Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Gjems, Liv"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Barnehagelæreres arbeid med barns språklæring
Vatne, Bente; Gjems, Liv (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Forskning viser at språktilegnelse i barnehagealderen er avgjørende for sosiale interaksjoner og lek, samtidig legger språk grunnlag for lesing og skriving. I artikkelen presenteres data fra en spørreundersøkelse til ... -
Comparing Early Childhood Teacher Education in the Subjects of Language Learning and Early Literacy in Denmark and Norway
Gjems, Liv; Kornerup, Ida; Vatne, Bente; Schrøder, Vibeke (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Few studies highlight the content of early childhood teacher education (ECTE) and examine the quality of knowledge acquired by future early childhood teachers. The current study concerns two questions. The first explores ... -
Early literacy in Norwegian and Swedish preschool teacher education
Gjems, Liv; Sheridan, Sonja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015)Since the turn of the century, politicians in the Scandinavian countries have placed great emphasis on early childhood education and care. They have been especially concerned with lifelong learning in the field of language ... -
Fagsamtaler i barnehagen
Gjems, Liv; Jansen, Turid Thorsby; Tholin, Kristin Rydjord (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The intention with this article is to develop knowledge about the potential in conversations about different subjects in early childhood education (ECE). The Research question is ”How can ECE teachers engage children to ... -
Hva lærer barn når de forteller? En studie av barns læringsprosesser gjennom narrativ praksis
Gjems, Liv (Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Education, University of Oslo;56, Doctoral thesis, 2006) -
Hva norske barnehagelærerstudenter mener de har lært om barns språktilegnelse og tidlige litterasitet.
Gjems, Liv; Grøgaard, Jens Brandi; Tvedten, Sigrunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)I denne artikkelen presenteres deskriptive data fra en spørreundersøkelse til alle tredjeklassestudentene som tok barnehagelærerutdanning på heltid våren 2012. Studentene svarte på spørsmål om personlig læringsutbytte på ... -
Learning about concepts through everyday language interactions in preschools
Gjems, Liv (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background. In several Nordic countries, the pedagogy in preschools has a social pedagogical ideal. The focus is on development of social competence, aiming to empower children. There is only minimal focus on teaching and ... -
Litterasitetsfremmende samtaler i barnehagen
Slettner, Sigrun; Gjems, Liv (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Formålet med denne studien er å undersøke hvordan tidlig litterasitet kan støttes og fremmes i samtaler mellom en barnehagelærer og ulike barn. Teori og forskning om barns tidlige litterasitet vektlegger at barn lærer ... -
Preeschool as an Arena for Developing Teacher Knowledge Concerning Children’s Language Learning
Sheridan, Sonja; Gjems, Liv (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The most important benefits of international comparisons are the indications that make hidden national characteristics visible and shed new light on the system in each country. From a comparative perspective, this article ... -
Preschool teacher educators’ conceptions about teaching early literacy to future preschool teachers
Gjems, Liv; Vatne, Bente (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study aims to examine what conceptions preschool teacher educators in Norway have about the subject fields of children’s language learning and early literacy. To investigate what the teacher educators in these two ...