Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Bongaardt, Rob"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
A case study of a mother's intertwining experiences with incest and postpartum depression
Røseth, Idun; Bongaardt, Rob; Binder, Per-Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The association between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and major depression disorder (MDD) gives reason to suspect that many mothers with postpartum depression (PPD) have a history of CSA. However, few studies have investigated ... -
Hiking Leisure: Generating a Different Existence Within Everyday Life
Bongaardt, Rob; Røseth, Idun; Baklien, Børge (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This study explores how hiking trips in the forest afford two Norwegian families experiences of leisure during the trips. In situ interviews were analyzed using a descriptive phenomenological research method, which brackets ... -
I don't love my baby?! A descriptive phenomenological analysis of disturbances in maternal affection
Røseth, Idun; Bongaardt, Rob (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Many new mothers question the nature of their motherly love after birth. This affectionate relationship towards the infant is commonly called bonding in everyday speech, clinical practice and research. Bonding may not ... -
Maturity and Well-Being: The Development of Self-Authorship, Eudaimonic Motives, Age, and Subjective Well-Being
Bauger, Lars; Bongaardt, Rob; Bauer, Jack J. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In this article, we investigate psychological maturity and other eudaimonic phenomena to predict subjective well-being (SWB), as well as if age moderate the relationship between psychological maturity and SWB. To assess ... -
New mothers' struggles to love their child. An interpretative synthesis of qualitative studies
Røseth, Idun; Bongaardt, Rob; Lyberg, Anne Marit; Sommerseth, Eva; Dahl, Bente (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Purpose: New mothers may question the nature of their motherly love after the birth. Most mothers find that feelings of affection come within a week from birth. However, some mothers are still struggling with this after ... -
Phenomenological pedagogy in higher education of mental health workers: an example from Norway
Bongaardt, Rob; Frøyen, Gro; Tangvald-Pedersen, Olav (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)This article describes the use of phenomenological pedagogy in the higher education of mental health workers. The mental health field is an immensely complex professional field. To create access, the conventional education ... -
Structural developmental psychology and health promotion in the third age
Bauger, Lars; Bongaardt, Rob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)In response to the ever-increasing longevity in Western societies, old age has been divided into two different periods, labelled the third and fourth age. Where the third age, with its onset at retirement, mostly involves ... -
The interconnection between mental health, work and belonging: A phenomenological investigation
Tangvald-Pedersen, Svein Olav; Bongaardt, Rob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)It is well-known that a sense of belonging is crucial in relation to gaining and maintaining sound mental health. Work is also known to be an essential aspect of recovery from mental health problems. However, there is scant ... -
The lived experience of well-being in retirement: A phenomenological study
Bauger, Lars; Bongaardt, Rob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This phenomenological study aimed to identify and describe the general meaning structure of the experience of well-being after retirement. We interviewed nine retirees about their lived experiences with well-being and ... -
The mechanisms and processes of connection: developing a causal chain model capturing impacts of receiving recorded mental health recovery narratives
Ng, Fiona; Charles, Ashleigh; Pollock, Kristian; Rennick-Egglestone, Stefan; Cuijpers, Pim; Gillard, Steve; van der Krieke, Lian; Bongaardt, Rob; Pomberth, Scott; Repper, Julie; Roe, James; Llewellyn-Beardsley, Joy; Yeo, Caroline; Hui, Ada; Hare-Duke, Laurie; Manley, David; Slade, Mike (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Background Mental health recovery narratives are a core component of recovery-oriented interventions such as peer support and anti-stigma campaigns. A substantial number of recorded recovery narratives are now publicly ... -
The quest for choice and the need for relational care in mental health work
Baklien, Børge; Bongaardt, Rob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-04-24)Since the revolutionary mood of the 1960s, patient-centered mental health care and a research emphasis on service users as experts by experience have emerged hand in hand with a view of service users as consumers. What ... -
Tid og tilhørighet: Opplevelsen av god psykisk helse og dens implikasjoner for godt psykisk helsearbeid
Tangvald-Pedersen, Svein Olav; Bongaardt, Rob (Journal article, 2011)Da Norge i 1997 fikk en videreutdanning i psykisk helsearbeid medførte dette økt fokus på brukernes egne erfaringer med psykisk lidelse, og med tilfriskningen fra denne. Artikkelen bygger på bedringsforskningens innsikter, ... -
Towards a tinkering participatory research method in mental health
Tangvald-Pedersen, Olav; Bongaardt, Rob (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-08-28)The current agreement that evidence-based practice is a merger of research evidence, clinical expertise and patient preferences has made service user involvement and participant research not only acceptable, but also called ...