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De yngste flerspråklige barna: Språkbruk hjemme og i barnehagen
(Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge;187, Doctoral thesis, 2024)De fleste norske barn begynner i dag i barnehage fra de er ett år gamle, og mange av disse barna vokser opp i hjem hvor det brukes andre språk enn norsk. De yngste barna i barnehagen er i en fase av livet hvor de lærer å ... -
You can't ‘fake it till you make it’: Cooperative motivation does not help proself trustees
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Cooperative motivation can be rooted in individual differences as well as in external factors, such as instructions from superiors, incentive schemes, policy agendas, or social relationships. Whereas cooperative motivation ... -
‘You create your own luck, in a way’ About Norwegian footballers’ understanding of success, in a world where most fail
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The article is based on interviews with twelve young footballers who turned pro with the Norwegian top-flight club Odd BK. After asking why they succeeded in making the transition from promising talent to established ... -
‘You notice that there is something positive about going to school’: how teachers’ kindness can promote positive teacher–student relationships in upper secondary school
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)This study aimed to obtain students’ first-person perspectives of their experience of positive teacher–student relationships (TSRs) in upper secondary school. We also explored their experiences of qualities of TSRs concerning ... -
Young children's perspectives of time: New directions for co-constructing understandings of quality in ECEC
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Children's relationship with time in preschools is an under-researched area. Young children rarely know how to measure time using a clock, but their experiences of time may contribute to understanding children's well-being ... -
Young children’s questions about science topics when situated in a natural outdoor environment: a qualitative study from kindergarten and primary school
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Asking questions is an important way of acquiring information and knowledge and plays a significant role in a child’s learning processes. In this study, we examine what characterises the questions asked by children to their ... -
Young migrant students’ motivators and drive for obtaining education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article investigates how students from migrant backgrounds describe their motivators and drive for obtaining an education. It is based on a qualitative study of 17 young people aged 16-24. All are students in combination ... -
Young people's perceived service quality and environmental performance of hybrid electric bus service
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)While cities are moving towards environmentally friendly public transport such as electrification of public buses, the attractiveness of such innovative solutions among the bus users is yet to be explored. We study young ... -
Youth multi-sport events in Austria: tourism strategy or just a coincidence?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Impact and legacy research of touristic issues has become more popular with the appearance of manifold approaches to examining tourism. In recent years, the region of Western Austria has successfully staged multi-sport ... -
Youth perspectives on discrimination and racism in social media
(Master thesis, 2021)This research provides a critical analysis of racist and discriminatory discourse in Norwegian media. Findings show how contemporary structures in Norway is casual factor when explaining racial phenomenon in the society. ... -
Yrkesfaglæreres profesjonelle kompetanse: En kvalitativ undersøkelse med Norge og Japan som kontekster. [Professional competences of vocational teachers: A qualitative survey with Norway and Japan as contexts].
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)The purpose of this article is to explore the characteristics of vocational teachers’ professional competences. Norway and Japan were chosen as contexts in the hope of finding possible contrasts and new perspectives. ... -
Yrkeshemmede med psykiske lidelser : tiltaksbruk og effekter
(Arbeidsrapport 6/2005, Working paper, 2005)Denne rapporten omhandler bruken av arbeidsmarkedstiltak overfor yrkeshemmede med psykiske lidelser og hvilke effekter tiltakene har for denne gruppen. Yrkeshemmede med psykiske lidelser utgjør en forholdsvis stor gruppe ... -
Yrkesretting: et verktøy for dannelse? Fellesfag i yrkesfaglig videregående skole
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne oppgaven belyser yrkesrettingens rolle i dagens yrkesfaglige videregående utdanningsprogram. Det er fokus på lærernes holdning til og operasjonalisering av begrepet yrkesretting. Avhandlingen ser på hvordan yrkesretting ... -
Yrkesroller og fagideologiske brytninger i fysisk planlegging i Norge, 1920-1970
(CON-TEXT, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2003)The purpose of the Ph D. project is to conduct an investigation into the planner’s role in the field of socially motivated modernism in Norway and Sweden in the period 1920–1970. The influential figures among Norwegian ... -
Yrkesroller og fagideologiske brytninger i fysisk planlegging i Norge, 1920-1970
(CON-TEXT;12, Doctoral thesis, 2003)The purpose of the PhD. project is to conduct an investigation into the planner 's role in the field of socially motivated modernism in Norway and Sweden in the period 1920- 1970. The influential figures among Norwegian ... -
"Yte for å nyte" : en analyse av Aftenpostens fremstilling av Birkebeinerrittet mellom 2001 og 2011
(Master thesis, 2013)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker Aftenpostens fremstilling av Birkebeinerrittet med utgangspunkt i publiserte artikler mellom 2001 og 2011. Studien bygger på sider Norman Faircloughs kritiske diskursanalyse og viser hvordan ... -
Ytelsesindikatorer i høyere utdanning: En komparativ casestudie «Gitt et sett ytelsesindikatorer for høyere utdanning, hvilke dimensjoner for forbedring av kvalitet bør USN fokusere på?»
(Master thesis, 2022)Vi har valgt og ta for oss Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge hvor vi gjennomfører en konkurrentanalyse. For å gjennomføre dette bruker vi i hovedsak SWOT-modellen hvor vi ser på styrkene, svakhetene, mulighetene (fokusområder) ... -
Ytringsfrihet versus skjerming mot krenkelser
(Master thesis, 2022)Å danne elevene til aktive og kritisk tenkende medborgere, er en sentral del av skolens samfunnsfag, og dermed en vesentlig interesse i samfunnsdidaktikken. I denne prosessen er det en bred enighet om at diskusjon, ... -
Z-boson production in p-Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Measurement of Z-boson production in p-Pb collisions at √ sNN = 8.16 TeV and Pb-Pb collisions at √ sNN = 5.02 TeV is reported. It is performed in the dimuon decay channel, through the detection of muons with pseudorapidity ... -
Zero-Trust Principles for Legacy Components: 12 Rules for Legacy Devices: An Antidote to Chaos
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In this paper we briefly outline as set of rules for integration of legacy devices into a modern industrial control system. These rules are fairly simple, and are mostly derived from “Zero Trust” principles. These rules ...