Browsing USN Open Archive by Title
Now showing items 8029-8048 of 10955
Profilering av norske musikkfestivaler
(Master thesis, 2012) -
Profiling Collapsing Half Marathon Runners—Emerging Risk Factors: Results from Gothenburg Half Marathon
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Among several serious medical conditions, arrhythmia and heat stroke are two important causes of death during endurance races. Clinically, collapsing might be the first sign of these serious conditions and may mimic the ... -
Profiling teacher educators’ strategies for professional digital competence development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The present study investigates the variety among teacher educators (TEds) related to the use of digital resources in teaching as well as the strategies they use to develop digital competence. A person-centred approach was ... -
Profiling Teachers' Readiness for Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Who's Ready?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a shift to online teaching and learning (OTL) in colleges and universities across the globe, requiring teachers to adapt their teaching in a very short time—independent of whether they were ... -
Prognostic factors associated with return to work following multidisciplinary vocational rehabilitation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)Objectives: The number of people in Western countries on long-term sick-leave and disability pension due to musculoskeletal complaints and psychological health problems is increasing. The main objective of this study was ... -
Programmering i begynneropplæringen
(Master thesis, 2022)Vi er i en tid med økt digitalisering av samfunnet og flere lærere viser sin bekymring rundt deres egne kunnskaper og ferdigheter innenfor digital kompetanse og programmering. Programmering og algoritmisk tenkning har ... -
Programmering og geometri
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Denne artikkelen ser på hvordan programmering kan implementeres i klasserommet i grunnskolen og hvordan programmering kan brukes som et verktøy for utforskning av geometri i matematikkfaget. Artikkelen tar for seg en måte ... -
Programteori for attraktivitet. Sammendragsrapport
(Working paper, 2013-03-08)Programteorien for attraktivitet definerer tre ulike attraktivitetsdimensjoner: Attraktivitet for bedrifter, besøk og bosetting. Attraktivitet er knyttet til unike egenskaper ved et sted, og skilt ut fra strukturelle ... -
Progresjon og samstemthet i undervisning: Akademisk skriving i barnehagelærerutdanningen. Følgeforskning på Profesjon, Progresjon og Praksis-strukturen (PPP) i barnehagelærerutdanningen ved USN, 2020-2021. Rapport 2
(Skriftserien fra Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;82, Report, 2022)Aksjonsforskningsprosjektet Akademisk Skriving i Barnehagelærerutdanningen (ASB) utgjør andre trinn av et større følgeforskningsprosjekt knyttet til dokumentet Profesjon, Progresjon og Praksis (PPP) i barnehagelærerutdanningen ... -
Project Argos – real-time virtual reality
(Bachelor thesis, 2016)Project Argos er et system som lar deg operere et kjøretøy ved hjelp av kameraer, sensorer og VR-briller. Sjåføren får full oversikt over omgivelsene, noe som gir økt situasjonsforståelse og sikkerhet. -
Project Mini Launcher
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Gruppen har fått i oppgave å lage en nedskalert modell av launcheren i luftvernsystemet NASAMS. Dette innebærer i hovedsak at vi skal lage en modell som har tre hovedfunksjoner: rotasjon, elevasjon og avfyring. Gruppen har ... -
(Research report, 2017)Markom2020 initiated this project in November 2016. Markom2020 is a government-funded project comprising the four Nautical Sciences Colleges/Universities in Norway. The objective of Markom2020 is to raise the overall quality ... -
Project work as an integrating and revenue-making tool
(Conference report, 1998)The Engineering College at Høgskolen i Telemark has since 1982 practised cooperative learning as the model of promoting student learning. It has earlier been shown that the Telemark Model do enhance many aspects of learning ... -
Promoting access to decent work: Career counselors’ experiences with career construction counseling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article is based on career counselors’ experiences with how career construction counseling (CCC) can benefit clients, and the results are discussed according to the psychological perspective of decent work in the ... -
Promoting clinical excellence and patient safety in nurse anaesthesia education
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;124, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Background: There has been increasing international focus over the past couple of decades, on the importance of non-technical skills such as situation awareness, decision-making, task management and teamwork in developing ... -
Promoting independence at mealtimes for older persons with severe dementia
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Maintaining independence in activities of daily living, including when eating meals, may be challenging for persons with dementia. To uphold person-centred care there is a need for knowledge of how to facilitate mealtimes ... -
Promoting Salutogenic Capacity in Health Professionals
(Chapter, 2022)From a salutogenic perspective, relational and reflective competencies are key to the success of competence building. Reflecting on and exploring one’s (life) experience in a continuous learning process can enhance salutogenic ... -
Promoting upskilling: How a situational growth mindset increases consumers’ adoption of really new products
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;36, Doctoral thesis, 2019)Despite their evident capacity for improving people’s lives, 40 to 90 percent of innovations fail. A significant amount of research suggests that one important reason for failure is consumers’ lack of understanding of the ... -
Prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production and nuclear modification at mid-rapidity in p–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02 TeV
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)A measurement of beauty hadron production at mid-rapidity in proton-lead collisions at a nucleon–nucleon centre-of-mass energy √sNN = 5.02 TeV is presented. The semi-inclusive decay channel of beauty hadrons into J/ψ is ... -
Proposal for improved financial statements under IFRS
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The benefits that users gain from financial statements depend on clear and concise presentation of the underlying economics. The current IFRS regulation on presentation of primary financial statements suffers from several ...