Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Frers, Lars"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Abandoned ideas and the energies of failure
Sjøvoll, Vibeke; Grothen, Geir; Frers, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Our academic life is ripe with failures and things abandoned, with hurt and feelings of defeat and despair. Already as students, we learn how to hide and tuck away such experiences and the impact they have on us. As a ... -
Action camera: First person perspective or hybrid in motion?
Lofthus, Liv Gardsjord; Frers, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)In this article, we discuss the usage of action cameras in research. First, we elaborate on the idea of the camera providing a first-person perspective, possibly giving access to the research participant’s subjectivity, ... -
Conclusions: Touching and being touched – Experience and ethical relations
Frers, Lars (Chapter, 2021)Sometimes, research can hit you in the stomach, making you angry and upset, pos- sibly sick. With a bit of luck, this can be fine, as discontentment can be a force that propels you to become active and engage yourself. ... -
Hierarchy and inequality in research: Practices, ethics and experiences
Frers, Lars; Meier, Lars (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Research as a social practice enacts social hierarchies in the relation between researcher and the researched. Taking up the critique of the consequences of such hierarchies in the production of knowledge, participatory ... -
Metode mellom forskning og læring : Refleksjon i praksis
Frers, Lars; Hognestad, Karin; Bøe, Marit (Book, 2017)Denne boken diskuterer på ulike måter hvordan bruk av kvalitative metoder kan åpne for refleksjon som utgangspunkt for å utforske og utvikle profesjonelle praksiser i lærerutdanningen. I profesjonell praksis vises kunnskap ... -
Metode mellom hverdagspraksis, læring og forskning
Frers, Lars (Chapter, 2017)