Browsing USN Open Archive by Title
Now showing items 2178-2197 of 10861
Dybdelæring gjennom utforsking av grammatisk kjønn i talespråk
(Master thesis, 2023)For å finne svar på problemstillingen «Hvilke muligheter gir utforsking av grammatisk kjønn i talespråk for elevers dybdelæring?», fikk jeg med meg 15 elever på vg3 studiespesialisering til å utforske temaet bortfall av ... -
Dybdelæring i KRLE-faget - en kvalitativ studie med fokus på KRLE-læreres forståelse av og arbeid med dybdelæring
(Master thesis, 2022)Dybdelæring er et begrep som har fått en viktig rolle i den norske skolen med ny overordnet del og nye læreplaner i fagene. Likevel finnes det ingen klare definisjoner av begrepet. Skolen skal arbeide for å fremme dybdelæring, ... -
Dybdelæring og engasjement gjennom blokkundervisning
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne master oppgaven tar i bruk brevmetoden for å samle inn kvalitativ data på lærernes innsikt på blokkundervisning. Denne oppgaven bruker en skole som en case, ettersom denne skolen har tatt i bruk blokkundervisning i ... -
Dybdelæring, tverrfaglighet og samskaping – en prosessuell studie av samarbeid mellom IT- og tjenestedesignstudenter
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I denne artikkelen presenterer vi funn og erfaringer fra et tverrfaglig samarbeid i bachelorstudier ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, mellom første års IT-studenter ved IT-utdanningen og tredje års tjenestedesignstudenter ... -
Dyktighet i kroppsøving
(Master thesis, 2023)Formålet med denne mastergradsoppgaven har vært å undersøke hvordan et utvalg kroppsøvingslærere forstår dyktighet i kroppsøving og hvordan dette anvendes gjennom deres vurderings- og karaktersettingspraksis, derav studiens ... -
Dynamic affordances in human-material “dialogues”
(Chapter, 2024)This chapter investigates craft practices through the lens of affordances, a central concept in both the field of cognitive psychology and that of design and craft. We illustrate how practitioners skilfully respond to what ... -
Dynamic capabilities and network benefits
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The number of publicly funded initiatives to establish or strengthen networks and clusters, in order to enhance innovation, has been increasing. Returns on such investments vary, and the aim of this study is to explore to ... -
Dynamic model adaptation to an anaerobicdigestion reactor of a water resource recoveryfacility
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study deals with model adaptation of the AM2 model to an anaerobic digestion reactor of a water resource recovery facility, namely a 6000m3 reactor at VEAS WWRF, the largest of Norway. The model is based on the mass ... -
Dynamic Model of an Ammonia Synthesis Reactor Based on Open Information
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2016)Ammonia is a widely used chemical, hence the ammonia manufacturing process has become a standard case study in the scientific community. In the field of mathematical modeling of the dynamics of ammonia synthesis reactors, ... -
Dynamic positioning and control of vessels
(Master thesis, 2023)Dynamic positioning systems are an important tool for offshore vessels, particularly rigs and cable or pipe laying ships. Jens Glad Balchen was an important figure in early cybernetics, and he released a paper in 1980 ... -
Dynamic positioning, system identification and control of marine vessels
(Master thesis, 2022)The dynamic positioning system is a system that aims to keep a marine vessel at the desired position under different weather circumstances by controlling its own propeller and thruster system. Different types of controllers ... -
Dynamic positioning, system identification and control of marine vessels - based on Balchen model
(Master thesis, 2024)Dynamic Positioning (DP) is essential for ensuring the secure operation of marine vessels across different industries. Hence, it is important to use reliable models and accurate control techniques for these vessels. The ... -
Dynamic Positioning, system identification and control of marine vessels - using the OSP simulator
(Master thesis, 2024)This project explores the Balchen model and the OSP package with a goal to find a vessel model through system identification and try to construct a DP system. The objective of this project is to perform literature ... -
Dynamic system calibration by system identification methods
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1997)Primary output variables from industrial processes can be estimated from known input variables and secondary process measurements. As a basis for this, the dynamic predictor has to be identi ed from data collected during ... -
Dynamic system multivariate calibration
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998)In the first part of the paper, the optimal estimator for normally nonmeasured primary outputs from a linear, time invariant and stable dynamic system is developed. The optimal estimator is based on all available information ... -
Dynamic system multivariate calibration based on multirate sampling data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001) -
Dynamic system multivariate calibration for optimal primary output estimation
(Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 1999)In industrial plants and other types of dynamic systems, it is a common situation that measurements of primary system outputs are not available on-line. The primary outputs may for example be quality properties, that can ... -
Dynamic system multivariate calibration with low-sampling-rate y data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000)When the data in principal component regression (PCR) or partial least squares regression (PLSR) form time series, it may be possible to improve the prediction/estimation results by utilizing the correlation between ... -
A Dynamic Threshold Cancellation Technique for a High-Power Conversion Efficiency CMOS Rectifier
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Power conversion efficiency (PCE) has been one of the key concerns for power management circuits (PMC) due to the low output power of the vibrational energy harvesters. This work reports a dynamic threshold cancellation ... -
Dynamical BLUP modeling of reaction norm evolution, accommodating changing environments, overlapping generations, and multivariate data
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)For theoretical studies, reaction norm evolution in a changing environment can be modeled by means of the multivariate breeder's equation, with the reaction norm parameters treated as traits in their own right. This is, ...