Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Halvari, Halgeir"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Arbeidsmotivasjon og karakteristika ved bruk av hjemmekontor under Covid-19 pandemien
Soar, Omed Hikmat (Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med denne masteravhandlingen er å få se på sammenhenger mellom motivasjon og de ulike karakteristikaene som digitale verktøy, organisasjonskultur og digitalisering knyttet opp mot bruken av hjemmekontor under ... -
Associations between physical activity and motivation, competence, functioning, and apathy in inhabitants with mental illness from a rural municipality: a cross-sectional study
Farholm, Anders; Sørensen, Marit; Halvari, Halgeir; Hynnekleiv, Torfinn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Autonom arbeidsmotivasjon under sosial distansering
Nordnes, Mads (Master thesis, 2021)Formålet med denne studien var å se på hvilken sammenheng arbeidsmotivasjonen hos ansatte har med sosial distansering, et av mange smitteforhindrende tiltak som regjeringen utførte da COVID-19-pandemien herjet internasjonalt. ... -
The Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Need Frustration at Work Scale: A Validation Study
Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Halvari, Halgeir; Frølund, Claus Wiemann (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The aim of the present study was to adapt and validate the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale within self-determination theory (SDT) within the work domain. Confirmatory factor analyses of three ... -
Causality Orientations in the Work Setting: Scale Development and Validation
Halvari, Halgeir; Olafsen, Anja Hagen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the Causality Orientations at Work Scale, which is based on self-determination theory. Bank employees (N = 201) and dental hygienists (N = 299) completed measures of ... -
Change in Basic Need Frustration in Relation to Perfectionism, Anxiety and Performance in Elite Junior Performers
Haraldsen, Heidi Marian; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Ivarsson, Andreas; Halvari, Halgeir; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The present study examined if there were different growth profiles in basic needs frustration in elite junior performers over a nine months period. Subsequently, we examined if the identified growth profiles differed in ... -
Composites of perfectionism and inauthenticity in relation to controlled motivation, performance anxiety and exhaustion among elite junior performers
Haraldsen, Heidi M.; Ivarsson, Andreas; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik; Halvari, Halgeir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The present study identified profiles of perfectionism and inauthenticity at baseline and tested whether they differed in the maladaptive outcomes of controlled motivation, performance anxiety, and exhaustion after a ... -
Dental hygienists’ biopsychosocial beliefs and giving autonomy support in treatment of patients: A self-determination theory perspective
Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Ivarsson, Andreas; Halvari, Halgeir; Dahl, Kari Elisabeth; Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Deci, Edward; Williams, Geoffrey Colin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Objectives: Self-determination theory posits that managers’ autonomy-supportive behaviour and employees’ autonomy causality orientation are motivation constructs to explain internalization of values, functioning and wellness ... -
Din arbeidssituasjon: Hvilke sammenhenger er det mellom lederens bruk av belønning, autonomistøtte, jobbkrav, og jobbressurser på den ene siden og ansattes behovtilfredshet og motivasjon på jobb?
Aghattass, Mohamed (Master thesis, 2021)Formålet med denne avhandlingen er å se på hva som kan føre til økt motivasjon hos den ansatte, og hva lederen kan gjøre for å øke ansattes motivasjon. Med utgangspunkt i selvbestemmelsesteorien som valgt teoretiskrammeverk ... -
Longitudinal trajectories of physical activity among employees participating in a worksite health promotion intervention: A latent class growth approach
Pedersen, Cathrine; Halvari, Halgeir; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Bentzen, Marte (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Objectives: This study investigated different patterns of physical activity (PA; frequency, intensity, and duration) among employees during and after participating in a worksite health-promotion intervention over a period ... -
Losing sleep over work: A self‐determination theory view on need frustration, sleep disturbance, and mental ill health
Niemiec, Christopher P.; Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Halvari, Halgeir; Williams, Geoffrey Colin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Given the centrality of sleep and work in most individuals' lives, it is interesting to note that an empirical understanding of the association between what happens in the workplace and how well people sleep is in an early ... -
Mindfulness buffers the adverse impact of need frustration on employee outcomes: A self‐determination theory perspective
Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Niemiec, Christopher; Deci, Edward; Halvari, Halgeir; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Williams, Geoffrey C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)According to the job demands–resources model, job demands (or hindrances) can drain energy and yield physiological and psychological costs by requiring sustained physical and/or mental effort at work. Using self-determination ... -
Motivasjon i arbeidslivet
Moghal, Aisha Fayyaz (Master thesis, 2022)Motivasjon har lenge vært et diskutert tema i arbeidssammenheng. Gjennom denne oppgaven blir sammenhengen mellom lønn, lederstil, repetitive oppgaver og ansiennitet målt for å si noe om arbeidsmotivasjon og jobbengasjement. ... -
Motivation and anxiety for dental treatment and dental attendance: The roles of the locus of causality personality and treatment styles
Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Halgeir; Deci, Edward; Williams, Geoffrey C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The purpose of the present study was to test a self‐determination theory model with the following hypotheses: (1) Patients’ autonomous causality personality orientation and oral health care professionals’ autonomy‐supportive ... -
Narrative Tensions in Strained Junior Elite Performers’ Experiences of Becoming Elite Performers
Haraldsen, Heidi Marian; Abrahamsen, Frank Eirik; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Halvari, Halgeir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Contextualized within narrative theory and the field of talent identification and development systems (TIDS), this interview study examined strained junior elite performers’ experiences of becoming elite performers while ... -
A Prospective Study of Knowledge Sharing at Work Based on Self-Determination Theory
Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Ivarsson, Andreas; Halvari, Halgeir; Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Solstad, Bård Erlend; Niemiec, Christopher P.; Deci, Edward L.; Williams, Geoffrey C. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Knowledge sharing involves the provision or receipt of information, know-how, best practices, lessons learned, and/or feedback about a task, product, and/or procedure in order to develop new skills and competencies at work ... -
The role of leadership in nurses' wellbeing and performance: A cross-sectional survey using a dual motivational pathway model
Holtan, Kristin H.; Halvari, Anne Elisabeth Munster; Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Øvergård, Kjell Ivar; Halvari, Halgeir (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The role of leadership in nurses' wellbeing and performance: A cross-sectional survey using a dual motivational pathway model -
The roles of patients' authenticity and accepting external influence, and clinicians' treatment styles in predicting patients' dental anxiety and avoidance of dental appointments
Halvari, Anne Elisabeth M.; Halvari, Halgeir; Deci, Edward (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A substantial proportion of adults suffer from high dental anxiety, which is related to poor oral health and functioning. Using authenticity theory and self-determination theory, we applied a model testing two moderated ... -
Sammenhenger mellom motivasjon, behovstilfredsstillelse, jobbengasjement, jobbtilfredshet og lederstøtte, knyttet opp mot hjemmekontor
Leegaard, Charlotte (Master thesis, 2021)Avhandlingen ser på sammenhenger mellom motivasjon, behovstilfredsstillelse, jobbengasjement, jobbtilfredshet og lederstøtte knyttet opp til hjemmekontor. I tillegg har formålet med studien vært se om det finnes noen ... -
Self-tracking behaviour in physical activity: a systematic review of drivers and outcomes of fitness tracking
Jin, Daoyan; Halvari, Halgeir; Mæhle, Natalia; Olafsen, Anja Hagen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Advances in technologies (e.g. smartphones, wearables) have resulted in the concept of ‘selftracking’, and the use of self-tracking technologies in physical activity (i.e. fitness tracking) is on the rise. For example, ...