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Word searching in multilingual dementia: An interdisciplinary approach
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Aims and objectives: This study investigates how multilingual speakers with dementia mobilise their multilingual and interactional resources when searching for words in a naming test setting, and how their word-search ... -
Relational and cultural continuity for children in foster care; A critical exploration of national policies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Based on an analysis of 14 national child welfare policies, the paper explores how relational and cultural continuity are framed in national foster care policies in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, England, Ireland and Scotland, ... -
Å (sammen)filte(s) med ull og steder gjennom a-r-t-ografens agenser i egen undervisning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen er skrevet frem med utgangspunkt i en undervisningssituasjon sammen med en gruppe barnehagelærerstudenter og store mengder kassert ull fra norsk villsau. Med a-r-t-ografi som forskningsmetodologi og pedagogisk ... -
Innovation in the realm of the unforeseen: A review of competence needed
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Our main research question in this article was: What are the competence structures for innovative processes? Both the nature of the unforeseen and innovation are related to something unknown, i.e., that ... -
Needs led research: ensuring relevant research in two PhD projects within maternity care
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background There has been a growing concern regarding research waste and the mismatch between conducted research and the research needs of knowledge users. The Needs Led Research (NLR) approach is proposed as an effective ...