory Nature of Hope
Sælør, Knut Tore; Biong, Stian; Klevan, Trude Gøril (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Objective: Hope is central to recovery in mental health and substance use problems. People experiencing co-occurring mental health and substance use problems often have to settle for inadequate services that do not meet ... -
The Color of Water: An Autoethnographically-Inspired Journey of My Becoming a Researcher
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Grant, Alec (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)In this paper, the first author autoethnographically describes, discusses and reflects on her process of becoming a researcher based on her PhD journey. She explores how the development of knowledge and her understandings ... -
«Det er litt som et eget språk» Erfaringsmedarbeideres forståelser og bruk av erfaringsbasert kunnskap i samarbeid med brukere i psykisk helse- og rustjenester.
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Sjåfjell, Tommy Lunde; Borg, Marit; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik (Research report, 2018)«Det er litt som et eget språk» - Erfaringsmedarbeideres forståelser og bruk av erfaringsbasert kunnskap i samarbeid med brukere i psykisk helse- og rustjenester. Bakgrunn I politiske føringer og forskning er det de senere ... -
"Det går på en måte aldri over" : en kvalitativ undersøkelse av hverdagserfaringer og levekår i familier med spilleproblemer
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Krane, Vibeke; Weimand, Bente (Rapport;IS-2744, Research report, 2018)Denne kvalitative undersøkelsen av hverdagserfaringer og levekår i familier med spilleproblemer er finansiert gjennom Handlingsplan mot spilleproblemer (2016-2018). Rapporten er basert på individuelle intervjuer med 12 ... -
Embodying Experiences with Nature in Everyday Life Recovery for Persons with Eating Disorders
Trangsrud, Lise Katrine Jepsen; Borg, Marit; Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid; Klevan, Trude Gøril (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Eating disorders can be understood as attempts to manage a problematic relationship with one’s own body. The objective of this qualitative study was to explore and discuss perspectives of embodying “experiences with nature” ... -
Ensretting, standardisering og kunnskapsbasert praksis – autoetnografi som motstand?
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Sundet, Rolf; Sælør, Knut Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen introduserer forskningsmetoden autoetnografi og diskuterer metoden i lys av begrepet «evidensens tid» og bruken av randomiserte, kontrollerte studier som den metodiske ryggraden i dette evidensbegrepet innenfor ... -
Evaluation of the pilot-project “Intervention for mental health care of asylum seekers and refugees in Attica and Thessaloniki” - 2018 and 2019
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Borg, Marit; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Lavdas, Michalis; Tatsi, Chrysanthi; Stylianidis, Stelios (Forskningsrapporter fra Senter for psykisk helse og rus (SFPR);2/2020, Research report, 2020) -
Farvel solidaritet?
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Borg, Marit (Forskningsrapporter fra Senter for psykisk helse og rus (SFPR);nr.1;2020, Research report, 2020) -
«Fra kebab til intimitet» – dialogisk autoetnografisk utforsking av vennskap.
Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Soggiu, Anna-Sabina; Sælør, Knut Tore; Vilje, Linda; Aasgaard, Heid Svenkerud (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Denne artikkelen vil presentere deler av dette materialet.Innledningsvis utlegges en forståelse av autoetnografi som omtales som dialogisk. Deretter presenteres en forkortet versjon av de seks utvalgte bidragene våre om ... -
Inner and Outer Voices in Research: How Dialogical Approaches Can Enhance Knowledge Development in Mental Healthcare
Soggiu, Anna-Sabina; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Ness, Ottar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article contributes methodological reflections on how dialogical and reflective approaches can enhance many voices in research. An epistemological assumption in research with a participatory design is that knowledge ... -
Mutual learning: exploring collaboration, knowledge and roles in the development of recovery-oriented services. A hermeneutic-phenomenological study
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Jonassen, Reidun Helene; Topor, Alain Pierre; Borg, Marit (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Purpose: The concept of recovery is commonly described as multifaceted and contested in the field of mental health and substance abuse. The aim of this study is to explore how understandings of recovery and recovery ... -
Mutual learning: exploring collaboration, knowledge and roles in the development of recovery-oriented services. A hermeneuticphenomenological study
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Jonassen, Reidun Helene; Topor, Alain Pierre; Borg, Marit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Purpose: The concept of recovery is commonly described as multifaceted and contested in the field of mental health and substance abuse. The aim of this study is to explore how understandings of recovery and recovery ... -
‘No service is an island’: experiences of collaboration with crisis resolution teams in Norway
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Hasselberg, Nina Eide; Ruud, Torleif (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)Crisis resolution teams (CRTs) are a community-based service targeting adults experiencing acute mental health crises. The rationale for the development of CRTs is both value and efficacy based, suggesting that CRTs should ... -
Part I: Dynamics of Recovery: A Meta-Synthesis Exploring the Nature of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Recovery
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Bank, Rose-Marie; Borg, Marit; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Krane, Vibeke; Ogundipe, Esther; Semb, Randi; Sommer, Mona; Sundet, Rolf; Sælør, Knut Tore; Tønnessen, Siw Heidi; Kim, Hesok Suzie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Recovery-oriented care has become a leading vision across countries. To develop services and communities in more recovery-oriented directions, enhanced understandings of recovery in terms of personal and social contexts ... -
Part II: Living Life: A Meta-Synthesis Exploring Recovery as Processual Experiences
Sommer, Mona; Biong, Stian; Borg, Marit; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Ness, Ottar; Nesse, Linda; Hansen, Jeppe Oute; Sundet, Rolf; Kim, Hesook Suzie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Recovery, a prominent concern in mental health care worldwide, has been variously defined, requiring further clarification of the term as processual. Few studies have comprehensively addressed the nature of recovery ... -
Part III: Recovery-oriented practices in community mental health and substance abuse services: A meta-synthesis
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Sommer, Mona; Borg, Marit; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik; Sundet, Rolf; Kim, Hesook Suzie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In recent decades, recovery-oriented practice has become the major approach in mental health and substance abuse care, especially in community mental health and substance abuse services. Various models of recovery-oriented ... -
Performing Wild Time Workshopping Friendship as Critical Autoethnographic Paraversity Method
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Grant, Alec (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The focus of this autoethnographic paper is on its authors’ experiences of running a conference workshop on Friendship as Method in Paraversity scholarship development. Using the workshop sequence as a framework and context ... -
Powerless yet powerful: The duality of everyday life of partners of persons with gambling problems
Klevan, Trude Gøril; Krane, Vibeke; Weimand, Bente (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This study explores how partners of persons with gambling problems experience the family’s everyday life, focusing on family relations and parenting. Problem gambling creates a serious impact on household finances, social ... -
School`s out with fever: service provider perspectives of youth with mental health struggles
Soggiu, Anna-Sabina; Klevan, Trude Gøril; Davidson, Larry; Karlsson, Bengt Eirik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Youth struggling with mental health issues is a major concern in Norway and other Western countries. As is the increasing rate of youth unemployment combined with high rates of disengagement from ducation. Rather than ...