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Experimental measurements of diesel spray in an inert gas generator
(Master thesis, 2017)A 90° Y-jet atomizing nozzle with 3 bores was experimentally tested in a science facility at University College of Southeast Norway. The nozzle is producing a diesel fuel spray for a pilot flame in an IGG system for marine ... -
Experimental Methods in Economics and Psychology: A Comparison
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article compares the use of experiments as a research method in economics and psychology. We outline the most important differences between the two fields in terms of their use of experimental methods. The purpose of ... -
Experimental Study and CFD Modelling of Minimum Fluidization Velocity for Geldart A, B and D Particles
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The aim of this study is to determine minimum fluidization velocity of three different particles which represent different Geldart classification groups and to compare the results with computational results. The experiments ... -
Experimental study and SEM-EDS analysis of agglomerates from gasification of biomass in fluidized beds
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Fluidized bed gasification is an attractive conversion technology for biomass. However, processing biomass in fluidized beds suffers from ash related problems. In this work, bed agglomeration of wood pellets and grass ... -
Experimental study of agglomeration of grass pellets in fluidized bed gasification
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)The agglomeration tendency during gasification of grass pellets in a bubbling fluidized bed reactor was studied. Particle agglomeration occurs as a consequence of interactions between the bed particles and the biomass ash ... -
Experimental study of bubbling fluidized bed
(Master thesis, 2008-06)A series of experiments are performed in order to study the flow behaviour of bubbling fluidized bed. A two dimensional fluidized bed is built up with dimension 0.8 m (height) × 0.2 m (width) × 0.025 m (depth) and uniform ... -
Experimental Study of Catalysis in Plastic Pyrolysis
(Master thesis, 2017)In this study, thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP) and mixtures of LDPE/PP plastics were carried out in a batch autoclave reactor at 460 ... -
Experimental Study of Deflagration to Detonation Transition in Hydrogen-Air Mixtures
(Doctoral dissertations at TUC;2015:1, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2015-04-29)Gas explosions in a square channel have been investigated with a main focus on the deflagration to detonation transition (DDT). The gas mixtures were hydrogen and air at different concentrations. This work have been motivated ... -
Experimental study of deflagration to detonation transition of hydrogen-air gas explosion
(Master thesis, 2024)Hydrogen is emerging as a promising alternative fuel to fossil-based fuels, and it will play an important role in a carbon-neutral future. However, storing and transporting hydrogen poses a challenge due to the high risk ... -
Experimental Study of Gas Explosions in Hydrogen Sulfide-Natural Gas-Air Mixtures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-08-21)An experimental study of turbulent combustion of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and natural gas was performed to provide reference data for verification of CFD codes and direct comparison. Hydrogen sulfide is present in most crude ... -
Experimental study of primary atomization characteristics of sonic air-assist atomizers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The present study compares two twin-fluid atomizer concepts based on the airflow (shock waves) pattern obtained through shadowgraph imaging for atomization of water with a low air/water pressure supply. The research work ... -
Experimental Study of the Initial Flame Propagation of Premixed H2-air Explosion in a Channel
(Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2009-07)This paper presents results from experiments on flame propagation in inhomogeneous and homogeneous hydrogen-air mixtures at 1 atm in a channel. The objective of the present work is to study the ininitial phase of the flame ... -
Experimental study of thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of plastic waste components
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Thermal and catalytic pyrolysis of virgin low-density polyethylene (LDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), polypropylene (PP) and mixtures of LDPE/PP were carried out in a 200 mL laboratory scale batch reactor at 460 °C ... -
Experimental validation of damping model for a MEMS bistable electrostatic energy harvester
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This paper validates lumped models of an asymmetric bistable MEMS electrostatic energy harvester against measurements. A conventional model of constant damping coefficient turns out to be ineffective in predicting or ... -
Experimentally verified model of electrostatic energy harvester with internal impacts
(Journal article, 2015)This paper presents experimentally verified progress on modeling of MEMS electrostatic energy harvesters with internal impacts on transducing end-stops. The two-mechanical-degrees-of-freedom device dynamics are described ... -
Experiments and computational particle fluid dynamics simulations of biomass gasification in an air-blown fluidized bed gasifier
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Experiments were performed in a pilot-scale bubbling fluidized bed gasification reactor with air as a fluidizing agent. Birch wood chips and sand particles were used as biomass and bed materials. Average molar product gas ... -
Experiments on power optimization for displacement-constrained operation of a vibration energy harvester
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper presents experiments on how to approach the physical limits on power from vibration energy harvesting under displacement-constrained operation. A MEMS electrostatic vibration energy harvester with voltage-control ... -
Experiments with flame propagation in a channel with one obstacle and premixed H2-air
(Conference object; Peer reviewed, 2009-07)This abstract presents experimental results of flame propagation in a square channel with a single obstacle. The background for the experimental study was to investigate how a flame propagated when and after the flame ... -
Explanations for medically unexplained symptoms: A qualitative study on GPs in daily practice consultations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: General practice is the centre of care for patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS). Providing explanations for MUS, i.e. making sense of symptoms, is considered to be an important part of care for ... -
Exploiting the spectacular. A study of Danish and Norwegian event stakeholders’ interest in international sport events 2010-2020
(Doctoral dissertations at the University of South-Eastern Norway;79, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10-30)This thesis presents an analysis of the main motivations behind international sport events in Denmark and Norway between 2010 and 2020. The analysis is based on a collective case study of interviews, press coverage and ...