Browsing USN Open Archive by Author "Biseth, Heidi"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
A Critical Analysis of an Innovative Approach: A Case of Diversity in Norwegian Education
Burner, Tony; Biseth, Heidi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This article investigates an innovative approach that has as its aim to ensure that more students complete secondary education. The national program, called Competence for Diversity, puts emphasis on children with minority ... -
Civic and Citizenship Education: From Big Data to Transformative Education
Biseth, Heidi; Hoskins, Bryony; Huang, Lihong (Chapter, 2021)This chapter brings the results from the chapters in this book together to explore how civic and citizenship education can be or is relevant in a context beyond school. We have demonstrated that IEA’s International Civic ... -
Demokratisk undervisning, Hvordan undervisning i skolen er med på å utvikle elevers demokratiske ferdigheter gjennom samarbeidslæring
Berg, Camilla Feindt (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven tar for seg temaet demokratisk undervisning, hvor jeg gjennom oppgaven redegjør for hvordan Cooperative Learning som undervisningsmetode kan brukes som en form for demokratisk undervisning. Jeg har ... -
Developing Digital Citizenship and Civic Engagement Through Social Media Use in Nordic Schools
Christensen, Ingrid Reite; Biseth, Heidi; Huang, Lihong (Chapter, 2021)In this chapter, we explore the factors involved in developing digital citizenship through social media use in schools for 14-year-old students in four Nordic countries. The call for digital citizenship and digital citizenship ... -
Faktuell: Youths as journalists in online newspapers and magazines in Norway
Vaagan, Robert Wallace; Biseth, Heidi; Sevincer, Vedat (Chapter, 2018)Ongoing digitalization has fundamentally transformed the entire media landscape, not least the domain of news. The blurring of previously sharp distinctions between production, distribution and consumption have challenged ... -
Flerkulturelle elever i skolen
Gundersen, Martin Njoroge Schancke (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven skal undersøke og belyse mangfold og flerkultur i skolen og studien skal deretter se på elever med innvandrerbakgrunn og flerkulturelle elever. Formålet med dette har vært å se på hvordan og om de kan ... -
Fra ideén om, til utvikling av demokratisk medborger
Gjestad, Ida Mirjam (Master thesis, 2022)Denne masteroppgaven er knyttet til forskningsprosjektet BRIDGES, og formålet med denne studien er å undersøke i hvilken grad undervisningen om og hvordan demokrati og medborgerskap eksisterer i de forskjellige nivåene av ... -
"Her har vi masse muligheter!" Evaluering av et samarbeidsprosjekt om utdanning for ungdom med kort botid i Norge: Samarbeid mellom Buskerud fylkeskommune/Åssiden videregående skole og Introduksjonssenteret i Drammen
Biseth, Heidi; Changezi, Sofie Haug (Research report, 2016)Denne evalueringsrapporten omhandler et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Buskerud fylkeskommune/Åssiden videregående skole og Introduksjonssenteret i Drammen kommune. Fylkes-kommunen har lenge sett behovet for å gjennomføre gode ... -
Kontroversielle holdninger og handlinger: En kvalitativ studie av hvordan lærere håndterer elevers kontroversielle holdninger og handlinger
Fjeldstad, Erik Andreas (Master thesis, 2020)Temaet i denne studien er læreres forhold til elevers kontroversielle holdninger og handlinger, óg formålet har vært å undersøke problemstillingen: Hvordan håndterer lærere elevers kontroversielle holdninger og handlinger. ... -
Livsmestring og relasjonskompetanse i skolen
Rana, Saima Rashid (Master thesis, 2022)Denne studien har vært en del av BRIDGES prosjektet. Det har blitt utdelt en spørreundersøkelse, hvor 906 grunnskolelærere fra ulike regioner i Norge har svart på spørsmål knyttet til de tverrfaglige temaene. Denne oppgaven ... -
Norwegian Teacher Educators' Attentiveness to Democracy and their Practices
Biseth, Heidi; Lyden, Susan Catherine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The aim of the study is to gain insight into teacher educators‟ attentiveness to democracy, i.e. how they understand democracy and how they describe their own practices of instilling democratic competencies and values in ... -
Openness in Scandinavian Classrooms: Student Perceptions of Teaching Practices and High Achievers of Civic Knowledge
Huang, Lihong; Biseth, Heidi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In this paper, we explore how teaching practices in classrooms influence students’ civic knowledge achievement in three Scandinavian countries: Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Using data from the 2009 International Civic and ... -
Relevant Transformative Teacher Education for Future Generations
Biseth, Heidi; Svenkerud, Sigrun; Magerøy, Solveig Maria; Rubilar, Kristine Haugen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this article, we investigate the need for a relevant transformative teacher education when current and future societal challenges have been decisive in defining a Norwegian education reform where interdisciplinarity in ... -
Strengthening Connections Between Research, Policy, and Practice in Norwegian Civic and Citizenship Education
Biseth, Heidi; Seland, Idunn; Huang, Lihong (Chapter, 2021)In this chapter, we introduce recent education reforms in civic and citizenship education in Norway. We conducted an extensive literature review of relevant Norwegian published studies since 2000, providing a broad overview ... -
Student Teachers Promoting Democratic Engagement Using Social Media in Teaching
Biseth, Heidi; Madsen, Janne; Christensen, Ingrid Christine Reite (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)In this study, we address how student teachers can facilitate democratic engagement in school. The demo-cratic engagement is seen through the lenses of an increasingly digital world through which both teachers and children ... -
Using IEA International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS) Data: Northern Lights on ICCS
Biseth, Heidi; Hoskins, Bryony; Huang, Lihong (Chapter, 2021)This chapter introduces the Nordic context of civic and citizenship education in schools including reviews of previous results and research on IEA’s International Civic and Citizenship Education Study (ICCS). By discussing ...